eyra 0.14.0

Rust programs written entirely in Rust

eyra is a package that supports building Rust programs implemented entirely in Rust.

Quick start

Check out this hello world example.

In detail

Eyra needs three things. First, a cargo.toml dependency:

libc = { "<current-version>", package = "eyra" }

This uses the trick of calling the library libc while actually using eyra. This trick isn't necessary, but it sometimes means we can skip the next step.

The next step is to mention libc somewhere. If there are no other mentions of libc, adding an extern crate is sufficient:

extern crate libc;

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

This tells Rust that eyra is actually used and the libraries should actually be linked in.

And finally, a build.rs file to add -nostartfiles to the link flags to disable the host startup code, so that eyra can provide its own. build.rs:

fn main() {

With these three steps, this crate prints "Hello, world!". And under the covers, it uses origin to start and stop the program, c-ward to handle libc calls from std, and rustix to do the printing, so it's completely implemented in Rust.


This is similar to mustang and uses the same underlying code, but instead of using a custom target and -Z build-std, it just by needs users to add -nostartfiles to their link line, such as via build.rs in the example.

Like mustang, eyra currently runs on Rust Nightly on Linux on x86-64, x86, aarch64, and riscv64. It aims to support all Linux versions supported by Rust, though at this time it's only tested on relatively recent versions.