evtclib 0.3.3

An evtc parsing library
//! This module contains some low-level game data, such as different boss IDs.
use num_derive::FromPrimitive;
use std::{
    fmt::{self, Display, Formatter},
use thiserror::Error;

/// Enum containing all bosses with their IDs.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum Boss {
    // Wing 1
    ValeGuardian = 0x3C4E,
    Gorseval = 0x3C45,
    Sabetha = 0x3C0F,

    // Wing 2
    Slothasor = 0x3EFB,
    Matthias = 0x3EF3,

    // Wing 3
    KeepConstruct = 0x3F6B,
    /// Xera ID for phase 1.
    /// This is only half of Xera's ID, as there will be a second agent for the
    /// second phase. This agent will have another ID, see
    /// [`XERA_PHASE2_ID`](constant.XERA_PHASE2_ID.html).
    Xera = 0x3F76,

    // Wing 4
    Cairn = 0x432A,
    MursaatOverseer = 0x4314,
    Samarog = 0x4324,
    Deimos = 0x4302,

    // Wing 5
    SoullessHorror = 0x4D37,
    Dhuum = 0x4BFA,

    // Wing 6
    ConjuredAmalgamate = 0xABC6,
    LargosTwins = 0x5271,
    Qadim = 0x51C6,

    // Wing 7
    CardinalAdina = 0x55F6,
    CardinalSabir = 0x55CC,
    QadimThePeerless = 0x55F0,

    // 100 CM
    Skorvald = 0x44E0,
    Artsariiv = 0x461D,
    Arkk = 0x455F,

    // 99 CM
    MAMA = 0x427D,
    Siax = 0x4284,
    Ensolyss = 0x4234,

    // Strike missions
    IcebroodConstruct = 0x568A,
    VoiceOfTheFallen = 0x5747,
    FraenirOfJormag = 0x57DC,
    Boneskinner = 0x57F9,
    WhisperOfJormag = 0x58B7,

impl Boss {
    /// Returns the CM trigger for this boss.
    pub fn cm_trigger(self) -> CmTrigger {
        match self {
            Boss::KeepConstruct => CmTrigger::Unknown,

            Boss::Cairn => CmTrigger::BuffPresent(38_098),
            Boss::MursaatOverseer => CmTrigger::HpThreshold(30_000_000),
            Boss::Samarog => CmTrigger::HpThreshold(40_000_000),
            Boss::Deimos => CmTrigger::HpThreshold(42_000_000),

            Boss::SoullessHorror => CmTrigger::TimeBetweenBuffs(47414, 11_000),
            Boss::Dhuum => CmTrigger::HpThreshold(40_000_000),

            Boss::ConjuredAmalgamate => CmTrigger::BuffPresent(53_075),
            // This is Nikare's health, as the log is saved with his ID
            Boss::LargosTwins => CmTrigger::HpThreshold(19_200_000),
            Boss::Qadim => CmTrigger::HpThreshold(21_100_000),

            Boss::CardinalAdina => CmTrigger::HpThreshold(24_800_000),
            Boss::CardinalSabir => CmTrigger::HpThreshold(32_400_000),
            Boss::QadimThePeerless => CmTrigger::HpThreshold(51_000_000),

            Boss::Skorvald => CmTrigger::HpThreshold(5_551_340),
            Boss::Artsariiv => CmTrigger::Always,
            Boss::Arkk => CmTrigger::Always,

            Boss::MAMA => CmTrigger::Always,
            Boss::Siax => CmTrigger::Always,
            Boss::Ensolyss => CmTrigger::Always,

            _ => CmTrigger::None,

/// Error for when converting a string to the boss fails.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Error)]
#[error("Invalid boss identifier: {0}")]
pub struct ParseBossError(String);

impl FromStr for Boss {
    type Err = ParseBossError;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
        let lower = s.to_lowercase();
        match &lower as &str {
            "vg" | "vale guardian" => Ok(Boss::ValeGuardian),
            "gorse" | "gorseval" => Ok(Boss::Gorseval),
            "sab" | "sabetha" => Ok(Boss::Sabetha),

