fbxcel 0.9.0

Excellent FBX library
# Change Log

## [Unreleased]

## [0.9.0]

* Remove `pull_parser::reader` module and items inside.
    + Trait bounds `R: ParserSource` are now replaced with `R: std::io::Read`.
* Change type parameters of `pull_parser::any::AnyParser` and `pull_parser::v7400::Parser`.
* Remove free functions to create parsers, and add inherent methods instead.
* Remove internal dependency to `byteorder` crate.

### Changed (breaking)
* Remove `pull_parser::reader` module and items inside.
    + Trait bounds `R: ParserSource` are now replaced with `R: std::io::Read`.
    + List of removed items:
        - `pull_parser::reader` module
        - `pull_parser::reader::ParserSource` trait
        - `pull_parser::reader::PlainSource` type
        - `pull_parser::reader::PositionCacheReader` type
        - `pull_parser::reader::SeekableSource` type
* Change type parameters of `pull_parser::any::AnyParser` and `pull_parser::v7400::Parser`.
    + The parameter type of the parser is simplified. Previously parsers were
      `{Any,}Parser<{Plain,Seekable}Source<R>>`, but now they are `{Any,}Parser<R>`.
* Remove free functions to create parsers, and add inherent methods instead.
    + List of removed functions and added alternatives:
        - `pull_parser::any::from_reader()`: replaced with
        - `pull_parser::any::from_seekable_reader()`: replaced with
        - `pull_parser::v7400::from_reader()`: Replaced with
        - `pull_parser::v7400::Parser::from_reader()`.
        - `pull_parser::v7400::from_seekable_reader()`: Replaced with
        - `pull_parser::v7400::Parser::from_seekable_reader()`.

### Changed (non-breaking)
* Remove internal dependency to `byteorder` crate.

## [0.8.2]

* Add more tree manipulation methods.

### Added
* Add more tree manipulation methods.
    + The methods below are added:
        - `tree::v7400::Tree::create_node()`
        - `tree::v7400::Tree::append()`
        - `tree::v7400::Tree::prepend()`
        - `tree::v7400::Tree::insert_after()`
        - `tree::v7400::Tree::insert_before()`
        - `tree::v7400::Tree::detach()`

## [0.8.1]

* Add types and methods to traverse nodes in depth-first order.
* Add methods to `Tree` to modify node attributes (not only appending).
* Make many (but not all) small methods `#[inline]`.
* Make some funcitions `#[must_use]`.

### Added
* Add types and methods to traverse nodes in depth-first order.
    + `tree::v7400::DepthFirstTraversed` type is added.
    + `tree::v7400::DepthFirstTraverseSubtree` type is added.
* Add methods to `Tree` to modify node attributes (not only appending).
    + `tree::v7400::Tree` has now three new methods: `get_attribute_mut()`,
      `take_attributes_vec()`, and `set_attributes_vec()`.

### Changed (non-breaking)
* Make many (but not all) small methods `#[inline]`.
* Make some funcitions `#[must_use]`.

## [0.8.0]

* Bump minimum supported Rust version to 1.56.0.
* Iterator types returned by `tree::v7400::NodeHandle::{children, children_by_name}`
  now have a name.
* All iterator types now have `std::iter::FusedIterator` impl.
* `tree::v7400::NodeHandle::first_child_by_name()` is added.
* Now some items on docs.rs have pretty badges indicating the items is only
  enabled with some features.
    + This won't affect any builds by other users. `cargo doc --all-features`
      and other commands should still run successfully with stable toolchain.
* Bump internal dependencies.

### Added
* `tree::v7400::NodeHandle::first_child_by_name()` is added.
    + `node.first_child_by_name(name)` returns the same result as

### Fixed
* Fixed incorrect attribute type value being written by the writer.

### Breaking changes
* Bump minimum supported Rust version to 1.56.0.

### Non-breaking changes
* Iterator types returned by `tree::v7400::NodeHandle::{children, children_by_name}`
  now have a name.
    + `NodeHandle::children()` returns `Children<'_>`.
    + `NodeHandle::children_by_name()` returns `ChildrenByName<'_>`.
    + By this change, now these iterators can be included in other types as a field.
* All iterator types defined by this crate now have `std::iter::FusedIterator` impl.

