ever 0.2.0

Print the build information of your program with minimal boilerplate

//! Adds the feature to print the build information to your program with minimal boilerplate.
//! 1. Call `ever!()` at the top of `main` function of your program.
//! ```rust
//! use ever::ever;
//! fn main() {
//!     ever!();
//!     println!("Hello, world!");
//! }
//! ```
//! 2. Set the environment variable `EVER` to `1` when starting the program. The build information is printed and the program exits with status `1`.
//! ```bash,ignore
//! $ EVER=1 ./your_program
//! your_program 0.1.0 (debug):
//!     date:     Sat Dec  5 11:17:09 2020 +0900
//!     commit:   49fec228607448df6fcb8950171441a1f56c2e7b-dirty
//!     user:     yushiomote
//!     host:     your_host
//!     builddir: /home/yushiomote/your_program
//!     rustc:    1.48.0 (7eac88abb 2020-11-16)
//! ```
//! If you want to change the environment variable name, pass your alternative as the argument.
//! ```rust
//! # use ever::ever;
//! ever!("MY_VERSION");
//! ```
//! ```bash,text
//! $ MY_VERSION=1 ./your_program
//! ```
//! ## Dump `Cargo.lock`
//! By setting the environment variable to `dump_lock`, the program dumps the content of `Cargo.lock` used during build.
//! ```bash,ignore
//! $ EVER=dump_lock ./your_program
//! # This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
//! # It is not intended for manual editing.
//! [[package]]
//!     name = "autocfg"
//!     version = "1.0.1"
//!     source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
//! ...
//! ```
//! ## Individual parameters
//! Provides macros to get individual parameters.
//! ```rust
//! use ever::{build_commit_hash, build_dir, build_date};
//! fn main() {
//!     println!("build_commit_hash: {}", build_commit_hash!());
//!     println!("build_dir: {}", build_dir!());
//!     println!("build_date: {}", build_date!());
//! }
//! ```
//! All the types returned by those macros are `&'static str`.
//! ## Note
//! The build information is retrieved only when the source file where `ever` macro is called is compiled.

use proc_macro_hack::proc_macro_hack;

/// Prints the build information when the environment variable is set.
/// See [`the top page`](index.html) for the usage.
pub use ever_macro::ever;

/// Returns the package name.
/// ```rust
/// // Prints "your_program"
/// println!("{}", ever::package_name!())
/// ```
pub use ever_macro::package_name;

/// Returns the package version.
/// ```rust
/// // Prints "0.1.0"
/// println!("{}", ever::package_version!())
/// ```
pub use ever_macro::package_version;

/// Returns the package description.
/// ```rust
/// // Prints "your awesome package"
/// println!("{}", ever::package_description!())
/// ```
pub use ever_macro::package_description;

/// Returns the build date.
/// ```rust
/// // Prints "Sat Dec  5 10:47:42 2020 +0900"
/// println!("{}", ever::build_date!());
/// ```
pub use ever_macro::build_date;

/// Returns the build mode, which is either `release` or `debug`.
/// ```rust
/// // Prints "release"
/// println!("{}", ever::build_mode!());
/// ```
pub use ever_macro::build_mode;

/// Returns the git commit hash.
/// If the repository has uncommited files, the hash is suffixed with `-dirty`.
/// ```rust
/// // Prints "49fec228607448df6fcb8950171441a1f56c2e7b-dirty"
/// println!("{}", ever::build_commit_hash!());
/// ```
pub use ever_macro::build_commit_hash;

/// Returns the username who builds the package.
/// ```rust
/// // Prints "your_username"
/// println!("{}", ever::build_commit_hash!());
/// ```
pub use ever_macro::build_username;

/// Returns the hostname where the package is built.
/// ```rust
/// // Prints "your_hostname"
/// println!("{}", ever::build_hostname!());
/// ```
pub use ever_macro::build_hostname;

/// Returns the directory path where the package is built.
/// ```rust
/// // Prints "/path/to/your_build_dir"
/// println!("{}", ever::build_dir!());
/// ```
pub use ever_macro::build_dir;

/// Returns the version of rustc used to build the program.
/// ```rust
/// // Prints ""
/// println!("{}", ever::rustc_version!());
/// ```
pub use ever_macro::rustc_version;

/// Returns the content of `Cargo.lock` to build the program.
/// ```rust
/// // Prints "/path/to/your_build_dir"
/// println!("{}", ever::lock_file!());
/// ```
pub use ever_macro::lock_file;