external-ip 1.0.0

Asynchronous library to retrieve the system external IP
# external-ip

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Finds the current external IP address contacting http and dns external

If at least one of the sources replies the reply with the highest occurrences
will be reported as the IP address.

Three functions provides sets of known working sources.

* get_http_sources
  Returns all known http sources
* get_dns_sources
  Returns all known dns sources
* get_sources
  Returns all sources combined

Additionally a single igd source can be instantiated if the feature is enabled
("discover_igd"), to retrieve the IP from an home router.
If the feature is enabled get_sources will return it as a source too.

# Runtime

It requires to run with Tokio runtime due to the dependency on hyper if you use the HTTP resolver.
The DNS resolver can work with other executors at the moment. (tested with futures)

# Extend

It's possible to extend how the sources dynamically via the API as long as the
Source interface is implemented and it's passed as a boxed trait object.

# Example

For ease of use a single async function is enough to obtain the IP trying with
all the default sources enabled

  let result = external_ip::get_ip();
  let value : Option<IpAddr> = block_on(result);

This is the same as doing

  let sources: external_ip::Sources = external_ip::get_sources();
  let consensus = external_ip::ConsensusBuilder::new()
  let result = consensus.get_consensus();
  let value : Option<IpAddr>  = block_on(result);