factori 0.0.3

A factory library for Rust, inspired by FactoryBot. 🤖

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A testing factory library for Rust, inspired by FactoryBot. 🤖 🦀

Factori works on stable Rust >=1.26. It aims to provide a clean, ergonomic syntax for instantiating test objects, without sacrificing type-safety.


Factori provides two macros: factori!, which defines a factory for a type, and create! which instantiates it:

// Factori's macros recurse a lot. You may need to tell the compiler to increase its macro
// recursion limit. It should not affect run-time performance.

extern crate factori;

pub struct Vehicle {
    number_wheels: u8,
    electric: bool,

factori!(Vehicle, {
    default {
        number_wheels: 4,
        electric: false,

    trait bike {
        number_wheels: 2,

fn main() {
    let default = create!(Vehicle);
    assert_eq!(default.number_wheels, 4);
    assert_eq!(default.electric, false);

    let three_wheels = create!(Vehicle, number_wheels: 3);
    assert_eq!(three_wheels.number_wheels, 3);

    let electric_bike = create!(Vehicle, :bike, electric: true);
    assert_eq!(electric_bike.number_wheels, 2);
    assert_eq!(electric_bike.electric, true);

More examples are available in the tests/ directory.


Factori is still brand new, and the syntax may change significantly between point-releases.



cargo test
