exonum-merkledb 0.12.0

Persistent storage implementation based on RocksDB which provides APIs to work with Merkelized data structures.
# Exonum MerkleDB

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Exonum MerkleDB is a persistent storage implementation based on RocksDB
which provides APIs to work with merkelized data structures.

## Available Database Objects

- `Entry` is a specific index that stores only one value. Useful for global
  values, such as configuration. Similar to a combination of `Box` and
- `ListIndex` is a list of items stored in a sequential order. Similar to
- `SparseListIndex` is a list of items stored in a sequential order. Similar
  to `ListIndex`, but may contain indices without elements.
- `MapIndex` is a map of keys and values. Similar to `BTreeMap`.
- `ProofListIndex` is a Merkelized version of `ListIndex` that supports
  cryptographic proofs of existence and is implemented as a Merkle tree.
- `ProofMapIndex` is a Merkelized version of `MapIndex` that supports cryptographic
  proofs of existence and is implemented as a binary Merkle Patricia tree.
- `KeySetIndex` and `ValueSetIndex` are sets of items, similar to `BTreeSet` and
  `HashSet` accordingly.

## Usage

Include `exonum-merkledb` as a dependency in your `Cargo.toml`:

exonum-merkledb = "0.12.0"


If you need only to read the data you can create `Snapshot`. Objects
created from `Snapshot` provide a read-only access to the storage data.
To modify data you need to create an object based on `Fork`.
`Fork` and `Snapshot` can be obtained from the `Database` object.
Currently only one database backend is supported - RockDB.

use std::path::Path;
use exonum_merkledb::{ProofListIndex, Database, ListProof, DbOptions, RocksDB};

let db_options = DbOptions::default();
let db = RocksDB::open(&Path::new("db"), &db_options).unwrap();
let list_name = "list";

// Read-only list
let snapshot = db.snapshot();
let list: ProofListIndex<_, u8> = ProofListIndex::new(list_name, &snapshot);

// Mutable list
let fork = db.fork();
let mut list: ProofListIndex<_, u8> = ProofListIndex::new(list_name, &fork);


After adding elements to the object you can obtain cryptographic proofs for their
existence or absence.


assert_eq!(ListProof::Leaf(1), list.get_proof(0));

if let ListProof::Absent(_proof) = list.get_proof(1) {
    println!("Element with index 1 is absent")


## Further Reading

- [Blockchain example]examples/blockchain.rs
- [MerkleDB description in Exonum docs]https://exonum.com/doc/version/latest/architecture/storage/

## License

`exonum-merkledb` is licensed under the Apache License (Version 2.0).
See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.