exonum-testkit 0.1.1

Testkit for Exonum blockchain framework, allowing to test service APIs synchronously.
//! Tests for sample currency service almost identical to one implemented in
//! the [`cryptocurrency`] tutorial.
//! [`cryptocurrency`]: https://github.com/exonum/cryptocurrency/

extern crate exonum;
extern crate exonum_testkit;
extern crate serde_derive;

use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::iter::FromIterator;

use exonum::crypto::{self, PublicKey, SecretKey};
use exonum::messages::Message;
use exonum_testkit::{ApiKind, ComparableSnapshot, TestKit, TestKitApi, TestKitBuilder};

mod cryptocurrency {
    extern crate bodyparser;
    extern crate iron;
    extern crate router;
    extern crate serde;
    extern crate serde_json;

    use exonum::blockchain::{ApiContext, Blockchain, Service, Transaction};
    use exonum::node::{ApiSender, TransactionSend};
    use exonum::messages::{Message, RawTransaction};
    use exonum::storage::{Fork, MapIndex, Snapshot};
    use exonum::crypto::{Hash, PublicKey};
    use exonum::encoding;
    use exonum::encoding::serialize::FromHex;
    use exonum::api::{Api, ApiError};
    use self::iron::prelude::*;
    use self::iron::headers::ContentType;
    use self::iron::{Handler, IronError};
    use self::iron::status::Status;
    use self::router::Router;

    // // // // // // // // // // CONSTANTS // // // // // // // // // //

    const SERVICE_ID: u16 = 1;
    const TX_CREATE_WALLET_ID: u16 = 1;
    const TX_TRANSFER_ID: u16 = 2;

    /// Initial balance of newly created wallet.
    pub const INIT_BALANCE: u64 = 100;

    // // // // // // // // // // PERSISTENT DATA // // // // // // // // // //

    encoding_struct! {
        struct Wallet {
            const SIZE = 48;

            field pub_key:            &PublicKey  [00 => 32]
            field name:               &str        [32 => 40]
            field balance:            u64         [40 => 48]

    impl Wallet {
        pub fn increase(self, amount: u64) -> Self {
            let balance = self.balance() + amount;
            Self::new(self.pub_key(), self.name(), balance)

        pub fn decrease(self, amount: u64) -> Self {
            let balance = self.balance() - amount;
            Self::new(self.pub_key(), self.name(), balance)

    // // // // // // // // // // DATA LAYOUT // // // // // // // // // //

    pub struct CurrencySchema<S> {
        view: S,

    impl<S: AsRef<Snapshot>> CurrencySchema<S> {
        pub fn new(view: S) -> Self {
            CurrencySchema { view }

        pub fn wallets(&self) -> MapIndex<&Snapshot, PublicKey, Wallet> {
            MapIndex::new("cryptocurrency.wallets", self.view.as_ref())

        /// Get a separate wallet from the storage.
        pub fn wallet(&self, pub_key: &PublicKey) -> Option<Wallet> {

    impl<'a> CurrencySchema<&'a mut Fork> {
        pub fn wallets_mut(&mut self) -> MapIndex<&mut Fork, PublicKey, Wallet> {
            MapIndex::new("cryptocurrency.wallets", self.view)

    // // // // // // // // // // TRANSACTIONS // // // // // // // // // //

    /// Create a new wallet.
    message! {
        struct TxCreateWallet {
            const TYPE = SERVICE_ID;
            const ID = TX_CREATE_WALLET_ID;
            const SIZE = 40;

            field pub_key:     &PublicKey  [00 => 32]
            field name:        &str        [32 => 40]

    /// Transfer coins between the wallets.
    message! {
        struct TxTransfer {
            const TYPE = SERVICE_ID;
            const ID = TX_TRANSFER_ID;
            const SIZE = 80;

            field from:        &PublicKey  [00 => 32]
            field to:          &PublicKey  [32 => 64]
            field amount:      u64         [64 => 72]
            field seed:        u64         [72 => 80]