            "sloth" | "slothasor" => Ok(Boss::Slothasor),
            "matthias" => Ok(Boss::Matthias),

            "kc" | "keep construct" => Ok(Boss::KeepConstruct),
            "xera" => Ok(Boss::Xera),

            "cairn" => Ok(Boss::Cairn),
            "mo" | "mursaat overseer" => Ok(Boss::MursaatOverseer),
            "sam" | "sama" | "samarog" => Ok(Boss::Samarog),
            "deimos" => Ok(Boss::Deimos),

            "desmina" | "sh" | "soulless horror" => Ok(Boss::SoullessHorror),
            "dhuum" => Ok(Boss::Dhuum),

            "ca" | "conjured amalgamate" => Ok(Boss::ConjuredAmalgamate),
            "largos" | "twins" | "largos twins" => Ok(Boss::LargosTwins),
            "qadim" => Ok(Boss::Qadim),

            "adina" | "cardinal adina" => Ok(Boss::CardinalAdina),
            "sabir" | "cardinal sabir" => Ok(Boss::CardinalSabir),
            "qadimp" | "peerless qadim" | "qadim the peerless" => Ok(Boss::QadimThePeerless),

            "skorvald" => Ok(Boss::Skorvald),
            "artsariiv" => Ok(Boss::Artsariiv),
            "arkk" => Ok(Boss::Arkk),

            "mama" => Ok(Boss::MAMA),
            "siax" => Ok(Boss::Siax),
            "ensolyss" | "ensolyss of the endless torment" => Ok(Boss::Ensolyss),

            "icebrood" | "icebrood construct" => Ok(Boss::IcebroodConstruct),
            "kodans" | "super kodan brothers" => Ok(Boss::VoiceOfTheFallen),
            "fraenir" | "fraenir of jormag" => Ok(Boss::FraenirOfJormag),
            "boneskinner" => Ok(Boss::Boneskinner),
            "whisper" | "whisper of jormag" => Ok(Boss::WhisperOfJormag),

            _ => Err(ParseBossError(s.to_owned())),

impl Display for Boss {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let name = match *self {
            Boss::ValeGuardian => "Vale Guardian",
            Boss::Gorseval => "Gorseval",
            Boss::Sabetha => "Sabetha",
            Boss::Slothasor => "Slothasor",
            Boss::Matthias => "Matthias Gabrel",
            Boss::KeepConstruct => "Keep Construct",
            Boss::Xera => "Xera",
            Boss::Cairn => "Cairn the Indomitable",
            Boss::MursaatOverseer => "Mursaat Overseer",
            Boss::Samarog => "Samarog",
            Boss::Deimos => "Deimos",
            Boss::SoullessHorror => "Soulless Horror",
            Boss::Dhuum => "Dhuum",
            Boss::ConjuredAmalgamate => "Conjured Amalgamate",
            Boss::LargosTwins => "Twin Largos",
            Boss::Qadim => "Qadim",
            Boss::CardinalAdina => "Cardinal Adina",
            Boss::CardinalSabir => "Cardinal Sabir",
            Boss::QadimThePeerless => "Qadim the Peerless",
            Boss::Skorvald => "Skorvald the Shattered",
            Boss::Artsariiv => "Artsariiv",
            Boss::Arkk => "Arkk",
            Boss::MAMA => "MAMA",
            Boss::Siax => "Siax the Corrupted",
            Boss::Ensolyss => "Ensolyss of the Endless Torment",
            Boss::IcebroodConstruct => "Icebrood Construct",
            Boss::VoiceOfTheFallen => "Super Kodan Brothers",
            Boss::FraenirOfJormag => "Fraenir of Jormag",
            Boss::Boneskinner => "Boneskinner",
            Boss::WhisperOfJormag => "Whisper of Jormag",
        write!(f, "{}", name)

/// ID for Xera in the second phase.
/// The original Xera will despawn, and after the tower phase, a separate spawn
/// will take over. This new Xera will have this ID. Care needs to be taken when
/// calculating boss damage on this encounter, as both Xeras have to be taken
/// into account.
pub const XERA_PHASE2_ID: u16 = 0x3F9E;

