everscale-network 0.4.0

Implementation of the network part of the Everscale blockchain

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Implementation of the network part of the Everscale blockchain.

Network stack

           │            Overlay  │ - Overlay: Virtual subnetwork
┌──────────┼──────────┐          │ - DHT: Kademlia-like Distributed Hash Table
│    DHT   │   RLDP   │          │ - RLDP: Reliable Large Datagram Protocol
│              ADNL              │ - ADNL: Abstract Data Network Layer
│              UDP               │ - underlying transport protocol


use anyhow::Result;
use everscale_network::{adnl, NetworkBuilder};
use tl_proto::{TlRead, TlWrite};

#[derive(TlWrite, TlRead)]
#[tl(boxed, id = 0x11223344)]
struct MyCustomData {
    counter: u32,

async fn example() -> Result<()> {
    const DHT_KEY_TAG: usize = 0;
    // Create and fill keystore
    let keystore = adnl::Keystore::builder()
        .with_tagged_key([1u8; 32], DHT_KEY_TAG)?

    // Create basic network parts
    // NOTE: our ip address must be accessible from other peers
    let (_adnl, dht) = NetworkBuilder::with_adnl("", keystore, Default::default())
        .with_dht(DHT_KEY_TAG, Default::default())

    // Store some data in DHT
    let stored = dht
        .entry(dht.key().id(), "some_value")
        .with_data(MyCustomData { counter: 0 })
        .then_check(|_, MyCustomData { counter }| Ok(counter == 0))


For more information you can check the docs or the examples.

Minimum Rust version

The current minimum required Rust version is 1.60.


This project is licensed under the License Apache.