expresso 0.2.1

A very basic expression parser, and runner. For educational use only.
# expresso
Experimental/educational expression parser, and runner

*Warning:* Breaking API changes are expected until 1.0.0!

Note: Expresso is a word play on Espresso, and Expression

# Supported
- [x] Whitespace
- [x] Operands
	- [x] i32
	- [x] f32 (Note: No leading or trailing dot! `0.34` and `12.0` work, `.34` and `12.` don't!)

- [x] Operators
	- [x] `+`
	- [x] `*`
	- [x] `-`
	- [x] `/`

- [x] Braces
	- [x] `(`
	- [x] `)`

- [x] Variables
- [x] Function Calls
- [x] Argument Lists

## Expresso

There is a `expresso` binary included that can be used for quick checking/running of expressions.

# Future

# Other
Development will be done test driven.