/// The trigger of how a boss challenge mote (CM) is determined.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum CmTrigger {
    /// The boss does not have a CM available.
    /// The boss has a CM available but we cannot determine if it has been activated.
    /// Logs from this boss always count as having the CM active.
    /// The CM is determined by the boss's health being at or above the given threshold.
    /// This works since most bosses increase their HP pool in the CM variant.
    /// The CM is active if the given buff is present in the log.
    /// The buff can be either on player or the enemy.
    /// The time between buff applications falls below the given threshold.
    /// The first number is the buff id, the second number is the time threshold in milliseconds.
    TimeBetweenBuffs(u32, u64),

/// Error for when converting a string to a profession fails.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Error)]
#[error("Invalid profession identifier: {0}")]
pub struct ParseProfessionError(String);

/// An in-game profession.
/// This only contains the 9 base professions. For elite specializations, see
/// [`EliteSpec`][EliteSpec].
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum Profession {
    Guardian = 1,
    Warrior = 2,
    Engineer = 3,
    Ranger = 4,
    Thief = 5,
    Elementalist = 6,
    Mesmer = 7,
    Necromancer = 8,
    Revenant = 9,

impl FromStr for Profession {
    type Err = ParseProfessionError;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
        match &s.to_lowercase() as &str {
            "guardian" => Ok(Profession::Guardian),
            "warrior" => Ok(Profession::Warrior),
            "engineer" => Ok(Profession::Engineer),
            "ranger" => Ok(Profession::Ranger),
            "thief" => Ok(Profession::Thief),
            "elementalist" => Ok(Profession::Elementalist),
            "mesmer" => Ok(Profession::Mesmer),
            "necromancer" => Ok(Profession::Necromancer),
            "revenant" => Ok(Profession::Revenant),

            _ => Err(ParseProfessionError(s.to_owned())),

impl Display for Profession {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let name = match *self {
            Profession::Guardian => "Guardian",
            Profession::Warrior => "Warrior",
            Profession::Engineer => "Engineer",
            Profession::Ranger => "Ranger",
            Profession::Thief => "Thief",
            Profession::Elementalist => "Elementalist",
            Profession::Mesmer => "Mesmer",
            Profession::Necromancer => "Necromancer",
            Profession::Revenant => "Revenant",
        write!(f, "{}", name)

/// Error for when converting a string to an elite specialization fails.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Error)]
#[error("Invalid elite specialization identifier: {0}")]
pub struct ParseEliteSpecError(String);

/// All possible elite specializations.
/// Note that the numeric value of the enum variants correspond to the specialization ID in the API
/// as well. See [the official wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/API:2/specializations) for
/// more information regarding the API usage.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum EliteSpec {
    // Heart of Thorns elites:
    Dragonhunter = 27,
    Berserker = 18,
    Scrapper = 43,
    Druid = 5,
    Daredevil = 7,
    Tempest = 48,
    Chronomancer = 40,
    Reaper = 34,
    Herald = 52,

    // Path of Fire elites:
    Firebrand = 62,
    Spellbreaker = 61,
    Holosmith = 57,
    Soulbeast = 55,
    Deadeye = 58,
    Weaver = 56,
    Mirage = 59,
    Scourge = 60,
    Renegade = 63,

impl FromStr for EliteSpec {
    type Err = ParseEliteSpecError;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
        match &s.to_lowercase() as &str {
            "dragonhunter" => Ok(EliteSpec::Dragonhunter),
            "berserker" => Ok(EliteSpec::Berserker),
            "scrapper" => Ok(EliteSpec::Scrapper),
            "druid" => Ok(EliteSpec::Druid),
            "daredevil" => Ok(EliteSpec::Daredevil),
            "tempest" => Ok(EliteSpec::Tempest),
            "chronomancer" => Ok(EliteSpec::Chronomancer),
            "reaper" => Ok(EliteSpec::Reaper),
            "herald" => Ok(EliteSpec::Herald),

