Crate fdk_aac_sys

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  • \brief Get the mapping value for a specific channel and map index.
  • \brief Initialize a given channel map descriptor.
  • \brief Evaluate whether channel map descriptor is reasonable or not.
  • \brief Change the channel reordering state of a given channel map descriptor.
  • Allocate and clear an aligned memory area. Use FDKafree() instead of FDKfree() for these memory areas.
  • Allocate aligned memory in a specific memory section. See FDKcalloc_L() description for details - same applies here.
  • Free an aligned memory area.
  • Free aligned memory that was allocated in a specific memory section.
  • Allocate memory in a specific memory section. Requests can be made for internal or external memory. If internal memory is requested, FDKcalloc_L() first tries to use L1 memory, which sizes are defined by ::DATA_L1_A_SIZE and ::DATA_L1_B_SIZE. If no L1 memory is available, then FDKcalloc_L() tries to use L2 memory. If that fails as well, the requested memory is allocated at an extern location using the fallback FDKcalloc().
  • \brief Read variable of size “size” as little endian. Convert automatically to host endianess. 4-byte alignment is enforced for 24 bit data, at 32 bit full scale. \param dst Pointer to memory where to store data into. \param size Size of each item to be read. \param nmemb Number of items to be read. \param fp File pointer of type FDKFILE. \return Number of items read on success and fread() error on failure.
  • Free memory that was allocated in a specific memory section.
  • \brief Write each member in little endian order. Convert automatically to host endianess. \param ptrf Pointer to memory where to read data from. \param size Size of each item to be written. \param nmemb Number of items to be written. \param fp File pointer of type FDKFILE. \return Number of items read on success and fread() error on failure.
  • Wrapper for <stdio.h>’s getchar().
  • Clear memory. Either use implementation from a Standard Library, or, if no Standard Library is available, a generic implementation. The define ::USE_BUILTIN_MEM_FUNCTIONS in genericStds.cpp controls what to use. The function arguments correspond to the standard memclear(). Please see MSDN documentation for details on how to use it.
  • Copy memory. Source and destination memory must not overlap. Either use implementation from a Standard Library, or, if no Standard Library is available, a generic implementation. The define ::USE_BUILTIN_MEM_FUNCTIONS in genericStds.cpp controls what to use. The function arguments correspond to the standard memcpy(). Please see MSDN documentation for details on how to use it.
  • Copy memory. Source and destination memory are allowed to overlap. Either use implementation from a Standard Library, or, if no Standard Library is available, a generic implementation. The define ::USE_BUILTIN_MEM_FUNCTIONS in genericStds.cpp controls what to use. The function arguments correspond to the standard memmove(). Please see MSDN documentation for details on how to use it.
  • Fill memory with values. The function arguments correspond to the standard memset(). Please see MSDN documentation for details on how to use it.
  • \brief Print FDK software disclaimer.
  • Check platform for endianess.
  • Convert input value to little endian format.
  • \brief Get one ancillary data element.
  • \brief Initialize ancillary data buffer.
  • \brief De-allocate all resources of an AAC decoder instance.
  • \brief Explicitly configure the decoder by passing a raw AudioSpecificConfig (ASC) or a StreamMuxConfig (SMC), contained in a binary buffer. This is required for MPEG-4 and Raw Packets file format bitstreams as well as for LATM bitstreams with no in-band SMC. If the transport format is LATM with or without LOAS, configuration is assumed to be an SMC, for all other file formats an ASC.
  • \brief Decode one audio frame
  • \brief Fill AAC decoder’s internal input buffer with bitstream data from the external input buffer. The function only copies such data as long as the decoder-internal input buffer is not full. So it grabs whatever it can from pBuffer and returns information (bytesValid) so that at a subsequent call of %aacDecoder_Fill(), the right position in pBuffer can be determined to grab the next data.
  • \brief Get free bytes inside decoder internal buffer. \param self Handle of AAC decoder instance. \param pFreeBytes Pointer to variable receiving amount of free bytes inside decoder internal buffer. \return Error code.
  • \brief Get decoder library info.
  • \brief Get CStreamInfo handle from decoder.
  • \brief Open an AAC decoder instance. \param transportFmt The transport type to be used. \param nrOfLayers Number of transport layers. \return AAC decoder handle.
  • \brief Submit raw ISO base media file format boxes to decoder for parsing (only some box types are recognized).
  • \brief Set one single decoder parameter.
  • \brief Close the encoder instance.
  • \brief Encode audio data.
  • \brief Get information about encoder library build.
  • \brief Acquire info about present encoder instance.
  • \brief Open an instance of the encoder.
  • \brief Get one single AAC encoder parameter.
  • \brief Set one single AAC encoder parameter.

Type Definitions

  • \brief AAC decoder setting parameters
  • AAC encoder buffer descriptors identifier. This identifier are used within buffer descriptors AACENC_BufDesc::bufferIdentifiers.
  • AAC encoder control flags.
  • AAC encoder error codes.
  • Meta Data Compression Profiles.
  • \brief AAC encoder setting parameters.
  • \brief AAC decoder error codes.
  • \enum AAC_DRC_DEFAULT_PRESENTATION_MODE_OPTIONS \brief Options for handling of DRC parameters, if presentation mode is not indicated in bitstream
  • \enum AAC_MD_PROFILE \brief The available metadata profiles which are mostly related to downmixing. The values define the arguments for the use with parameter ::AAC_METADATA_PROFILE.
  • Speaker description tags. Do not change the enumeration values unless it keeps the following segmentation:
  • Audio Object Type definitions.
  • Channel Mode ( 1-7 equals MPEG channel configurations, others are arbitrary).
  • Extension payload types.
  • \fn FDKFILE *FDKfopen(const char *filename, const char *mode); Standard fopen() wrapper. \fn INT FDKfclose(FDKFILE *FP); Standard fclose() wrapper. \fn INT FDKfseek(FDKFILE *FP, LONG OFFSET, int WHENCE); Standard fseek() wrapper. \fn INT FDKftell(FDKFILE *FP); Standard ftell() wrapper. \fn INT FDKfflush(FDKFILE *fp); Standard fflush() wrapper. \fn UINT FDKfwrite(const void *ptrf, INT size, UINT nmemb, FDKFILE *fp); Standard fwrite() wrapper. \fn UINT FDKfread(void *dst, INT size, UINT nmemb, FDKFILE *fp); Standard fread() wrapper.
  • File format identifiers.
  • AAC encoder handle.
  • \var SCHAR Data type representing at least 1 byte signed integer on all supported platforms. Data type representing at least 1 byte unsigned integer on all supported platforms. Data type representing at least 4 byte signed integer on all supported platforms. Data type representing at least 4 byte unsigned integer on all supported platforms. Data type representing 4 byte signed integer on all supported platforms. Data type representing 4 byte unsigned integer on all supported platforms. Data type representing 2 byte signed integer on all supported platforms. Data type representing 2 byte unsigned integer on all supported platforms. Data type representing 8 byte signed integer on all supported platforms. Data type representing 8 byte unsigned integer on all supported platforms. Number of bits the data type short represents. sizeof() is not suited to get this info, because a byte is not always defined as 8 bits. Number of bits the data type char represents. sizeof() is not suited to get this info, because a byte is not always defined as 8 bits. Data type representing the width of input and output PCM samples.
  • Identifiers for various memory locations. They are used along with memory allocation functions like FDKcalloc_L() to specify the requested memory’s location.
  • MP4 Element IDs.
  • Proprietary raw packet file configuration data type identifier.
  • Transport type identifiers.
  • MPEG-D USAC & RSVD60 3D audio Extension Element Types.