Expand description

Official Rust EventStoreDB gRPC Client.

EventStoreDB is an open-source database built from the ground up for Event Sourcing, with Complex Event Processing in Javascript.

EventStoreDB Server Compatibility

This client is compatible with version 20.6.1 upwards and works on Linux, MacOS and Windows.

Server setup instructions can be found here EventStoreDB Docs, follow the docker setup for the simplest configuration.


use eventstore::{ Client, EventData };
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Foo {
    is_rust_a_nice_language: bool,

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {

    // Creates a client settings for a single node configuration.
    let settings = "esdb://admin:changeit@localhost:2113".parse()?;
    let client = Client::new(settings)?;

    let payload = Foo {
        is_rust_a_nice_language: true,

    // It is not mandatory to use JSON as a data format however EventStoreDB
    // provides great additional value if you do so.
    let evt = EventData::json("language-poll", &payload)?;

    let _ = client
        .append_to_stream("language-stream", &Default::default(), evt)

    let mut stream = client
        .read_stream("language-stream", &Default::default())

    while let Some(event) = stream.next().await? {
        let event = event.get_original_event()

        // Do something productive with the result.
        println!("{:?}", event);





Options of the append to stream command.

Represents a client to a single node. Client maintains a full duplex communication to EventStoreDB.

Gathers all the settings related to a gRPC client with an EventStoreDB database. ClientSettings can only be created when parsing a connection string.

Holds login and password information.

Options of the delete stream command.

Holds data of event about to be sent to the server.

Gathers every persistent subscription property.

A structure referring to a potential logical record position in the EventStoreDB transaction file.

Represents the result of looking up a specific event number from a stream.

Represents a previously written event.

A structure representing a single event or an resolved link event.

A command retry policy.

Represents an access control list for a stream.

Represents stream metadata with strongly types properties for system values and a dictionary-like interface for custom values.

Used to facilitate the creation of a stream’s metadata.

Options of the tombstone stream command.

Represents a stream metadata.

Returned after writing to a stream.


Actual revision of a stream.

EventStoreDB command error.

Constants used for expected version control. The use of expected version can be a bit tricky especially when discussing assurances given by the GetEventStore server.

EventStoreDB command error.

Gathers every possible Nak actions.

Indicates which order of preferred nodes for connecting to.

Enumerates all persistent action exceptions.

Represents the different scenarios that could happen when performing a persistent subscription.

Enumeration detailing the possible outcomes of reading a stream.

Represents the errors that can arise when reading a stream.

Represents the result of reading a stream.

Represents a reconnection strategy when a connection has dropped or is about to be created.

Represents stream metadata as a series of properties for system data and user-defined metadata.

Events related to a subscription.

System supported consumer strategies for use with persistent subscriptions.


Type Definitions