## [0.7.0]

* Bump minimum supported Rust version to 1.49.
* Bump internal dependencies.

## [0.6.0]

* Minimum supported Rust version is bumped to 1.40.0.
* Add an FBX version field to `any::AnyTree::V7400` variant
* Add `any::AnyTree::fbx_version()` method (372a2f6e0314eed86cc2c493d2e2fc86aa226781).

### Breaking changes
* Add an FBX version field to `any::AnyTree::V7400` variant
    + This is mainly used by newly added `any::AnyTree::fbx_version()`, but also useful for users to
      know FBX version.
        - For example, when users want to re-export the tree, they might want to know FBX version of
          the source document.

### Added
* Add `any::AnyTree::fbx_version()` method (372a2f6e0314eed86cc2c493d2e2fc86aa226781).
    + Using this, users can get FBX version of the tree even if the `AnyTree` variant is unknown for
    + By this method, users can emit meaningful error message if the tree is returned as unknown

### Non-breaking changes
* Use `#[non_exhaustive]` instead of hidden dummy variants for enums
    + Users won't affected by this internal change.

## [0.5.0]

* `pull_parser::error::{DataError, OperationError, Warning}` is now nonexhaustive.
    + This would make some of future changes non-breaking.
* Support parsing nodes with missing or extra node end markers.
    + Previously, they are ignored or causing critical errors.
      Now they are notified as warnings, and users can continue parsing.
    + Two new variants `Warning::{ExtraNodeEndMarker, MissingNodeEndMarker}` are added to
      `pull_parser::error::Warning` type.
        - Note that `Warning` have been nonexhaustive since this release.
* Deprecated items are removed.
    + `low::FbxHeader::read_fbx_header()`
    + `pull_parser::v7400::attribute::DirectAttributeValue`

### Breaking changes
* `pull_parser::error::{DataError, OperationError, Warning}` is now nonexhaustive
    + This would make some of future changes non-breaking.
* Support parsing nodes with missing or extra node end markers
    + Previously, missing node end markers caused errors, and extra node end markers were silently
      Now they are notified as warnings.
      Users can choose whether to continue or abort processing.
    + Two new variants `Warning::{ExtraNodeEndMarker, MissingNodeEndMarker}` are added to
      `pull_parser::error::Warning` type.
        - Note that `Warning` have been nonexhaustive since this release.
* Deprecated items are removed (9e38b4217d33ed8bca3f7e8b11d210845a4fa8c1).
    + `low::FbxHeader::read_fbx_header()`
    + `pull_parser::v7400::attribute::DirectAttributeValue`

## [0.4.4]

* Documents are improved a little.
* Manual tree construction (without using parser) is now supported.
    + You can add nodes and attributes manually to the tree at runtime.
    + You can describe the tree using `tree_v7400!` macro at compile time.
* FBX binary writer is added.
* Tiny improvements:
    + `low::v7400::AttributeValue` implements `From<_>` for some types.
    + Strict equality check is added for trees, nodes, and attribute values.
    + `tree::v7400::Tree::debug_tree()` is added.
* Now rustc-1.34 or later is required.
    + To use `std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto}`.

### Added
* Manual tree construction support is added (64f70b051c30, 39c4fabad119).
    + Methods to add new nodes and attributes are added.
    + Complete modification is not yet supported, for example modifying already
      added attributes or removing nodes.
    * `tree_v7400!` macro is added to construct tree easily.
      See documentation for detail.
* FBX binary writer is added (e1cb2a232d19, 33d9ac3a589c, d5dc779c0bd4,
  6cddca849a4f, 8c84359d2578).
    + `writer::v7400::binary` contains FBX binary writer stuff.
    + This can be enabled by `writer` feature.
    + `write_v7400_binary!` macro is also added.
      See the documentation for detail.
* `low::v7400::AttributeValue` implements `From<_>` for some types
  (a54226534a73, 6546d62fd38a).
    + Primitive types: `bool`, `i16`, `i32`, `i64`, `f32`, `f64`.
    + Vector types: `Vec<bool>`, `Vec<i32>`, `Vec<i64>`, `Vec<f32>`, `Vec<f64>`,
    + Slice types: `&[bool]`, `&[i32]`, `&[i64]`, `&[f32]`, `&[f64]`, `&[u8]`.
    + Special types: `String`, `&str`.
* Strict equality check is added for trees, nodes, and attribute values
    + Trees: `tree::v7400::Tree::strict_eq()`.
    + Nodes: `tree::v7400::NodeHandle::strict_eq()`.
    + Attributes: `low::v7400::AttributeValue::strict_eq()`.
    + These checks compares `f32` and `f64` bitwise.
      This means `NAN == NAN` situation is possible.
* `tree::v7400::Tree::debug_tree()` is added (4524b4dc4a99).
    * This returns pretty-printable object of the tree.
    * It dumps human-readable tree structure.
    * Default `Debug` implementation for `Tree` is hard to read because it dumps
      arena and interned string table.

