Crate fcm

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A client for asynchronous sending of Firebase Cloud Messages, or Push Notifications.


To send out a FCM Message with some custom data:

let client = fcm::Client::new();

let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert("message", "Howdy!");

let mut builder = fcm::MessageBuilder::new("<FCM API Key>", "<registration id>");;

let response = client.send(builder.finalize()).await?;
println!("Sent: {:?}", response);

To send a message using FCM Notifications, we first build the notification:

let mut builder = fcm::NotificationBuilder::new();
builder.body("Do you want to catch up later?");
let notification = builder.finalize();

And then set it in the message, before sending it:

let client = fcm::Client::new();

let mut notification_builder = fcm::NotificationBuilder::new();
notification_builder.body("Do you want to catch up later?");

let notification = notification_builder.finalize();
let mut message_builder = fcm::MessageBuilder::new("<FCM API Key>", "<registration id>");

let response = client.send(message_builder.finalize()).await?;
println!("Sent: {:?}", response);



An async client for sending the notification payload.

ISO 8601 combined date and time with time zone.

ISO 8601 time duration with nanosecond precision. This also allows for the negative duration; see individual methods for details.

The time zone with fixed offset, from UTC-23:59:59 to UTC+23:59:59.

Represents a FCM message. Construct the FCM message using various utility methods and finally send it.

A builder to get a Message instance.

This struct represents a FCM notification. Use the corresponding NotificationBuilder to get an instance. You can then use this notification instance when sending a FCM message.

A builder to get a Notification instance.


Fatal errors. Referred from Firebase documentation

A description of what went wrong with the push notification. Referred from Firebase documentation

Fatal errors. Referred from Firebase documentation