external_sort 0.0.3

Provides the ability to perform external sorts on structs, which allows for rapid sorting of large data streams.


Provides the ability to perform external sorts on structs, which allows for rapid sorting of extremely large data streams.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

external_sort = "^0.0.3"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate external_sort;


The following shows using external_sort to sort a vector of simple structs.

Note that your struct must impl Ord, Clone, as well as the serde Serialize and Deserialize traits. Additionally, in order for external_sort to track it's memory buffer usage, your struct must be able to report on it's size (via external_sort::ExternallySortable)

extern crate external_sort;
extern crate serde_derive;

use external_sort::{ExternallySortable, ExternalSorter};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
struct Num {
    the_num: u32

impl Num {
    fn new(num:u32) -> Num {
        Num { the_num: num }

impl ExternallySortable for Num {
    fn get_size(&self) -> u64 {

fn main() {
    let unsorted = vec![Num::new(5), Num::new(2), Num::new(1), Num::new(3), Num::new(4)];
    let sorted = vec![Num::new(1), Num::new(2), Num::new(3), Num::new(4), Num::new(5)];

    let external_sorter = ExternalSorter::new(16, None);
    let iter = external_sorter.sort(unsorted.into_iter());
    for (idx, i) in iter.enumerate() {
        assert_eq!(i.the_num, sorted[idx].the_num);

If your struct is unable to report on it's size, simply return 1 from get_size(), and then pass the number of objects (rather than bytes) that the ExternalSorter should keep in memory when calling ExternalSorter::new()