eyre 0.1.0

A catch all dyn error type that integrates with tracing-error and allows insertion of custom context as notes or warnings


Latest Version Rust Documentation

eyre = "0.1"


fn eyre::{err, ErrReport};

fn find_git_root() -> Result<PathBuf, ErrReport> {
        .ok_or(err!("Failed to find git dir in parent directories"))
        .note("This command can only be run in git directories")


  • This library tries to serve much the same role as anyhow, and infact it started as a fork from anyhow and draws a great deal of inspiration from it. The main differences between this crate and anyhow are that the following.
    • This crate supports tracing-error SpanTrace for user defined async aware context
    • This crate does not mix the idea of context and errors, in anyhow using the context method adds an error to your error chain, in this crate using the Result combinators pushes a context object into a vec in the Context.
    • This crate does weird things with its macros for fun, they generate zero sized error types from strings at the cost of code gen size.
