extendable_vm 0.1.1-releaseAttempt

Library that simplifies implementation of stack VMs

Extendable VM

Easily extendable stack virtual machine written in Rust.


This is a stack VM that supports

  • Booleans, Strings, Ints and functions
  • Basic operations like addition, multiplication, concatenation, etc
  • Conditional jumps, function calls and returns
  • Exceptions that halt the machine and print the stack trace

Why extendable?

Generic VM This project provides a generic stack VM that can be used to implement a concrete VM by defining concrete data types, bytecode format and instructions.

Jex VM The actual runnable VM just implements the generic VM.

It makes it easy to independently change the concrete VM.

How to Run

You can download the latest version from the Releases page. Or you can build from source.


After you have the binary executable extendable_vm you can run it:

./extendable_vm path/to/bytecode


After you have the binary executable extendable_vm.exe you can run it:

./extendable_vm.exe path/to/bytecode

Run with logging

To run with logging you have to set the environment variable RUST_LOG=extendable_vm. For example,

RUST_LOG=extendable_vm ./extendable_vm path/to/bytecode


u8 represents an unsigned 8-bit integer

Name Opcode (u8) Arguments (name: type) Stack (old → new) Description
Constant 0 i: u8 [] → [value] Loads onto stack the i-th constant from the constant pool
Null 1 [] → [null] Loads null onto stack
True 2 [] -> [true] Loads true onto stack
False 3 [] -> [false] Loads false onto stack
Pop 4 [x, y] → [x] Pops the last value from stack
Get local 5 offset: u8 [..., x] → [..., x, y] Gets the offset-th operand in the current call frame and loads in onto stack
Set local 6 offset: u8 [..., x, ..., y] → [..., y, ...] Pops the value and sets the offset-th operand in the current call frame
Get global 7 identifier_i: u8 [...] → [..., x] Loads a global value onto stack by its identifier which it fetches from the constant pool by index = identifier_i
Define global 8 identifier_i: u8 [x] → [] Sets a global value with the given identifier
Set global 9 identifier_i: u8 [x] → [] Sets a global value with the given identifier
Print 10 [x] → [] Prints a value
Not 11 [x] → [!x] Logical NOT
Equal 12 [x, y] → [x == y] Checks if 2 values are equal
Greater 13 [x, y] → [x > y] Checks if first is greater than the second
Less 14 [x, y] → [x < y] Checks if first is less than the second
Negate 15 [x] → [-x] Negates an integer
Add 16 [x, y] → [x + y] Adds integers or concatenates strings
Subtract 17 [x, y] → [x - y] Subtracts integers
Multiply 18 [x, y] → [x * y] Multiplies integers
Divide 19 [x, y] → [x / y] Divides integers
Jump forward 20 offset: u8 Jumps forward by offset bytes
Jump forward if false 21 offset: u8 [x] → [] Jumps forward by offset bytes if the value if false
Jump Backward 22 offset: u8 Jumps backward by offset bytes
Call 23 arity: u8 Calls a function with arity arguments. For example, CALL 3 will call f(a, b, c) when stack is [f, a, b, c]
Return 24 Pops the last call frame and puts the returned value on top Returns from the function ToString

Bytecode format

This describes the format of the bytecode that the VM can read from the file.


structs are used as a way to demonstrate what each byte means. Each struct should be viewed as an array of bytes where each value directly follow the previous (without padding and packing).

For example, struct A represents an array [a1, a2, b] where a1 and a2 correspond to a: u16 and b to b: u8.

struct A {
    a: u16,
    b: u8


Bytecode is an array of bytecode chunks. First chunks is a global script which will be run first, other chunks can be called as function.

Each chunk has n_constants constants (constant pool) and n_code_bytes executable bytes that contain instructions and their arguments.

struct Bytecode {
    chunks: [Chunk]

struct Chunk {
    n_constants: u8,
    constants: [Constant],
    // of `n_constants` size
    n_code_bytes: u16,
    code: [u8] // of `n_code_bytes` size


Bytecode constants are literal values that are included in the code. There are 3 types of constants: ints, strings and functions.

Each constant type has a unique constant_type which is used to distinguish it from the other types.

struct Constant {
    constant_type: u8,
    data: [u8]

// Constant := IntConstant | StringConstant | FunctionConstant

struct IntConstant {
    constant_type: u8,
    // always 0
    value: i32 // little endian

struct StringConstant {
    constant_type: u8,
    // always 1
    length: u16,
    utf8_data: [u8]

struct FunctionConstant {
    constant_type: u8,
    // always 2
    chunk_id: u8

Calling functions

All chunks except for the first one can be called as a function with a CALL instruction.

Callable chunk must have these 2 constants:

  • the first constant must be a function name (string)
  • the second constant must be a function arity (int)

To call a chunk you need to load it onto stack with a Constant instruction, load some arguments onto stack and call it with a CALL arity instruction.

Building from source

Build a development version

The executable will be located under target/debug.

cargo build

Build a release version

The executable will be located under target/release.

cargo build --release

Run tests

cargo test

Future plans

I plan to extract this VM into a separate repository, leaving only the generic VM here. You will be able to use the generic VM as a crate to build your own virtual machine!