ezconf 0.2.0

A library for easily making your program configurable

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A library to add configuration options to your project with as little boilerplate as possible. Uses toml as the configuration format.

All macros will cache the value for fast access times (Although, if it is really time critical, you should save it to a variable yourself)

Important: Due to the way this crate was implemented, it is necessary to import the lazy_static macro in your project


extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate ezconf;

// You can specify multiple config files. Only the first one
// that can be opened will be used.
ezconf_file!(CONFIG = "tests/test.toml", "tests/test2.toml");

fn main() {
    let mut value = 100.0f64;
    // This is supposed to be a very complex algorithm
    for i in 0..1000 {
        // The default value (0.1) will be used if the value
        // does not exist in the config
        let CONSTANT = ezconf_float!(CONFIG: "float.a", 0.1);

        value = value.powf(CONSTANT);


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