[][src]Macro expand::expand

expand!() { /* proc-macro */ }

Expand byte string literals

Prefix a byte string or a string literal with a @ to expand it


expanding a byte string

    &expand!([@b"Hello,", b' ', @b"world", b'!']),
    b"Hello, world!",

expanding a string

    expand!(vec![@"Hello,", ' ', @"world", '!']),
    "Hello, world!".chars().collect::<Vec<char>>(),

pattern matching

if let expand!([@b"patt", x, y, b'n', ..]) = b"pattern matching" {
    assert_eq!(x, &b'e');
    assert_eq!(y, &b'r');
} else {
    panic!("pattern matching failed");

more pattern matching

if let expand!([@b"msg = \"", xs @ .., b'"']) = br#"msg = "Hello, world!""# {
    assert_eq!(xs, b"Hello, world!");
} else {
    panic!("pattern matching failed");