            "firebrand" => Ok(EliteSpec::Firebrand),
            "spellbreaker" => Ok(EliteSpec::Spellbreaker),
            "holosmith" => Ok(EliteSpec::Holosmith),
            "soulbeast" => Ok(EliteSpec::Soulbeast),
            "deadeye" => Ok(EliteSpec::Deadeye),
            "weaver" => Ok(EliteSpec::Weaver),
            "mirage" => Ok(EliteSpec::Mirage),
            "scourge" => Ok(EliteSpec::Scourge),
            "renegade" => Ok(EliteSpec::Renegade),

            _ => Err(ParseEliteSpecError(s.to_owned())),

impl Display for EliteSpec {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let name = match *self {
            EliteSpec::Dragonhunter => "Dragonhunter",
            EliteSpec::Berserker => "Berserker",
            EliteSpec::Scrapper => "Scrapper",
            EliteSpec::Druid => "Druid",
            EliteSpec::Daredevil => "Daredevil",
            EliteSpec::Tempest => "Tempest",
            EliteSpec::Chronomancer => "Chronomancer",
            EliteSpec::Reaper => "Reaper",
            EliteSpec::Herald => "Herald",
            EliteSpec::Firebrand => "Firebrand",
            EliteSpec::Spellbreaker => "Spellbreaker",
            EliteSpec::Holosmith => "Holosmith",
            EliteSpec::Soulbeast => "Soulbeast",
            EliteSpec::Deadeye => "Deadeye",
            EliteSpec::Weaver => "Weaver",
            EliteSpec::Mirage => "Mirage",
            EliteSpec::Scourge => "Scourge",
            EliteSpec::Renegade => "Renegade",
        write!(f, "{}", name)

impl EliteSpec {
    /// Return the profession that this elite specialization belongs to.
    /// This value is hardcoded (and not expected to change), and does not require a network
    /// connection or API access.
    pub fn profession(self) -> Profession {
        use EliteSpec::*;
        match self {
            Dragonhunter | Firebrand => Profession::Guardian,
            Berserker | Spellbreaker => Profession::Warrior,
            Scrapper | Holosmith => Profession::Engineer,
            Druid | Soulbeast => Profession::Ranger,
            Daredevil | Deadeye => Profession::Thief,
            Tempest | Weaver => Profession::Elementalist,
            Chronomancer | Mirage => Profession::Mesmer,
            Reaper | Scourge => Profession::Necromancer,
            Herald | Renegade => Profession::Revenant,

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_boss_parsing_ok() {
        use Boss::*;
        let tests: &[(&'static str, Boss)] = &[
            ("vg", ValeGuardian),
            ("VG", ValeGuardian),
            ("vale guardian", ValeGuardian),
            ("Vale Guardian", ValeGuardian),
            ("gorse", Gorseval),
            ("Gorse", Gorseval),
            ("gorseval", Gorseval),
            ("Gorseval", Gorseval),
            ("sab", Sabetha),
            ("sabetha", Sabetha),
            ("Sabetha", Sabetha),
            ("sloth", Slothasor),
            ("slothasor", Slothasor),
            ("Slothasor", Slothasor),
            ("matthias", Matthias),
            ("Matthias", Matthias),
            ("kc", KeepConstruct),
            ("KC", KeepConstruct),
            ("keep construct", KeepConstruct),
            ("Keep Construct", KeepConstruct),
            ("xera", Xera),
            ("Xera", Xera),
            ("cairn", Cairn),
            ("Cairn", Cairn),
            ("mo", MursaatOverseer),
            ("MO", MursaatOverseer),
            ("mursaat overseer", MursaatOverseer),
            ("Mursaat Overseer", MursaatOverseer),
            ("samarog", Samarog),
            ("Samarog", Samarog),
            ("deimos", Deimos),
            ("Deimos", Deimos),
            ("sh", SoullessHorror),
            ("soulless horror", SoullessHorror),
            ("desmina", SoullessHorror),
            ("Desmina", SoullessHorror),
            ("dhuum", Dhuum),
            ("Dhuum", Dhuum),
            ("ca", ConjuredAmalgamate),
            ("conjured amalgamate", ConjuredAmalgamate),
            ("Conjured Amalgamate", ConjuredAmalgamate),
            ("largos", LargosTwins),
            ("twins", LargosTwins),
            ("largos twins", LargosTwins),
            ("qadim", Qadim),
            ("Qadim", Qadim),
            ("adina", CardinalAdina),
            ("cardinal adina", CardinalAdina),
            ("Cardinal Adina", CardinalAdina),
            ("sabir", CardinalSabir),
            ("cardinal sabir", CardinalSabir),
            ("Cardinal Sabir", CardinalSabir),
            ("qadimp", QadimThePeerless),
            ("qadim the peerless", QadimThePeerless),
            ("Qadim The Peerless", QadimThePeerless),
            ("skorvald", Skorvald),
            ("Skorvald", Skorvald),
            ("artsariiv", Artsariiv),
            ("Artsariiv", Artsariiv),
            ("arkk", Arkk),
            ("Arkk", Arkk),
            ("mama", MAMA),
            ("MAMA", MAMA),
            ("siax", Siax),
            ("SIAX", Siax),
            ("ensolyss", Ensolyss),
            ("Ensolyss", Ensolyss),
            ("Ensolyss of the Endless Torment", Ensolyss),
            ("icebrood", IcebroodConstruct),
            ("Icebrood Construct", IcebroodConstruct),
            ("fraenir", FraenirOfJormag),
            ("Fraenir of Jormag", FraenirOfJormag),
            ("boneskinner", Boneskinner),
            ("kodans", VoiceOfTheFallen),
            ("whisper", WhisperOfJormag),
            ("Whisper of Jormag", WhisperOfJormag),

