fastobo-syntax 0.3.6

PEG Syntax and pest parser for the OBO flat file format 1.4
# `fastobo-syntax` [![Star me]]

*PEG Syntax and pest parser for the OBO flat file format 1.4*

[![GitHub issues](](

## Overview

This library is a strict implementation of the [OBO flat file format 1.4](
syntax using the [`pest`]( parser generator. It was outsourced from
[`fastobo`]( to reduce compilation time, since deriving the `OboParser` from
[`grammar.pest`]( takes some time.

The parser itself is reexported in [`fastobo::parser`](, so there
is probably no need to depend on this crate directly.

## Strictness

The syntax is a strict implementation of the 1.4 format, with the following exceptions:

* `property_value` clauses can have a value with is not quote-enclosed. This is a workaround
  to support some ontology files using `obo2owl` or the `owlapi` to generate their OBO
  counterpart, which does not quote-enclose property values
* ISO-8601 datetimes can only be parsed from the canonical format (`ỲYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS`)
  with an optional timezone. Week dates and calendar dates are not supported.

## See also

* [`fastobo`] Abstract Syntax Tree and data
  structures for the OBO format version 1.4.
* [`fastobo-py`] Idiomatic Python bindings
  to the `fastobo` crate.

## Feedback

Found a bug ? Have an enhancement request ? Head over to the
[GitHub issue tracker]( of the project if
you need to report or ask something. If you are filling in on a bug, please include as much
information as you can about the issue, and try to recreate the same bug in a simple, easily
reproducible situation.

## About

This project was developed by [Martin Larralde](
as part of a Master's Degree internship in the [BBOP team]( of the
[Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory](, under the supervision of
[Chris Mungall]( Cite this project as:

*Larralde M.* **Developing Python and Rust libraries to improve the ontology ecosystem**
*\[version 1; not peer reviewed\].* F1000Research 2019, 8(ISCB Comm J):1500 (poster)