expy 0.0.2

Embeddable & extensible expression evaluator
# Clippy linter config

msrv = "1.65"                       # for let-else statements

max-fn-params-bools = 1
max-struct-bools = 3
too-many-lines-threshold = 300      # evaluator has large dispatch functions
type-complexity-threshold = 573     # closure types for user functions trip the default setting
large-error-threshold = 256         # anything with pest::Error easily exceeds the default limit

standard-macro-braces = [
    # third-party crates
    { name = "hashmap", brace = "{" },
    { name = "hashset", brace = "{" },
    { name = "lazy_static", brace = "{" },

    # own macros
    { name = "dispatch", brace = "(" },