### Non-breaking change
* Now rustc-1.34 or later is required.
    + To use `std::convert::TryFrom`.
    + Strictly, this is a breaking change (for users with rustc-1.33 or below),
      but not breaking for users with latest rustc.
    + Currently, only `writer` module uses `TryFrom`.
      Users not using `writer` feature won't be affected for now, but they could
      encounter compile error in future version of fbxcel.

## [0.4.3]

* Longer lifetime for iterator returned by

### Non-breaking change
* Longer lifetime for iterator returned by
  `tree::v7400::NodeHandle::children_by_name()` (08ab27a7fc23).
    + Previously, lifetime of the returned iterator should be same as or shorter
      than the `NodeHandle` object.
      This was unnecessary restriction.
    + Now the restriction is relaxed. The iterator can live longer, and have
      the same lifetime as `Tree` object.

## [0.4.2]

* A bug around `pull_parser::v7400::Parser::skip_current_node()` is fixed.

### Non-breaking change
* `pull_parser::skip_current_node()` now updates parser status correctly
    + Previously, internal state of the parser is not updated correctly after
      This can cause parser error for correct FBX file, because the parser
      cannot track correct end position of the next node.
      This problem is now fixed.
    + This was overlooked when 5e8d3fbd97e5 was merged...

## [0.4.1]

* Docs are made more detailed, and some examples are added.
* A bug around `pull_parser::v7400::Parser::skip_current_node()` is fixed.

### Added
* `pull_parser::v7400::Parser::is_used()` is added (f55e385c745e).

### Non-breaking change
* `low::FbxHeader::read_fbx_header()` is renamed to `load()` (62f8af93a701).
  The old name is deprecated.
* `pull_parser::skip_current_node()` now updates parser status correctly
    + Previously the parser status is not updated correctly after
      This can cause parser error for correct FBX file, because the parser was
      not able to determine presence of node end marker.
      This problem is now fixed.
* `tree::v7400::Loader::load()` now check parser status more precisely
    + Previously, the check is loose and some of already used parser could be
      Now this check is fixed perfectly, and invalid parser is rejected as

#### Deprecation
* `low::FbxHeader::read_fbx_header()` is deprecated (62f8af93a701).
    + Use `low::FbxHeader::load()` instead.

## [0.4.0]

* **`dom` module is now split to another crate,
    + If you want to interpret and render FBX data, use it.
* Object properties are supported.
    + Very basic support, but would be useful.
* Huge refactoring around attribute values.
    + Many types, modules, and functions are renamed and moved.
* `{pull_parser,tree}::any` module is added.
    + They provide mostly version-independent way to read and load the FBX data.

### Breaking change
#### Prefer "load" to "visit" for node attributes
* `pull_parser::v7400::attribute::VisitAttribute` is changed to
    + `VisitAttributeValue::visit_*` is renamed to `LoadAttribute::load_*`.
* `pull_parser::v7400::attribute::Attributes::visit_*` is renamed to
* `pull_parser::ParserVersion` is now nonexhaustive.
    + By this change, it is non-breaking change to add new parser version in

### Non-breaking change
* Attributes slice returned by `tree::v7400::NodeHandle::attributes()` now have
  same lifetime as the tree.
    + The lifetime was mistakenly set too short in previous implementation, but
      this is now fixed.

