ezomyte 0.0.1

Path of Exile API client library


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Client library for Path of Exile API


Warning: The crate is in early stages and the interface (esp. the data model for items) is likely to evolve over time.


Add ezomyte to your project's [dependencies] in Cargo.toml:

ezomyte = "0.0.1"


ezomyte::Client provides access to various part of Path of Exile API: public stashes (Client::stashes), current & past leagues (Client::leagues), and so on.

All endpoints return asynchronous Streams of structures that has been deserialized from PoE API. Here's a simple example of accessing public stash tabs and looking for items with the unique rarity:

extern crate ezomyte;
extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio_core;

use ezomyte::Rarity;
use futures::Stream;
use tokio_core::reactor::Core;

fn main() {
    let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
    let client = ezomyte::Client::new("ezomyte example", &core.handle());
        client.stashes().all().for_each(|stash| {
            let uniques = stash.items.iter().filter(|i| i.rarity == Rarity::Unique);
            for item in uniques {
                // Prints something like "Belly of the Beast -- Full Wyrmscale".
                println!("{}; {} -- {}",
                    item.name.as_ref().map(|n| n.as_str()).unwrap_or("<unnamed>"),

See the examples directory for more examples.


Besides the current version of Rust compiler and Cargo, you would want:

  • the just task runner (cargo install just)
  • jq, the command line JSON manipulator (apt-get install jq or similar)

Running just will execute all the tests and compile examples.