fast_log 1.4.20

Rust async log High-performance asynchronous logging
# log

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the fast log . This crate uses #! [forbid(unsafe_code)] to ensure everything is implemented in 100% Safe Rust.

A log implementation for extreme speed, using Crossbeam to double the efficiency (as opposed to the standard library MPSC) with a lockless channel, using a channel to write logs asynchronously. Completely use the safe code to achieve, without safe code

* Low overhead, based on May coroutines

* High performance, use lockless message queue, log is stored in queue, then flush disk. It does not block the caller

* Full APPEND mode file writing, high efficiency for solid state/mechanical disk (solid state and mechanical disk sequential write performance is better than random write)

* Built-in ZIP compression, compressed file name date + serial number, no need to worry about the log file is too large

* Built-in log segmentation, custom log full number of immediately split

* Built-in filtering configuration support, can be customized to filter out other library printed logs

* Support custom compression algorithms, such as ZIP and LZ4


log data->    | main channel(crossbeam)  |   ->          
                                        ----------------                                    ----------------------
                                  ->    |coroutines channel(may)|  -> background coroutines  |    appender1  |
                                        ----------------                                    ----------------------

                                        ----------------                                    ----------------------
                                  ->    |coroutines channel(may)|  -> background coroutines  |    appender2  |
                                        ----------------                                    ----------------------

                                        ----------------                                    ----------------------
                                  ->    |coroutines channel(may)|  -> background coroutines  |    appender3  |
                                        ----------------                                    ----------------------

                                        ----------------                                    ----------------------
                                  ->    |coroutines channel(may)|  -> background coroutines  |    appender4  |
                                        ----------------                                    ----------------------


> How fast is >?

// Win10 (PC 6 core, mechanical hard disk)

* Use QPS: 525892 /s

// Win10 (PC 6 core, SSD)

* USE QPS: 508215 pieces /s

> support Future mode,async await based on mpsc channel, tokio or async_std
> support log split,zip_compress

* how to use?

log = "0.4"
fast_log = {version = "1.4"}
or enable zip/lz4/gzip Compression library
log = "0.4"
# "lz4","zip","gzip"
fast_log = {version = "1.4" , features = ["lz4","zip","gzip"]}

#### Use Log

use fast_log::{init_log};
use log::{error, info, warn};
fn  main(){
    fast_log::init_log("requests.log",  log::Level::Info, None,true);
    info!("Commencing yak shaving");

##### split log, allow_zip_compress = Zip compression

pub fn test_file_compation() {
    init_split_log("target/logs/",  LogSize::MB(1), false, log::Level::Info, None, Box::new(ZipPacker{}), true);// or Box::new(LZ4Packer{})
    for _ in 0..200000 {
        info!("Commencing yak shaving");

##### Custom Log

use fast_log::{init_custom_log,LogAppender};
use log::{error, info, warn};

pub struct CustomLog{}
impl LogAppender for CustomLog{
    fn do_log(&mut self, record: &FastLogRecord) {
fn  main(){
    fast_log::init_custom_log(vec![Box::new(CustomLog {})],  log::Level::Info, Box::new(NoFilter {}));
    info!("Commencing yak shaving");