        for (input, expected) in tests {
                "parsing input {:?} failed",

    fn test_boss_parsing_err() {
        let tests = &[
        for test in tests {

    fn test_profession_parsing_ok() {
        use Profession::*;
        let tests: &[(&'static str, Profession)] = &[
            ("guardian", Guardian),
            ("Guardian", Guardian),
            ("warrior", Warrior),
            ("Warrior", Warrior),
            ("revenant", Revenant),
            ("Revenant", Revenant),
            ("thief", Thief),
            ("Thief", Thief),
            ("engineer", Engineer),
            ("Engineer", Engineer),
            ("ranger", Ranger),
            ("Ranger", Ranger),
            ("mesmer", Mesmer),
            ("Mesmer", Mesmer),
            ("elementalist", Elementalist),
            ("Elementalist", Elementalist),
            ("necromancer", Necromancer),
            ("Necromancer", Necromancer),

        for (input, expected) in tests {
                "parsing input {:?} failed",

    fn test_profession_parsing_err() {
        let tests = &["", "guardiann", "gu", "thiefthief"];
        for test in tests {

    fn test_elite_spec_parsing_ok() {
        use EliteSpec::*;
        let tests: &[(&'static str, EliteSpec)] = &[
            ("dragonhunter", Dragonhunter),
            ("Dragonhunter", Dragonhunter),
            ("firebrand", Firebrand),
            ("Firebrand", Firebrand),
            ("berserker", Berserker),
            ("Berserker", Berserker),
            ("spellbreaker", Spellbreaker),
            ("Spellbreaker", Spellbreaker),
            ("herald", Herald),
            ("Herald", Herald),
            ("renegade", Renegade),
            ("Renegade", Renegade),
            ("daredevil", Daredevil),
            ("Daredevil", Daredevil),
            ("deadeye", Deadeye),
            ("Deadeye", Deadeye),
            ("scrapper", Scrapper),
            ("Scrapper", Scrapper),
            ("holosmith", Holosmith),
            ("Holosmith", Holosmith),
            ("druid", Druid),
            ("Druid", Druid),
            ("soulbeast", Soulbeast),
            ("Soulbeast", Soulbeast),
            ("tempest", Tempest),
            ("Tempest", Tempest),
            ("weaver", Weaver),
            ("Weaver", Weaver),
            ("chronomancer", Chronomancer),
            ("Chronomancer", Chronomancer),
            ("mirage", Mirage),
            ("Mirage", Mirage),
            ("reaper", Reaper),
            ("Reaper", Reaper),
            ("scourge", Scourge),
            ("Scourge", Scourge),

        for (input, expected) in tests {
                "parsing input {:?} failed",

    fn test_elite_spec_parsing_err() {
        let tests = &[
        for test in tests {