exonum-merkledb 1.0.0-rc.3

Persistent storage implementation based on RocksDB which provides APIs to work with Merkelized data structures.

Exonum MerkleDB

Travis Build Status Docs.rs rust 1.41.0+ required License: Apache-2.0

MerkleDB is a document-oriented persistent storage which provides APIs to work with merkelized data structures. Under the hood, MerkleDB uses RocksDB as a key-value storage.


  • Supports list, map and set collections (aka indexes), as well as singular elements. Further, indexes can be organized into groups, allowing to create hierarchies of documents with arbitrary nesting.
  • Automated state aggregation of top-level indexes into a single state hash, which reflects the entire database state.
  • Ability to define data layouts in an intuitive, declarative format.
  • Basic support of transactions: changes to the storage can be aggregated into a fork and then merged to the database atomically.
  • Access control leveraging the Rust type system, allowing to precisely define access privileges for different actors.
  • First-class support of long-running, fault-tolerant data migrations running concurrently with other I/O to the storage.


Include exonum-merkledb as a dependency in your Cargo.toml:

exonum-merkledb = "1.0.0-rc.3"

See the description in Exonum docs for a more detailed overview, and the examples for the examples of usage.


exonum-merkledb is licensed under the Apache License (Version 2.0). See LICENSE for details.