Crate fastfield_codecs

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  • Columnar storage of data for tantivy Column.
  • Encode data in different codecs.
  • Monotonically map values to u64/u128


Wraps an iterator into a Column.
The normalized header gives some parameters after applying the following normalization of the vector: val -> (val - min_value) / gcd
VecColumn provides Column over a slice.


Available codecs to use to encode the u64 (via MonotonicallyMappableToU64) converted data.
Available codecs to use to encode the u128 (via MonotonicallyMappableToU128) converted data.


The list of all available codecs for u64 convertible data.


Column provides columnar access on a field.
Monotonic maps a value to u64 value space. Monotonic mapping enables PartialOrd on u64 space without conversion to original space.
Montonic maps a value to u128 value space Monotonic mapping enables PartialOrd on u128 space without conversion to original space.
Values need to be strictly monotonic mapped to a Internal value (u64 or u128) that can be used in fast field codecs.


Return estimated compression for given codec in the value range [0.0..1.0], where 1.0 means no compression.
Creates a view of a column transformed by a strictly monotonic mapping. See StrictlyMonotonicFn.
Returns the correct codec reader wrapped in the Arc for the data.
Returns the correct codec reader wrapped in the Arc for the data.
Serializes the column with the codec with the best estimate on the data.
Helper function to serialize a column (autodetect from all codecs) and then open it
Serializes u128 values with the compact space codec.