evmil 0.2.12

An low-level immediate language for compiling to EVM bytecode
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use crate::util;
use crate::util::{OverflowingAdd, OverflowingSub};
use std::{cmp, fmt};

/// Represents a `256` bit word.  This is very similar what a `u256`
/// would be, but where all operations employ modulo arithmetic.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct w256 {
    // Least significant 16 bytes
    low: u128,
    // Most significant 16 bytes
    high: u128,

impl w256 {
    /// The smallest value that can be represented by this word.
    pub const MIN: w256 = w256::new(0u128, 0u128);
    /// The largest value that can be represented by this word.
    pub const MAX: w256 = w256::new(u128::MAX, u128::MAX);
    /// Constant for zero
    pub const ZERO: w256 = w256::from(0);
    /// Constant for one
    pub const ONE: w256 = w256::from(1);
    /// Constant for two
    pub const TWO: w256 = w256::from(2);
    /// Constant for three
    pub const THREE: w256 = w256::from(3);
    /// Constant for four
    pub const FOUR: w256 = w256::from(4);

    /// Construct a `w256` from two `u128` words.
    pub const fn new(low: u128, high: u128) -> Self {
        w256 { low, high }
    pub const fn from(item: u128) -> Self {
        w256 { low: item, high: 0 }
    /// Convert a given byte array into a w256.  The array is expected
    /// to be at most 32bytes long.
    pub fn from_be_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Self {
        let n = bytes.len();
        assert!(n <= 32);
        let lw;
        let hw;
        if n >= 16 {
            let m = n - 16;
            lw = util::from_be_bytes(&bytes[m..]);
            hw = util::from_be_bytes(&bytes[..m]);
        } else {
            lw = util::from_be_bytes(bytes);
            hw = 0;
        w256 { low: lw, high: hw }

// =====================================================================
// Min / Max
// =====================================================================

impl util::Max for w256 {
    const MAX: Self = w256::MAX;

impl util::Min for w256 {
    const MIN: Self = w256::MIN;

// =====================================================================
// Coercions
// =====================================================================

/// Anything which can be converted into a `u128` can be converted
/// into a `w256`.
impl<T: Into<u128>> From<T> for w256 {
    fn from(val: T) -> w256 {
        w256 {
            low: val.into(),
            high: 0,

impl Into<u16> for w256 {
    fn into(self) -> u16 {
        self.low as u16

impl Into<u16> for &w256 {
    fn into(self) -> u16 {
        self.low as u16

impl Into<usize> for w256 {
    fn into(self) -> usize {
        self.low as usize

impl Into<usize> for &w256 {
    fn into(self) -> usize {
        self.low as usize

// =====================================================================
// Arithmetic Comparisons
// =====================================================================

impl Ord for w256 {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> cmp::Ordering {
        let h = u128::cmp(&self.high, &other.high);
        if h == cmp::Ordering::Equal {
            u128::cmp(&self.low, &other.low)
        } else {

impl PartialOrd for w256 {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {

// =====================================================================
// Add
// =====================================================================

impl std::ops::Add for w256 {
    type Output = Self;

    fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        let (lw, c0) = self.low.overflowing_add(rhs.low);
        //let (hw,_) = self.high.carrying_add(rhs.high,c0);
        let (hw, _) = carrying_add(self.high, rhs.high, c0);
        // Done
        w256 { low: lw, high: hw }

impl std::ops::Add<usize> for w256 {
    type Output = Self;

    fn add(self, rhs: usize) -> Self {
        // Coerce usize into u128 (unsafe)
        let r: w256 = (rhs as u128).into();
        // Add two w256
        self + r

impl OverflowingAdd for w256 {
    fn overflowing_add(self, rhs: w256) -> (Self, bool) {
        let (lw, c0) = self.low.overflowing_add(rhs.low);
        //let (hw,_) = self.high.carrying_add(rhs.high,c0);
        let (hw, c1) = carrying_add(self.high, rhs.high, c0);
        // Done
        (w256 { low: lw, high: hw }, c1)

// =====================================================================
// Add
// =====================================================================

impl std::ops::Sub for w256 {
    type Output = Self;

    fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        let (lw, b1) = self.low.overflowing_sub(rhs.low);
        //let (hw,_) = self.high.borrowing_sub(rhs.high,b1);
        let (hw, _) = borrowing_sub(self.high, rhs.high, b1);
        // Done
        w256 { low: lw, high: hw }