    // // // // // // // // // // CONTRACTS // // // // // // // // // //

    impl Transaction for TxCreateWallet {
        /// Verify integrity of the transaction by checking the transaction
        /// signature.
        fn verify(&self) -> bool {

        /// Apply logic to the storage when executing the transaction.
        fn execute(&self, view: &mut Fork) {
            let mut schema = CurrencySchema { view };
            if schema.wallet(self.pub_key()).is_none() {
                let wallet = Wallet::new(self.pub_key(), self.name(), INIT_BALANCE);
                schema.wallets_mut().put(self.pub_key(), wallet)

        /// Provide information about the transaction to be used in the blockchain explorer.
        fn info(&self) -> serde_json::Value {
            serde_json::to_value(&self).expect("Cannot serialize transaction to JSON")

    impl Transaction for TxTransfer {
        /// Check if the sender is not the receiver. Check correctness of the
        /// sender's signature.
        fn verify(&self) -> bool {
            (*self.from() != *self.to()) && self.verify_signature(self.from())

        /// Retrieve two wallets to apply the transfer. Check the sender's
        /// balance and apply changes to the balances of the wallets.
        fn execute(&self, view: &mut Fork) {
            let mut schema = CurrencySchema { view };
            let sender = schema.wallet(self.from());
            let receiver = schema.wallet(self.to());
            if let (Some(sender), Some(receiver)) = (sender, receiver) {
                let amount = self.amount();
                if sender.balance() >= amount {
                    let sender = sender.decrease(amount);
                    let receiver = receiver.increase(amount);
                    let mut wallets = schema.wallets_mut();
                    wallets.put(self.from(), sender);
                    wallets.put(self.to(), receiver);

        /// Provide information about the transaction to be used in the blockchain explorer.
        fn info(&self) -> serde_json::Value {
            serde_json::to_value(&self).expect("Cannot serialize transaction to JSON")

    // // // // // // // // // // REST API // // // // // // // // // //

    struct CryptocurrencyApi {
        channel: ApiSender,
        blockchain: Blockchain,

    /// The structure returned by the REST API.
    #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
    pub struct TransactionResponse {
        pub tx_hash: Hash,

    /// Shortcut to get data on wallets.
    impl CryptocurrencyApi {
        fn wallet(&self, pub_key: &PublicKey) -> Option<Wallet> {
            let view = self.blockchain.snapshot();
            let schema = CurrencySchema::new(view);

        fn wallets(&self) -> Vec<Wallet> {
            let view = self.blockchain.snapshot();
            let schema = CurrencySchema::new(view);
            let wallets = schema.wallets();
            let wallets = wallets.values();

        /// Endpoint for transactions.
        fn post_transaction(&self, req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
            /// Add an enum which joins transactions of both types to simplify request
            /// processing.
            #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
            enum TransactionRequest {

            /// Implement a trait for the enum for deserialized `TransactionRequest`s
            /// to fit into the node channel.
            impl Into<Box<Transaction>> for TransactionRequest {
                fn into(self) -> Box<Transaction> {
                    match self {
                        TransactionRequest::CreateWallet(trans) => Box::new(trans),
                        TransactionRequest::Transfer(trans) => Box::new(trans),

            match req.get::<bodyparser::Struct<TransactionRequest>>() {
                Ok(Some(transaction)) => {
                    let transaction: Box<Transaction> = transaction.into();
                    let tx_hash = transaction.hash();
                    let json = TransactionResponse { tx_hash };
                Ok(None) => Err(ApiError::IncorrectRequest("Empty request body".into()))?,
                Err(e) => Err(ApiError::IncorrectRequest(Box::new(e)))?,

