fastnbt 0.8.0

Minecraft NBT (and more) parser aiming for high speed parsing.

fastnbt crate


Fast (or trying to be!) deserailizer and parser for Minecraft: Java Edition's NBT and Anvil formats.


  • a serde based deserializer for NBT for deserialising into structs.
  • a parser for low memory and/or NBT with unknown structure.
  • various types for handling Anvil region files.

Serde deserialization is implemented in a way to try and avoid memory allocations. Strings can be deserialized as &str, as well as deserialising the block states of chunks to &[u8].

See the examples directory for more examples.

Serde derserialize example

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "PascalCase")]
struct PlayerDat<'a> {
    data_version: i32,

    inventory: Vec<InventorySlot<'a>>,
    ender_items: Vec<InventorySlot<'a>>,

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct InventorySlot<'a> {
    id: &'a str, // we avoid allocating a string here.