eyre 0.3.4

Flexible concrete Error Handling and Reporting type built on std::error::Error


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This library provides eyre::ErrReport, a trait object based error handling type for easy idiomatic error handling and reporting in Rust applications.

This crate is a fork of anyhow by @dtolnay. By default this crate does not add any new features that anyhow doesn't already support, though it does rename a number of the APIs to try to make the proper usage more obvious. The magic of this crate is when you need to add extra context to a chain of errors beyond what you can or should insert into the error chain. For an example of a customized version of eyre check out jane-eyre.

My goal in writing this crate is to explore new ways to associate context with errors, to cleanly separate the concept of an error and context about an error, and to more clearly communicate the intended usage of this crate via changes to the API.

The main changes this crate brings to anyhow are

  • Addition of the eyre::EyreContext trait and a type parameter on the core error handling type which users can use to insert custom forms of context into their catch-all error handling type.
  • Rebranding the type as principally for error reporting, rather than describing it as an error type in its own right. What is and isn't an error is a fuzzy concept, for the purposes of this crate though errors are types that implement std::error::Error, and you'll notice that this trait implementation is conspicuously absent on ErrReport. Instead it contains errors that it masqerades as, and provides helpers for creating new errors to wrap those errors and for displaying those chains of errors, and the included context, to the end user. The goal is to make it obvious that this type is meant to be used when the only way you expect to handle errors is to print them.
  • Changing the anyhow::Context trait to eyre::WrapErr to make it clear that it is unrelated to the eyre::EyreContext trait and member, and is only for inserting new errors into the chain of errors.
  • Addition of new context helpers on EyreContext (member_ref/member_mut) and context/context_mut on ErrReport for working with the custom context and extracting forms of context based on their type independent of the type of the custom context.

These changes were made in order to facilitate the usage of tracing_error::SpanTrace with anyhow, which is a Backtrace-like type for rendering custom defined runtime context.

eyre = "0.3"


In order to insert your own custom context type you must first implement the eyre::EyreContext trait for said type, which has three required methods and two optional methods.

Required Methods

  • fn default(error: &Error) -> Self - For constructing default context while allowing special case handling depending on the content of the error you're wrapping.

This is essentially Default::default but more flexible, for example, the eyre::DefaultContext type provide by this crate uses this to only capture a Backtrace if the inner Error does not already have one.

fn default(error: &(dyn StdError + 'static)) -> Self {
    let backtrace = backtrace_if_absent!(error);

    Self { backtrace }
  • fn debug(&self, error: &(dyn Error + 'static), f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt Result it's companion display version. - For formatting the entire error chain and the user provided context.

When overriding the context it no longer makes sense for eyre::ErrReport to provide the Display and Debug implementations for the user, becase we cannot predict what forms of context you will need to display along side your chain of errors. Instead we forward the implementations of Display and Debug to these methods on the inner EyreContext type.

This crate does provide a few helpers to assist in writing display implementations, specifically the Chain type, for treating an error and its sources like an iterator, and the Indented type, for indenting multi line errors consistently without using heap allocations.

Note: best practices for printing errors suggest that {} should only print the current error and none of its sources, and that the primary method of displaying an error, its sources, and its context should be handled by the Debug implementation, which is what is used to print errors that are returned from main. For examples on how to implement this please refer to the implementations of display and debug on eyre::DefaultContext

Optional Methods

  • fn member_ref(&self, typeid TypeID) -> Option<&dyn Any> - For extracting arbitrary members from a context based on their type and member_mut for getting a mutable reference in the same way.

This method is like a flexible version of the fn backtrace(&self) method on the Error trait. The main ErrReport type provides versions of these methods that use type inference to get the typeID that should be used by inner trait fn to pick a member to return.

Note: The backtrace() fn on ErrReport relies on the implementation of this function to get the backtrace from the user provided context if one exists. If you wish your type to guaruntee that it captures a backtrace for any error it wraps you must implement member_ref and provide a path to return a Backtrace type like below.

