exitfailure 0.2.1

A basic newtype wrapper around failure::Error
# exitfailure - convienent newtype wrapper for failure::Error

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`exitfailure` provides a newtype wrapper around `failure::Error` that will print a formatted list of error causes in it's `Debug` trait implementation.

It is intended to be used with rust 1.26 and above's "? in main()" feature (see the [tracking issue here](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/43301)).

#[macro use] extern crate failure;
extern crate exitfailure;

use failure::ResultExt;
use exitfailure::ExitFailure;

fn main() -> Result<(), ExitFailure> {

fn some_fn() -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
     let error = Err(failure::err_msg("root cause failure"));
     Ok(error.context("this is some context".to_string())?)

This will print, when executed:
Error: this is some context
caused by: root cause failure