        /// Endpoint for retrieving a single wallet.
        fn get_wallet(&self, req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
            use self::iron::modifiers::Header;

            let path = req.url.path();
            let wallet_key = path.last().unwrap();
            let public_key = PublicKey::from_hex(wallet_key).map_err(|e| {
                IronError::new(ApiError::FromHex(e), (
                    "\"Invalid request param: `pub_key`\"",
            if let Some(wallet) = self.wallet(&public_key) {
            } else {
                Err(IronError::new(ApiError::NotFound, (
                    "\"Wallet not found\"",

        /// Endpoint for retrieving all wallets in the blockchain.
        fn get_wallets(&self, _: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {

    impl Api for CryptocurrencyApi {
        fn wire(&self, router: &mut Router) {
            let self_ = self.clone();
            let post_transaction = move |req: &mut Request| self_.post_transaction(req);
            let self_ = self.clone();
            let get_wallets = move |req: &mut Request| self_.get_wallets(req);
            let self_ = self.clone();
            let get_wallet = move |req: &mut Request| self_.get_wallet(req);

            // Bind the transaction handler to a specific route.
            router.get("/v1/wallets", get_wallets, "get_wallets");
            router.get("/v1/wallet/:pub_key", get_wallet, "get_wallet");

    // // // // // // // // // // SERVICE DECLARATION // // // // // // // // // //

    /// Define the service.
    pub struct CurrencyService;

    /// Implement a `Service` trait for the service.
    impl Service for CurrencyService {
        fn service_name(&self) -> &'static str {

        fn service_id(&self) -> u16 {

        /// Implement a method to deserialize transactions coming to the node.
        fn tx_from_raw(&self, raw: RawTransaction) -> Result<Box<Transaction>, encoding::Error> {
            let trans: Box<Transaction> = match raw.message_type() {
                TX_TRANSFER_ID => Box::new(TxTransfer::from_raw(raw)?),
                TX_CREATE_WALLET_ID => Box::new(TxCreateWallet::from_raw(raw)?),
                _ => {
                    return Err(encoding::Error::IncorrectMessageType {
                        message_type: raw.message_type(),

        /// Create a REST `Handler` to process web requests to the node.
        fn public_api_handler(&self, ctx: &ApiContext) -> Option<Box<Handler>> {
            let mut router = Router::new();
            let api = CryptocurrencyApi {
                channel: ctx.node_channel().clone(),
                blockchain: ctx.blockchain().clone(),
            api.wire(&mut router);

use cryptocurrency::{CurrencySchema, CurrencyService, TransactionResponse, TxCreateWallet,
                     TxTransfer, Wallet};

fn init_testkit() -> TestKit {

fn create_wallet(api: &TestKitApi, name: &str) -> (TxCreateWallet, SecretKey) {
    let (pubkey, key) = crypto::gen_keypair();
    // Create a presigned transaction
    let tx = TxCreateWallet::new(&pubkey, name, &key);

    let tx_info: TransactionResponse = api.post(
    assert_eq!(tx_info.tx_hash, tx.hash());

    (tx, key)

fn transfer(api: &TestKitApi, tx: &TxTransfer) {
    let tx_info: TransactionResponse = api.post(
    assert_eq!(tx_info.tx_hash, tx.hash());

fn get_wallet(api: &TestKitApi, pubkey: &PublicKey) -> Wallet {
        &format!("v1/wallet/{}", pubkey.to_string()),

fn get_all_wallets(api: &TestKitApi) -> Vec<Wallet> {
    api.get(ApiKind::Service("cryptocurrency"), "v1/wallets")

fn test_create_wallet() {
    let mut testkit = init_testkit();
    let api = testkit.api();
    let (tx, _) = create_wallet(&api, "Alice");


    // Check that the user indeed is persisted by the service
    let wallet = get_wallet(&api, tx.pub_key());
    assert_eq!(wallet.pub_key(), tx.pub_key());
    assert_eq!(wallet.name(), tx.name());
    assert_eq!(wallet.balance(), 100);

fn test_transfer() {
    let mut testkit = init_testkit();
    let api = testkit.api();

    let (tx_alice, key_alice) = create_wallet(&api, "Alice");
    let (tx_bob, _) = create_wallet(&api, "Bob");
    // Commit creation transactions