Here is how the eyre::DefaultContext type uses this to return Backtraces.

fn member_ref(&self, typeid: TypeId) -> Option<&dyn Any> {
    if typeid == TypeId::of::<Backtrace>() {
        self.backtrace.as_ref().map(|b| b as &dyn Any)
    } else {

Once you've defined a custom Context type you can use it throughout your application by defining a type alias.

type ErrReport = eyre::ErrReport<MyContext>;

// And optionally...
type Result<T, E = eyre::ErrReport<MyContext>> = core::result::Result<T, E>;


  • Use Result<T, eyre::ErrReport>, or equivalently eyre::Result<T>, as the return type of any fallible function.

    Within the function, use ? to easily propagate any error that implements the std::error::Error trait.

    use eyre::Result;
    fn get_cluster_info() -> Result<ClusterMap> {
        let config = std::fs::read_to_string("cluster.json")?;
        let map: ClusterMap = serde_json::from_str(&config)?;
  • Attach context to help the person troubleshooting the error understand where things went wrong. A low-level error like "No such file or directory" can be annoying to debug without more context about what higher level step the application was in the middle of.

    use eyre::{WrapErr, Result};
    fn main() -> Result<()> {
        it.detach().context("Failed to detach the important thing")?;
        let content = std::fs::read(path)
            .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read instrs from {}", path))?;
    Error: Failed to read instrs from ./path/to/instrs.json
    Caused by:
        No such file or directory (os error 2)
  • Downcasting is supported and can be by value, by shared reference, or by mutable reference as needed.

    // If the error was caused by redaction, then return a
    // tombstone instead of the content.
    match root_cause.downcast_ref::<DataStoreError>() {
        Some(DataStoreError::Censored(_)) => Ok(Poll::Ready(REDACTED_CONTENT)),
        None => Err(error),
  • A backtrace is captured and printed with the error if the underlying error type does not already provide its own. In order to see backtraces, the RUST_LIB_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable must be defined.

  • Eyre works with any error type that has an impl of std::error::Error, including ones defined in your crate. We do not bundle a derive(Error) macro but you can write the impls yourself or use a standalone macro like thiserror.

    use thiserror::Error;
    #[derive(Error, Debug)]
    pub enum FormatError {
        #[error("Invalid header (expected {expected:?}, got {found:?})")]
        InvalidHeader {
            expected: String,
            found: String,
        #[error("Missing attribute: {0}")]
  • One-off error messages can be constructed using the eyre! macro, which supports string interpolation and produces an eyre::ErrReport.

    return Err(eyre!("Missing attribute: {}", missing));

No-std support

NOTE: tests are currently broken for no_std so I cannot guaruntee that everything works still. I'm waiting for upstream fixes to be merged rather than fixing them myself, so bear with me.

In no_std mode, the same API is almost all available and works the same way. To depend on Eyre in no_std mode, disable our default enabled "std" feature in Cargo.toml. A global allocator is required.

eyre = { version = "0.3", default-features = false }

Since the ?-based error conversions would normally rely on the std::error::Error trait which is only available through std, no_std mode will require an explicit .map_err(ErrReport::msg) when working with a non-Eyre error type inside a function that returns Eyre's error type.

Comparison to failure

The eyre::ErrReport type works something like failure::Error, but unlike failure ours is built around the standard library's std::error::Error trait rather than a separate trait failure::Fail. The standard library has adopted the necessary improvements for this to be possible as part of RFC 2504.

Comparison to thiserror

Use Eyre if you don't care what error type your functions return, you just want it to be easy. This is common in application code. Use thiserror if you are a library that wants to design your own dedicated error type(s) so that on failures the caller gets exactly the information that you choose.

Incompatibilities with anyhow

Beyond the fact that eyre renames many of the core APIs in anyhow the addition of the type parameter makes the eyre! macro not work in certain places where anyhow! does work. In anyhow the following is valid.

// Works
let val = get_optional_val.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("failed to get value)).unwrap();

Where as with eyre! this will fail due to being unable to infer the type for the Context parameter. The solution to this problem, should you encounter it, is to give the compiler a hint for what type it should be resolving to, either via your return type or a type annotation.

// Broken
let val = get_optional_val.ok_or_else(|| eyre!("failed to get value)).unwrap();

// Works
let val: ErrReport = get_optional_val.ok_or_else(|| eyre!("failed to get value)).unwrap();
