[][src]Function fcc::get_last_byte

pub fn get_last_byte<R: Read + Seek>(f: &mut R) -> Result<u8>

Returns the last byte of a file, an in-memory cursor, or anything that implements Read and Seek.

Note that this function does not alter the internal cursor of the given input.


If the given reader is empty, an error variant of ErrorKind::SeekNegative will be returned. If this function encounters other errors, an error variant of ErrorKind::Io will be returned.


use fcc::get_last_byte;
use std::io::Cursor;

let mut cursor = Cursor::new(vec![1, 2, 3, b'\n']);
let last_byte = get_last_byte(&mut cursor).unwrap();

assert_eq!(last_byte, b'\n');