eventsourced 0.6.0

Persistent event sourcing
//! Event sourced entities.


pub mod convert;
mod evt_log;
mod snapshot_store;

pub use evt_log::*;
pub use snapshot_store::*;

use bytes::Bytes;
use futures::StreamExt;
use std::{
    error::Error as StdError,
    fmt::{self, Debug, Display},
    num::{NonZeroU64, NonZeroUsize},
use thiserror::Error;
use tokio::{
    sync::{mpsc, oneshot},
use tracing::{debug, error};
use uuid::Uuid;

/// Command and event handling for an event sourced entity.
pub trait EventSourced: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static {
    /// Command type.
    type Cmd: Debug + Send + Sync + 'static;

    /// Event type.
    type Evt: Debug + Send + Sync + 'static;

    /// Snapshot state type.
    type State: Send + Sync;

    /// Error type for rejected (a.k.a. invalid) commands.
    type Error: StdError + Send + Sync + 'static;

    /// Command handler, returning the to be persisted event or an error.
    fn handle_cmd(&self, cmd: Self::Cmd) -> Result<impl IntoTaggedEvt<Self::Evt>, Self::Error>;

    /// Event handler, returning whether to take a snapshot or not.
    fn handle_evt(&mut self, evt: Self::Evt) -> Option<Self::State>;

    /// Snapshot state handler.
    fn set_state(&mut self, state: Self::State);

/// Used in an [EventSourced] command handler as impl trait in return position. Together with its
/// blanked implementation for any event allows for returning plain events without boilerplate.
pub trait IntoTaggedEvt<E>: Send {
    fn into_tagged_evt(self) -> TaggedEvt<E>;

impl<E> IntoTaggedEvt<E> for TaggedEvt<E>
    E: Send,
    fn into_tagged_evt(self) -> TaggedEvt<E> {

impl<E> IntoTaggedEvt<E> for E
    E: Send,
    fn into_tagged_evt(self) -> TaggedEvt<E> {
        TaggedEvt {
            evt: self,
            tag: None,

/// Provide `with_tag` extension method for events. Together with its blanket implementation for any
/// event allows for calling `with_tag` on any event.
pub trait EvtExt: Sized {
    /// Create a [TaggedEvt] with the given tag.
    fn with_tag<T>(self, tag: T) -> TaggedEvt<Self>
        T: Into<String>;

impl<E> EvtExt for E {
    fn with_tag<T>(self, tag: T) -> TaggedEvt<E>
        T: Into<String>,
        TaggedEvt {
            evt: self,
            tag: Some(tag.into()),

/// An event and an optional tag. Typically not used direcly, but via [IntoTaggedEvt] or [EvtExt].
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TaggedEvt<E> {
    evt: E,
    tag: Option<String>,

/// Extension methods for types implementing [EventSourced].
pub trait EventSourcedExt {
    /// Spawns an entity implementing [EventSourced] with the given ID and creates an [EntityRef]
    /// as a handle for it.
    /// First the given [SnapshotStore] is used to find and possibly load a snapshot. Then the
    /// [EvtLog] is used to find the last sequence number and then to load any remaining events.
    /// Commands can be passed to the spawned entity by invoking `handle_cmd` on the returned
    /// [EntityRef] which uses a buffered channel with the given size.
    /// Commands are handled by the command handler of this entity. They can be rejected by
    /// returning an error. Valid commands may produce an event which get persisted to the [EvtLog]
    /// along with an increasing sequence number and then applied to the event handler of
    /// this entity. The event handler may decide to save a snapshot at the current sequence
    /// number which is used to speed up future spawning.
    async fn spawn<
        mut self,
        id: Uuid,
        cmd_buffer: NonZeroUsize,
        evt_log: L,
        snapshot_store: S,
        binarizer: Binarizer<EvtToBytes, EvtFromBytes, StateToBytes, StateFromBytes>,
    ) -> Result<EntityRef<Self>, SpawnError>
        Self: EventSourced,
        L: EvtLog,
        S: SnapshotStore,
        EvtToBytes: Fn(&Self::Evt) -> Result<Bytes, EvtToBytesError> + Send + Sync + 'static,
        EvtToBytesError: StdError + Send + Sync + 'static,
        StateToBytes: Fn(&Self::State) -> Result<Bytes, StateToBytesError> + Send + Sync + 'static,
        StateToBytesError: StdError + Send + Sync + 'static,
            Fn(Bytes) -> Result<Self::Evt, EvtFromBytesError> + Copy + Send + Sync + 'static,
        EvtFromBytesError: StdError + Send + Sync + 'static,
            Fn(Bytes) -> Result<Self::State, StateFromBytesError> + Copy + Send + Sync + 'static,
        StateFromBytesError: StdError + Send + Sync + 'static,
        let Binarizer {
        } = binarizer;

