fb_stats 0.2.0

Stats library
 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under both the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE-MIT file in the root directory of this source tree and the Apache
 * License, Version 2.0 found in the LICENSE-APACHE file in the root directory
 * of this source tree.

//! Provides a macro `define_stats!` for creation of stats. This crate requires the caller to
//! schedule aggregation of stats by calling schedule_stats_aggregation and executing the returned
//! future.

#![deny(warnings, missing_docs, clippy::all, rustdoc::broken_intra_doc_links)]

pub mod macros;
mod noop_stats;
pub mod thread_local_aggregator;

pub mod prelude {
    //! A "prelude" of `stats` crate.
    //! This prelude is similar to the standard library's prelude in that you'll
    //! almost always want to import its entire contents, but unlike the standard
    //! library's prelude you'll have to do so manually:
    //! ```
    //! # #![allow(unused)]
    //! use stats::prelude::*;
    //! ```
    pub use stats_traits::dynamic_stat_types::DynamicCounter;
    pub use stats_traits::dynamic_stat_types::DynamicHistogram;
    pub use stats_traits::dynamic_stat_types::DynamicSingletonCounter;
    pub use stats_traits::dynamic_stat_types::DynamicTimeseries;
    pub use stats_traits::stat_types::Counter;
    pub use stats_traits::stat_types::CounterStatic;
    pub use stats_traits::stat_types::Histogram;
    pub use stats_traits::stat_types::HistogramStatic;
    pub use stats_traits::stat_types::Timeseries;
    pub use stats_traits::stat_types::TimeseriesStatic;

    pub use crate::define_stats;
    pub use crate::define_stats_struct;

use std::sync::RwLock;

use stats_traits::stat_types::BoxSingletonCounter;
use stats_traits::stats_manager::BoxStatsManager;
use stats_traits::stats_manager::StatsManagerFactory;

pub use self::thread_local_aggregator::schedule_stats_aggregation_preview;

static STATS_MANAGER_FACTORY: RwLock<Option<Box<dyn StatsManagerFactory + Send + Sync>>> =

/// This function must be called exactly once before accessing any of the stats,
/// otherwise it will panic.
/// If it won't be called a default stats manager factory will be assumed that
/// does nothing. (Facebook only: the default will use fb303 counters)
pub fn register_stats_manager_factory(factory: impl StatsManagerFactory + Send + Sync + 'static) {
    let mut global_factory = STATS_MANAGER_FACTORY.write().expect("poisoned lock");
        "Called stats::stats_manager::register_stats_manager_factory more than once"

/// You probably don't have to use this function, it is made public so that it
/// might be used by the macros in this crate. It reads the globally registered
/// StatsManagerFactory and creates a new instance of StatsManager.
pub fn create_stats_manager() -> BoxStatsManager {
    if let Some(factory) = STATS_MANAGER_FACTORY
        .expect("poisoned lock")
        return factory.create();
    // We get here only if register_stats_manager_factory was not called yet
    // but we have to keep in mind this is a race so first get hold of write
    // lock and check if the factory is still unset.
    let mut write_lock = STATS_MANAGER_FACTORY.write().expect("poisoned lock");
    let factory = write_lock.get_or_insert_with(get_default_stats_manager_factory);

fn get_default_stats_manager_factory() -> Box<dyn StatsManagerFactory + Send + Sync> {

/// You probably don't have to use this function, it is made public so that it
/// might be used by the macros in this crate. It creates a new SingletonCounter.
pub fn create_singleton_counter(name: String) -> BoxSingletonCounter {

        let _ = name;