exile 0.0.1

Nacent XML DOM Library


Current version: 0.0.1


exile is a Rust library for reading and writing XML.

The goal is to provide a useful abstraction over XML with DOM-like structs. The state of the library is 'pre-alpha' See the GitHub issues and milestones for work planned.


Parsing XML looks like this.

let xml = r#"
  <thing name="foo"/>

let doc = exile::parse(xml).unwrap();
for child in doc.root().children() {
    println!("element name: {}", child.name);
    if let Some(attribute) = child.attributes.map().get("name") {
        println!("name attribute: {}", attribute);

Authoring XML looks like this.

use exile::{Document, Element, Node};
let mut root = Element::from_name("my_root");
// TODO - improve the interface
root.attributes.mut_map().insert("foo".into(), "bar".into());
let mut child = Element::from_name("my_child");
child.nodes.push(Node::Text("Hello World!".into()));
let doc = Document::from_root(root);
println!("{}", doc.to_string());

The program above prints:

<my_root foo="bar">
  <my_child>Hello World!</my_child>


Development is setup as a cargo workspace with three crates.

  • xdoc is the root dependency and contains structs that represent an XML document
  • xtest contains test files and helper functions for loading them.
  • exile is the public-facing crate and includes the parser.

Work to Do

Current status is 'pre-mvp'. v0.0.0 will be able to parse basic XML documents into DOM-like structures and serialize them back.

Issues not assigned to a milestone