// =====================================================================
// Formatting
// =====================================================================

impl fmt::Display for w256 {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{},{}", self.low, self.high)

impl fmt::LowerHex for w256 {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let mut s = if self.high == 0 {
        } else {
        let mut len = s.len();
        if f.alternate() { write!(f,"0x"); len += 2; }
        match f.width() {
            Some(w) => {
                if f.sign_aware_zero_pad() {
                    for _i in len .. w { write!(f,"0")?; }
            None => {}

// =====================================================================
// Helpers
// =====================================================================

/// A simple method (which hopefully should be deprecated at some
/// point by `u128::carrying_add`) for managing addition with carry.
fn carrying_add(lhs: u128, rhs: u128, carry: bool) -> (u128, bool) {
    // Add one if carry set.
    let (r0, c0) = if carry {
    } else {
        (lhs, false)
    // Add the rest.
    let (r1, c1) = r0.overflowing_add(rhs);
    // If either overflowed ... then we overflowed.
    (r1, c0 | c1)

/// A simple method (which hopefully should be deprecated at some
/// point by `u128::borrowing_sub`) for managing subtraction with
/// borrow.
fn borrowing_sub(lhs: u128, rhs: u128, borrow: bool) -> (u128, bool) {
    // Add one if carry set.
    let (r0, b0) = if borrow {
    } else {
        (lhs, false)
    // Add the rest.
    let (r1, b1) = r0.overflowing_sub(rhs);
    // If either underflowed ... then we underflowed.
    (r1, b0 | b1)

mod tests {
    use crate::util::w256;

    const ZERO: w256 = w256::new(0, 0);
    const ONE: w256 = w256::new(1, 0);
    const TWO: w256 = w256::new(2, 0);
    const THREE: w256 = w256::new(3, 0);
    const FOUR: w256 = w256::new(4, 0);
    const MAX128: w256 = w256::new(u128::MAX, 0);
    const MAX128M1: w256 = w256::new(u128::MAX - 1, 0);
    const MAX128P1: w256 = w256::new(0, 1);
    const MAX256: w256 = w256::MAX;
    const MAX256M1: w256 = w256::new(u128::MAX - 1, u128::MAX);

    // === Hex ===

    fn test_hex_01() {
        assert_eq!(format!("{:x}",w256::new(15, 0)),"f");

    fn test_hex_02() {

    fn test_hex_03() {

    fn test_hex_04() {

    fn test_hex_05() {
        assert_eq!(format!("{:2x}",w256::new(255, 0)),"ff");

    fn test_hex_06() {
        assert_eq!(format!("{:2x}",w256::new(256, 0)),"100");

    fn test_hex_07() {

    // === Addition ===

    /// Handy definition for testing both ways (since addition is
    /// commutative).
    macro_rules! assert_add {
        ($l:expr,$r:expr,$e:expr) => {
            assert_eq!($l + $r, $e);
            assert_eq!($r + $l, $e);

    fn test_add_01() {
        assert_add!(ZERO, ZERO, ZERO);
    fn test_add_02() {
        assert_add!(ZERO, ONE, ONE);
    fn test_add_03() {
        assert_add!(ONE, ONE, TWO);
    fn test_add_04() {
        assert_add!(ONE, TWO, THREE);
    fn test_add_05() {
        assert_add!(TWO, TWO, FOUR);
    fn test_add_06() {
        assert_add!(ZERO, MAX128, MAX128);
    fn test_add_07() {
        assert_add!(ONE, MAX128, MAX128P1);
    fn test_add_08() {
        assert_add!(ONE, MAX128M1, MAX128);
    fn test_add_09() {
        assert_add!(ONE, MAX256, ZERO);
    fn test_add_10() {
        assert_add!(ONE, MAX256M1, MAX256);

    // === Subtraction ===

    /// Handy definition for testing both ways (since addition is
    /// commutative).
    macro_rules! assert_sub {
        ($l:expr,$r:expr,$e1:expr,$e2:expr) => {
            assert_eq!($l - $r, $e1);
            assert_eq!($r - $l, $e2);

    fn test_sub_01() {
        assert_sub!(ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO);
    fn test_sub_02() {
        assert_sub!(ONE, ONE, ZERO, ZERO);
    fn test_sub_03() {
        assert_sub!(ZERO, ONE, MAX256, ONE);
    fn test_sub_04() {
        assert_sub!(ZERO, TWO, MAX256M1, TWO);
    fn test_sub_05() {
        assert_sub!(ONE, TWO, MAX256, ONE);