        // Restore snapshot.
        let snapshot_seq_no = snapshot_store
            .load::<Self::State, _, _>(id, state_from_bytes)
            .map_err(|source| SpawnError::LoadSnapshot(source.into()))?
            .map(|Snapshot { seq_no, state }| {
                debug!(%id, %seq_no, "Restoring snapshot");

        // Replay latest events.
        let last_seq_no = evt_log
            .map_err(|source| SpawnError::LastSeqNo(source.into()))?;
            snapshot_seq_no <= last_seq_no,
            "snapshot_seq_no must be less than or equal to last_seq_no"
        if snapshot_seq_no < last_seq_no {
            let from_seq_no = snapshot_seq_no.unwrap_or(SeqNo::MIN);
            let to_seq_no = last_seq_no.unwrap_or(SeqNo::MIN);
            debug!(%id, %from_seq_no, %to_seq_no , "Replaying evts");
            let evts = evt_log
                .evts_by_id::<Self::Evt, _, _>(id, from_seq_no, evt_from_bytes)
                .map_err(|source| SpawnError::EvtsById(source.into()))?;
            while let Some(evt) = {
                let (seq_no, evt) = evt.map_err(|source| SpawnError::NextEvt(source.into()))?;
                if seq_no == to_seq_no {

        // Create entity.
        let mut entity = Entity {
            event_sourced: self,
        debug!(%id, "EventSourced entity created");

        let (cmd_in, mut cmd_out) = mpsc::channel::<(
            oneshot::Sender<Result<(), Self::Error>>,

        // Spawn handler loop.
        task::spawn(async move {
            while let Some((cmd, result_sender)) = cmd_out.recv().await {
                match entity.handle_cmd(cmd).await {
                    Ok(result) => {
                        if result_sender.send(result).is_err() {
                            error!(%id, "Cannot send command handler result");
                    Err(error) => {
                        error!(%id, %error, "Cannot persist event");
            debug!(%id, "Eventsourced entity terminated");

        Ok(EntityRef { id, cmd_in })

impl<E> EventSourcedExt for E where E: EventSourced {}

/// Errors from spawning an event sourced entity.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum SpawnError {
    /// A snapshot cannot be loaded from the snapshot store.
    #[error("Cannot load snapshot from snapshot store")]
    LoadSnapshot(#[source] Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>),

    /// The last seqence number cannot be obtained from the event log.
    #[error("Cannot get last seqence number from event log")]
    LastSeqNo(#[source] Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>),

    /// Events by ID cannot be obtained from the event log.
    #[error("Cannot get events by ID from event log")]
    EvtsById(#[source] Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>),

    /// The next event cannot be obtained from the event log.
    #[error("Cannot get next event from event log")]
    NextEvt(#[source] Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>),

/// A handle for a spawned [EventSourced] entity which can be used to invoke its command handler.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct EntityRef<E>
    E: EventSourced,
    id: Uuid,
    cmd_in: mpsc::Sender<(E::Cmd, oneshot::Sender<Result<(), E::Error>>)>,

impl<E> EntityRef<E>
    E: EventSourced,
    /// Get the ID of the proxied event sourced entity.
    pub fn id(&self) -> Uuid {

    /// Invoke the command handler of the entity.
    /// The returned (outer) `Result` signals, whether the command could be sent to the entity and
    /// the command handler result could be received, i.e. an `Err` signals a technical failure.
    /// The (outer) `Ok` variant contains another (inner) `Result`, which signals whether the
    /// command was valid or rejected. If it was valid, the persisted event is returned, else the
    /// rejection error.
    pub async fn handle_cmd(&self, cmd: E::Cmd) -> Result<Result<(), E::Error>, EntityRefError> {
        let (result_in, result_out) = oneshot::channel();
            .send((cmd, result_in))
            .map_err(|source| EntityRefError::SendCmd(source.into()))?;