    // Check that the initial Alice's and Bob's balances are persisted by the service
    let wallet = get_wallet(&api, tx_alice.pub_key());
    assert_eq!(wallet.balance(), 100);
    let wallet = get_wallet(&api, tx_bob.pub_key());
    assert_eq!(wallet.balance(), 100);

    // Transfer funds
    let tx = TxTransfer::new(
        10, // amount
        0, // seed
    transfer(&api, &tx);

    let wallet = get_wallet(&api, tx_alice.pub_key());
    assert_eq!(wallet.balance(), 90);
    let wallet = get_wallet(&api, tx_bob.pub_key());
    assert_eq!(wallet.balance(), 110);

fn test_snapshot_completeness() {
    let mut testkit = init_testkit();
    let api = testkit.api();

    let (tx_alice, _) = create_wallet(&api, "Alice");

    let (tx_bob, _) = create_wallet(&api, "Bob");
    // Check that Alice's wallet is in the snapshot
        .map(|schema| schema.wallet(tx_alice.pub_key()))
        .assert_inv("Alice's wallet is there", Option::is_some)
        .map(|w| w.as_ref().unwrap().balance())
        .assert_eq("Alice's balance hasn't changed");

fn test_transfer_from_nonexisting_wallet() {
    let mut testkit = init_testkit();
    let api = testkit.api();

    let (tx_alice, key_alice) = create_wallet(&api, "Alice");
    let (tx_bob, _) = create_wallet(&api, "Bob");
    // Do not commit Alice's transaction

    let wallet = get_wallet(&api, tx_bob.pub_key());
    assert_eq!(wallet.balance(), 100);

    let tx = TxTransfer::new(
        10, // amount
        0, // seed

    let comp = testkit.probe(tx).compare(testkit.snapshot());
    let comp = comp.map(CurrencySchema::new);
    comp.map(|s| s.wallet(tx_alice.pub_key())).assert_inv(
        "No Alice's wallet",
    comp.map(|s| {
            .expect("No Bob's wallet!")
    }).assert_eq("Bob's balance hasn't changed");

fn test_transfer_to_nonexisting_wallet() {
    let mut testkit = init_testkit();
    let api = testkit.api();

    let (tx_alice, key_alice) = create_wallet(&api, "Alice");
    let (tx_bob, _) = create_wallet(&api, "Bob");
    // Do not commit Bob's transaction

    let wallet = get_wallet(&api, tx_alice.pub_key());
    assert_eq!(wallet.balance(), 100);

    let tx = TxTransfer::new(
        10, // amount
        0, // seed
    transfer(&api, &tx);

    let old_snapshot = testkit.snapshot();

    let comp = testkit.snapshot().compare(old_snapshot);
    let comp = comp.map(CurrencySchema::new);
    comp.map(|s| s.wallet(tx_bob.pub_key())).assert_inv(
        "No Bob's wallet",
    comp.map(|s| {
            .expect("No Alice's wallet!")
    }).assert_eq("Alice's balance hasn't changed");

fn test_transfer_overcharge() {
    let mut testkit = init_testkit();
    let api = testkit.api();

    let (tx_alice, key_alice) = create_wallet(&api, "Alice");
    let (tx_bob, _) = create_wallet(&api, "Bob");

    // Transfer funds
    let tx = TxTransfer::new(
        110, // amount
        0, // seed
    transfer(&api, &tx);

    let wallet = get_wallet(&api, tx_alice.pub_key());
    assert_eq!(wallet.balance(), 100);
    let wallet = get_wallet(&api, tx_bob.pub_key());
    assert_eq!(wallet.balance(), 100);

fn test_transfers_in_single_block() {
    let mut testkit = init_testkit();
    let api = testkit.api();

    let (tx_alice, key_alice) = create_wallet(&api, "Alice");
    let (tx_bob, key_bob) = create_wallet(&api, "Bob");

