exempi2 0.1.0

Safe Rust bindings to Exempi 2.4.
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This is a renaming of the crate previously known as exempi

The crate provide safe Rust binding for Exempi, an XMP library that provide a stable ABI for Adobe XMP Toolkit.

Exempi2 can be found at http://libopenraw.freedesktop.org/wiki/Exempi/

Exempi-sys provide unsafe bindings to the C API.


exempi-rs source code is at: https://github.com/hfiguiere/exempi-rs


-Rust 2018 edition (tested, other versions, YMMV) -exempi 2.4 must be installed and findable with pkg_config -crates (pulled by cargo): -libc -pkg-config -flagbits


2-clauses BSD. See the LICENSE file enclosed.

Note: Exempi is under the original 3-clauses BSD license. Be aware of this if shipping your Rust program.


Hubert Figuière hub@figuiere.net