expectest 0.2.3

Crate provides matchers and matcher functions for unit testing.
# expectest
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Crate provides matchers and matcher functions for unit testing. Inspired by [Nimble](https://github.com/Quick/Nimble) for Swift.

Using this library you will receive helpful messages with data that is used in test case, example:
let result = vec![1, 2, 2];
expect!(result).to(be_equal_to([1, 2, 3]));
Test fails and gives us a message:
expected to be equal to <[1, 2, 3]>, got <[1, 2, 2]>
> Note: You need to use `cargo test -- --nocapture` to see output from tests.

### Usage

In Cargo.toml:
expectest = "~0.2.2"

In your crate:
extern crate expectest;

You can export all needed functions and types from `prelude` module:
use expectest::prelude::*;

### Examples

Check out the [tests](/tests) directory!

### Expectations
Use basic syntax to express expectations:
> Note: You can use `expect` function instead of `expect!` macro in that case you will not
see file and line where the test will fail.

#### Equality
For types that implement the `PartialEq` trait:

#### Closeness of float numbers
There is a way to check if two float numbers are close each other:
With default `delta` equal `0.001`:

#### Order
For types that implement the `PartialOrd` trait:
Use any of the following matchers: `be_less_than`, `be_less_or_equal_to`, `be_greater_than`, `be_greater_or_equal_to`

#### Option
There are matchers for the `Option<T>` type:
Use any of the following matchers: `be_some`, `be_none`

#### Result
There are matchers for the `Result<T, E>` type:
Use any of the following matchers: `be_ok`, `be_err`

#### Emptyness
There is `be_empty` matcher for types that implement `IsEmpty` trait:
> Note: `IsEmpty` trait implemented by library for following types:
`String`, `&str`, `Vec<T>`, `&[T]`.

#### Boolean
expect!(9 == 9).to(be_true());
Use any of the following matchers: `be_true`, `be_false`

### Alternative crates
- [rustspec-assertions]https://github.com/uorbe001/rustspec-assertions
- [hamcrest-rust]https://github.com/carllerche/hamcrest-rust

## License