fast_io 1.2.0

Library crate to read and write &str and types implementing the copy trait into files


A simple and fast file I/O for the rust programming language

This library enables you to read and write &str as well as types implementing the copy trait.

How to use it

Add it to your dependencies (Cargo.toml)

fast_io = 1.1.1

Include it and use it in your code (src/

extern crate fast_io;
use fast_io::prelude::*;
use std::fs::remove_file;

fn main() {
    let file_path = "some_file.txt";

    // Content to read and write to the file
    let a: i32 = -42;
    let b: f64 = 42.42;
    let c: u16 = 42;
    let d: Point = Point { x: 42.0, y: 42.0 };
    let e: Neuron = Neuron { bias: 17.0, prev_delta: 18.42, output: 19.0};
    let g: Vec<Neuron> = vec![e.clone(); 18];
    let h: &str = "Hello World!";
    let i: Vec<Point> = vec![Point { x: 42.0, y: 42.0}; 42];

    // Create the file
    let mut f = File::create(file_path).unwrap();

    // Write to the file
    f.write_copy(&d).unwrap(); f).unwrap(); f).unwrap();

    // re-open the file for reading
    let mut f = File::open(file_path).unwrap();

    // Read the file content
    let a2: i32 = f.read_copy().unwrap();
    let b2: f64 = f.read_copy().unwrap();
    let c2: u16 = f.read_copy().unwrap();
    let d2: Point = f.read_copy().unwrap();
    let e2 = Neuron::load(&mut f).unwrap();
    let g2 = Vec::<Neuron>::load(&mut f).unwrap();
    let h2 = &f.read_str().unwrap();
    let i2: Vec<Point> = f.read_slice().unwrap();

    assert_eq!(a, a2);
    assert_eq!(b, b2);
    assert_eq!(c, c2);
    assert_eq!(d, d2);
    assert_eq!(e, e2);
    assert_eq!(g, g2);
    assert_eq!(h, h2);
    assert_eq!(i, i2);


#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
struct Point {
    x: f64,
    y: f64

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Neuron {
    bias: f64,
    prev_delta: f64,
    output: f64

impl PartialEq for Neuron {
    fn eq(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool {
        self.bias == rhs.bias

impl CustomIO for Neuron {
    fn save<T: CopyIO>(&self, f: &mut T) -> Result<()> {
    fn load<T: CopyIO>(f: &mut T) -> Result<Self> {
        Ok(Neuron {
            bias: f.read_copy()?,
            prev_delta: 0.0,
            output: 0.0