#### Deprecation
* `pull_parser::v7400::attribute:DirectAttributeValue` is now deprecated.
    + It is moved to `low::v7400::AttributeValue`.
    + Now `DirectAttributeValue` is a type alias to
    + The type alias will exist for a while, but will be removed in future

## [0.3.0]

* `dom` module is completely rewritten.
    + **No compatibility** with old (0.2.0) `dom` module.
* `tree` module is added.
    + This can be enabled with `tree` feature.

### Breaking changes
* `dom` module is completely rewritten.
    + **No compatibility** with old (0.2.0) `dom` module.

### Added
* `tree` module is added.
    + This can be enabled with `tree` feature.
    + `tree::v7400::Tree` manages raw FBX tree data, but do not touch their
* `pull_parser::v7400::attribute::DirectAttributeValue::get_{{types}}_or_type()`
  are added.
    + `{{types}}` are: `bool`, `i16`, `i32`, `i64`, `f32`, `f64`, `arr_bool`,
      `arr_i32`, `arr_i64`, `arr_f32`, `arr_f64`, `string`, and `binary`.
    + This enables using type info at method chain, for example
      `let val = attr.get_i64_or_type().map_err(|ty|
      Error::new("Expected i64 but got {:?}", ty))?;`.

## [0.2.0]

* Syntactic position information for pull parser is supported.
  Syntactic position contains node path, node index, attribute index, etc.
  This will make errors and warnings more detailed and useful.
* Quite basic DOM is implemented.
  This is not yet practically usable.

### Breaking changes
* `pull_parser::v7400::Parser::set_warning_handler()` now requires
  `'static + FnMut(Warning, &SyntacticPosition) -> Result<()>` as warning
  hander (note that `&SyntacticPosition` argument is added).
    + By this change, warning handler can use position information where the
      warning happened.
* `low::FbxHeader::read_fbx_header` now takes `impl std::io::Read` instead of a
  type parameter.

### Added
* `dom` module is added.
    + This can be enabled by `dom` feature, but this is not yet practically
* `pull_parser::SyntacticPosition` is added.
* `pull_parser::error::Error::position()` is added.
* `pull_parser::v7400::Parser::skip_current_node()` is added.
* `pull_parser::v7400::attribute::Attributes::iter{,_buffered}` and
  `pull_parser::v7400::attribute::iter` module are added.
* `pull_parser::v7400::attribute::DirectAttributeValue::get_{{types}}()` are
    + `{{types}}` are: `bool`, `i16`, `i32`, `i64`, `f32`, `f64`, `arr_bool`,
      `arr_i32`, `arr_i64`, `arr_f32`, `arr_f64`, `string`, and `binary`.

## [0.1.0]

Totally rewritten.

[Unreleased]: <https://github.com/lo48576/fbxcel/compare/v0.9.0...develop>
[0.9.0]: <https://github.com/lo48576/fbxcel/releases/tag/v0.9.0>
[0.8.2]: <https://github.com/lo48576/fbxcel/releases/tag/v0.8.2>
[0.8.1]: <https://github.com/lo48576/fbxcel/releases/tag/v0.8.1>
[0.8.0]: <https://github.com/lo48576/fbxcel/releases/tag/v0.8.0>
[0.7.0]: <https://github.com/lo48576/fbxcel/releases/tag/v0.7.0>
[0.6.1]: <https://github.com/lo48576/fbxcel/releases/tag/v0.6.1>
[0.6.0]: <https://github.com/lo48576/fbxcel/releases/tag/v0.6.0>
[0.5.0]: <https://github.com/lo48576/fbxcel/releases/tag/v0.5.0>
[0.4.4]: <https://github.com/lo48576/fbxcel/releases/tag/v0.4.4>
[0.4.3]: <https://github.com/lo48576/fbxcel/releases/tag/v0.4.3>
[0.4.2]: <https://github.com/lo48576/fbxcel/releases/tag/v0.4.2>
[0.4.1]: <https://github.com/lo48576/fbxcel/releases/tag/v0.4.1>
[0.4.0]: <https://github.com/lo48576/fbxcel/releases/tag/v0.4.0>
[0.3.0]: <https://github.com/lo48576/fbxcel/releases/tag/v0.3.0>
[0.2.0]: <https://github.com/lo48576/fbxcel/releases/tag/v0.2.0>
[0.1.0]: <https://github.com/lo48576/fbxcel/releases/tag/v0.1.0>