fast-paillier 0.1.0

Optimized Paillier encryption scheme
#![doc = include_str!("../")]

mod decryption_key;
mod encryption_key;
pub mod utils;

#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
mod serde;

use std::fmt;

use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
use rug::Integer;

/// Paillier ciphertext
pub type Ciphertext = Integer;
/// Paillier plaintext
pub type Plaintext = Integer;
/// Paillier nonce
pub type Nonce = Integer;

pub use self::{decryption_key::DecryptionKey, encryption_key::EncryptionKey};

/// Error type used in the library
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub struct Error(#[from] Reason);

#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
enum Reason {
    #[error("p,q are invalid")]
    #[error("encryption error")]
    #[error("decryption error")]
    #[error("homomorphic operation failed: invalid inputs")]
    #[error("could not precompute data for faster exponentiation")]
    #[error("bug occurred")]
    Bug(#[source] Bug),

#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
enum Bug {
    #[error("pow mod undefined")]

impl From<Bug> for Error {
    fn from(err: Bug) -> Self {

mod sealed {
    pub trait Sealed {}
    impl Sealed for crate::EncryptionKey {}
    impl Sealed for crate::DecryptionKey {}

/// Any key capable of encryption
/// Both encryption and decryption keys can be used to carry out encryption. Moreover, encryption
/// using decryption key is faster.
/// ## Example
/// This trait can be used, for instance, to accept an encryption key as an argument to the function
/// and benefit from faster encryption if decryption key is provided.
/// ```rust
/// use fast_paillier::{AnyEncryptionKey, Error};
/// use rug::Integer;
/// // This function accepts both encryption and decryption key. If decryption key is provided,
/// // it'll be more efficient
/// fn some_function(ek: &dyn AnyEncryptionKey) -> Result<Integer, Error> {
///     // ...
/// # let x = Integer::from(123); let r = Integer::from(321);
///     let ciphertext = ek.encrypt_with(&x, &r)?;
///     Ok(ciphertext)
/// }
/// ```
pub trait AnyEncryptionKey: sealed::Sealed {
    /// Returns `N`
    fn n(&self) -> &Integer;
    /// Returns `N^2`
    fn nn(&self) -> &Integer;
    /// Returns `N/2`
    fn half_n(&self) -> &Integer;

    /// Encrypts the plaintext `x` in `{-N/2, .., N_2}` with `nonce` in `Z*_n`
    /// Returns error if inputs are not in specified range
    fn encrypt_with(&self, x: &Plaintext, nonce: &Nonce) -> Result<Ciphertext, Error>;

    /// Homomorphic addition of two ciphertexts
    /// ```text
    /// oadd(Enc(a1), Enc(a2)) = Enc(a1 + a2)
    /// ```
    fn oadd(&self, c1: &Ciphertext, c2: &Ciphertext) -> Result<Ciphertext, Error>;
    /// Homomorphic subtraction of two ciphertexts
    /// ```text
    /// osub(Enc(a1), Enc(a2)) = Enc(a1 - a2)
    /// ```
    fn osub(&self, c1: &Ciphertext, c2: &Ciphertext) -> Result<Ciphertext, Error>;
    /// Homomorphic multiplication of scalar at ciphertext
    /// ```text
    /// omul(a, Enc(c)) = Enc(a * c)
    /// ```
    fn omul(&self, scalar: &Integer, ciphertext: &Ciphertext) -> Result<Ciphertext, Error>;
    /// Homomorphic negation of a ciphertext
    /// ```text
    /// oneg(Enc(a)) = Enc(-a)
    /// ```
    fn oneg(&self, ciphertext: &Ciphertext) -> Result<Ciphertext, Error>;

    /// Checks whether `x` is `{-N/2, .., N/2}`
    fn in_signed_group(&self, x: &Integer) -> bool;

/// Additional functionality implemented for [AnyEncryptionKey]
pub trait AnyEncryptionKeyExt: AnyEncryptionKey {
    /// Encrypts the plaintext `x` in `{-N/2, .., N_2}`
    /// Nonce is sampled randomly using `rng`.
    /// Returns error if plaintext is not in specified range
    fn encrypt_with_random(
        rng: &mut (impl RngCore + CryptoRng),
        x: &Plaintext,
    ) -> Result<(Ciphertext, Nonce), Error>;

impl<E: AnyEncryptionKey> AnyEncryptionKeyExt for E {
    fn encrypt_with_random(
        rng: &mut (impl RngCore + CryptoRng),
        x: &Plaintext,
    ) -> Result<(Ciphertext, Nonce), Error> {
        let nonce = utils::sample_in_mult_group(rng, self.n());
        let ciphertext = self.encrypt_with(x, &nonce)?;
        Ok((ciphertext, nonce))

impl AnyEncryptionKey for EncryptionKey {
    fn n(&self) -> &Integer {

    fn nn(&self) -> &Integer {

    fn half_n(&self) -> &Integer {

    fn encrypt_with(&self, x: &Plaintext, nonce: &Nonce) -> Result<Ciphertext, Error> {
        self.encrypt_with(x, nonce)

    fn oadd(&self, c1: &Ciphertext, c2: &Ciphertext) -> Result<Ciphertext, Error> {
        self.oadd(c1, c2)

    fn osub(&self, c1: &Ciphertext, c2: &Ciphertext) -> Result<Ciphertext, Error> {
        self.osub(c1, c2)

    fn omul(&self, scalar: &Integer, ciphertext: &Ciphertext) -> Result<Ciphertext, Error> {
        self.omul(scalar, ciphertext)

    fn oneg(&self, ciphertext: &Ciphertext) -> Result<Ciphertext, Error> {

    fn in_signed_group(&self, x: &Integer) -> bool {

impl AnyEncryptionKey for DecryptionKey {
    fn n(&self) -> &Integer {

    fn nn(&self) -> &Integer {

    fn half_n(&self) -> &Integer {

    fn encrypt_with(&self, x: &Plaintext, nonce: &Nonce) -> Result<Ciphertext, Error> {
        self.encrypt_with(x, nonce)

    fn oadd(&self, c1: &Ciphertext, c2: &Ciphertext) -> Result<Ciphertext, Error> {
        self.encryption_key().oadd(c1, c2)

    fn osub(&self, c1: &Ciphertext, c2: &Ciphertext) -> Result<Ciphertext, Error> {
        self.encryption_key().osub(c1, c2)

    fn omul(&self, scalar: &Integer, ciphertext: &Ciphertext) -> Result<Ciphertext, Error> {
        self.omul(scalar, ciphertext)

    fn oneg(&self, ciphertext: &Ciphertext) -> Result<Ciphertext, Error> {

    fn in_signed_group(&self, x: &Integer) -> bool {

impl<'a> fmt::Debug for dyn AnyEncryptionKey + 'a {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("N", self.n())