# Fac build system

Fac is a general-purpose build system inspired by make that utilizes
ptrace to ensure that all dependences are enumerated and that all
source files are added to a (git) repo.  An important feature of fac
is that it automatically handles dependencies, rather than either
complaining about them or giving an incorrect build.  Currently, fac
only runs on linux systems, but on those systems it is incredibly easy
to use!

<img src="kells-fac.svg" alt="Fac"/>

* Automatically tracks build dependencies in a way that is independent
  of programming language.  You are only required to specify the
  minimum of dependencies for each rule (which is often an empty set),
  and fac works out the rest for you.  If you fail to specify
  dependencies, fac should still build successfully if you use it

* Parallel building.

* You are forced to write your configuration in a language of your own
  choice.  (Or conversely, you are not forced to use a language of
  *my* choice, much less a custom-built language that I developed.)

* Integrates with git, to keep you from forgetting to `git add` a file
  that is needed for the build.

## How does it work?

- Fac uses ptrace to track every system call your build command makes.
  Thus we can see precisely which files are read, and which files are

- Fac has an extremely simple declarative
  [file format]documentation.html.  There are no variables, no
  functions, no macros.  Just data.  This could be a problem for
  larger projects if you were forced to write these files by hand.
  But in most large projects you will just write a script to generate
  these files.

- You write your "build" script as a program (in the language of your
  choice) that creates a `.fac` file.  This script is run (and
  re-run) using the same dependency-tracking mechanism that is used to
  for an ordinary build.  Thus, you can get away with writing a simple
  but inefficient script, since it will only seldom be run.  (Unlike,
  e.g. `scons` which has to rerun your `SConstruct` python file on
  every build.)

- If your build rules depend on the operating system, or the system
  environment, your "configure" script is the same program (in the
  language of your choice) that creates a `.fac` file.  Or perhaps
  it provides input to the script that actually creates the `.fac`

For a lengthier introduction and motivation for fac, see
[Introducing fac](introducing-fac.html).