    // Transfer funds from Alice to Bob.
    let tx_a_to_b = TxTransfer::new(
        90, // amount
        0, // seed

    // Transfer funds back from Bob to Alice.
    let tx_b_to_a = TxTransfer::new(
        120, // amount
        0, // seed

        // See what happens if transactions are applied in an "incorrect" order.
        let comp = testkit
        let comp = comp.map(CurrencySchema::new);
        comp.map(|s| s.wallet(tx_alice.pub_key()).unwrap().balance())
            .assert("Alice's balance decreases", |&old, &new| new == old - 90);
        comp.map(|s| s.wallet(tx_bob.pub_key()).unwrap().balance())
            .assert("Bob's balance increases", |&old, &new| new == old + 90);

    transfer(&api, &tx_a_to_b);
    transfer(&api, &tx_b_to_a);
    testkit.create_block_with_tx_hashes(&[tx_a_to_b.hash(), tx_b_to_a.hash()]);

    let wallet = get_wallet(&api, tx_alice.pub_key());
    assert_eq!(wallet.balance(), 130);
    let wallet = get_wallet(&api, tx_bob.pub_key());
    assert_eq!(wallet.balance(), 70);

    let wallets = get_all_wallets(&api);
    assert_eq!(wallets.len(), 2);
    assert_eq!(wallets.iter().fold(0, |acc, w| acc + w.balance()), 200);
        BTreeSet::from_iter(wallets.iter().map(|w| *w.pub_key())),
        BTreeSet::from_iter(vec![*tx_alice.pub_key(), *tx_bob.pub_key()])

fn test_malformed_wallet_request() {
    let testkit = TestKitBuilder::validator()
    let api = testkit.api();
    let info: String = api.get_err(ApiKind::Service("cryptocurrency"), "v1/wallet/c0ffee");
    assert!(info.starts_with("Invalid request param"));

fn test_unknown_wallet_request() {
    let testkit = init_testkit();
    let api = testkit.api();

    // transaction is sent by API, but isn't committed
    let (tx_alice, _) = create_wallet(&api, "Alice");

    let info: String = api.get_err(
        &format!("v1/wallet/{}", tx_alice.pub_key().to_string()),
    assert_eq!(info, "Wallet not found".to_string());

fn test_nonverified_transaction_in_create_block() {
    let mut testkit = init_testkit();
    let api = testkit.api();

    let (create_tx, key) = create_wallet(&api, "Alice");

    // Send transaction to self. As this transaction fails `verify()`, it should not
    // be executed and increase sender's balance.
    let transfer_tx = TxTransfer::new(create_tx.pub_key(), create_tx.pub_key(), 10, 0, &key);

    let wallet = get_wallet(&api, create_tx.pub_key());
    assert_eq!(wallet.balance(), 100);

fn test_nonsigned_transaction_in_create_block() {
    let mut testkit = init_testkit();
    let api = testkit.api();

    let (tx_alice, key) = create_wallet(&api, "Alice");
    let (tx_bob, _) = create_wallet(&api, "Bob");

    let transfer_tx = TxTransfer::new(tx_alice.pub_key(), tx_bob.pub_key(), 10, 0, &key);
    // Transaction with an incorrect signature (all zeros)
    let bogus_transfer_tx = TxTransfer::new_with_signature(
        &crypto::Signature::new([0; 64]),
    // Check execution of a mix of correct and incorrect transactions
    testkit.create_block_with_transactions(txvec![bogus_transfer_tx, transfer_tx]);

    let wallet = get_wallet(&api, tx_alice.pub_key());
    assert_eq!(wallet.balance(), 90);
    let wallet = get_wallet(&api, tx_bob.pub_key());
    assert_eq!(wallet.balance(), 110);