ewasm_api 0.10.0

ewasm API for Rust
# ewasm-rust-api


This project aims to give a low-level and a high-level binding to ewasm from Rust.

# Usage

Add the dependency, as usual:
ewasm-api = "0.10"

In your project, include the prelude:
use ewasm_api::prelude::*;

Additionally there is support for some macros to make creating contracts easier:
extern crate ewasm_api;

use ewasm_api::prelude::*;

fn entry() {
    // The actual contract code goes here.


Other modules are available as well, outside of the prelude. Refer to the documentation for more info.

`ewasm-rust-api` builds with various feature sets:
- `default`: Builds with `wee_alloc` as the global allocator and with the Rust standard library.
- `qimalloc`: Builds with [qimalloc]https://github.com/wasmx/qimalloc as the global allocator.
- `debug`: Exposes the debugging interface.
- `experimental`: Exposes the experimental bignum system library API.

To enable specific features include the dependency as follows:
version = "0.10"
default-features = false
features = ["std", "qimalloc"]
Further documentation is available [here](https://docs.rs/ewasm_api/).

## Author(s)

Alex Beregszaszi, Jake Lang

## License

Apache 2.0