extract-frontmatter 2.1.0

A library that allows a user to extract an arbitrary number of lines of 'front-matter' from the start of any string
# Changelog <!-- omit in toc -->

- [2.x.x]#2xx
  - [2.1.0 - 21-Jan-2021]#210---21-jan-2021
  - [2.0.3 - 02-Jan-2020]#203---02-jan-2020
  - [2.0.2 - 02-Jan-2021]#202---02-jan-2021
  - [2.0.1 - 02-Jan-2021]#201---02-jan-2021
  - [2.0.0 - 15-Aug-2020]#200---15-aug-2020
- [1.x.x]#1xx
  - [1.0.3 - 14-Aug-2020]#103---14-aug-2020
  - [1.0.2 - 24-May-2020]#102---24-may-2020
  - [1.0.1 - 03-May-2020]#101---03-may-2020
  - [1.0.0 - 02-Mar-2020]#100---02-mar-2020
- [Pre-release versions]#pre-release-versions
  - [0.6.2 - 02-May-2020]#062---02-may-2020

## 2.x.x

### 2.1.0 - 21-Jan-2021

- Added `Extractor::remove` to return everything _except_ the matched frontmatter
- Added `Extractor::split` to return a tuple of the front-matter and document content

### 2.0.3 - 02-Jan-2020

_Note: no changes have been made to the library itself in this version._

- Helps to also bump the crate version

### 2.0.2 - 02-Jan-2021

- _No changes have been made to the library itself in this version._
- _Not published to https://crates.io_

- Fix up CI to correctly compare version with tag

### 2.0.1 - 02-Jan-2021

- _No changes have been made to the library itself in this version._
- _Not published to https://crates.io_

- Minor internal project refactor
- Added links in documentation

### 2.0.0 - 15-Aug-2020

- Complete refactor:
  - Configuration now set via a "fluent" interface (chained method calls)
  - Future configuration options won't result in breaking changes
  - No auto-detection of front-matter (explicit configuration now required)
- New modifiers:
  - Strip leading and trailing whitespace
  - Discard last line
- Can now collect front-matter into a `Vec<&str>`

## 1.x.x

### 1.0.3 - 14-Aug-2020

- Removed `UnicodeSegmentation` dependency
- (Internal) Return `&str` - not `String` - in `clean` function

### 1.0.2 - 24-May-2020

_Note: no changes have been made to the library itself in this version._

- Tweaked CI/CD
  - Don't create local tags on non-`master` branch runs
  - Rebase `rc` and `dev` onto `master` on `master` branch runs
- Fixed typo in readme

### 1.0.1 - 03-May-2020

_Note: no changes have been made to the library itself in this version._

- Updated maintenance status

### 1.0.0 - 02-Mar-2020

- Initial release and publication to [crates.io]https://crates.io/extract-frontmatter

## Pre-release versions

### 0.6.2 - 02-May-2020

- Initial pre-release version