/// Errors from an [EntityRef].
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum EntityRefError {
    /// A command cannot be sent from an [EntityRef] to its entity.
    #[error("Cannot send command to Entity")]
    SendCmd(#[source] Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>),

    /// An [EntityRef] cannot receive the command handler result from its entity, potentially
    /// because its entity has terminated.
    #[error("Cannot receive command handler result from Entity")]
    RcvHandlerResult(#[from] oneshot::error::RecvError),

/// Collection of conversion functions from and to [Bytes](bytes::Bytes) for events and snapshots.
pub struct Binarizer<EvtToBytes, EvtFromBytes, StateToBytes, StateFromBytes> {
    pub evt_to_bytes: EvtToBytes,
    pub evt_from_bytes: EvtFromBytes,
    pub state_to_bytes: StateToBytes,
    pub state_from_bytes: StateFromBytes,

/// Sequence number used for events by event log and snapshot store.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct SeqNo(NonZeroU64);

impl SeqNo {
    pub const MIN: SeqNo = Self(unsafe { NonZeroU64::new_unchecked(1) });

    pub const fn new(value: NonZeroU64) -> Self {

    pub const fn as_u64(&self) -> u64 {

    /// Get the successor of this sequence number.
    pub fn succ(&self) -> Self {
        Self(unsafe { NonZeroU64::new_unchecked(self.0.get() + 1) })

impl TryFrom<u64> for SeqNo {
    type Error = TrySeqNoFromZero;

    fn try_from(value: u64) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {

#[derive(Debug, Error)]
#[error("SeqNo must not be zero")]
pub struct TrySeqNoFromZero;

impl Display for SeqNo {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        Display::fmt(&self.0, f)

struct Entity<E, L, S, EvtToBytes, StateToBytes> {
    event_sourced: E,
    id: Uuid,
    evt_log: L,
    snapshot_store: S,
    evt_to_bytes: EvtToBytes,
    state_to_bytes: StateToBytes,

impl<E, L, S, EvtToBytes, EvtToBytesError, StateToBytes, StateToBytesError>
    Entity<E, L, S, EvtToBytes, StateToBytes>
    E: EventSourced,
    L: EvtLog,
    S: SnapshotStore,
    EvtToBytes: Fn(&E::Evt) -> Result<Bytes, EvtToBytesError> + Send + Sync + 'static,
    EvtToBytesError: StdError + Send + Sync + 'static,
    StateToBytes: Fn(&E::State) -> Result<Bytes, StateToBytesError> + Send + Sync + 'static,
    StateToBytesError: StdError + Send + Sync + 'static,
    async fn handle_cmd(&mut self, cmd: E::Cmd) -> Result<Result<(), E::Error>, Box<dyn StdError>> {
        // Handle command.
        match self.event_sourced.handle_cmd(cmd) {
            Ok(tagged_evt) => {
                let TaggedEvt { evt, tag } = tagged_evt.into_tagged_evt();
                // Persist event.
                let seq_no = self
                    .persist(, &evt, tag, &self.evt_to_bytes)

                // Handle persisted event.
                let state = self.event_sourced.handle_evt(evt);

                // Persist latest snapshot if any.
                if let Some(state) = state {
                    debug!(id =, %seq_no, "Saving snapshot");
                        .save(, seq_no, state, &self.state_to_bytes)


            Err(error) => Ok(Err(error)),

#[cfg(all(test, feature = "prost"))]
mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use async_stream::stream;
    use bytes::BytesMut;
    use futures::{stream, Stream};
    use prost::Message;
    use std::convert::Infallible;

    struct Simple(u64);

    impl EventSourced for Simple {
        type Cmd = ();

        type Evt = u64;

        type State = u64;

        type Error = Infallible;

        fn handle_cmd(
            _cmd: Self::Cmd,
        ) -> Result<impl IntoTaggedEvt<Self::Evt>, Self::Error> {
            Ok(((1 << 32) + self.0).with_tag("tag"))

        fn handle_evt(&mut self, evt: Self::Evt) -> Option<Self::State> {
            self.0 += evt >> 32;

        fn set_state(&mut self, state: Self::State) {
            self.0 = state;

    #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
    struct TestEvtLog;

    impl EvtLog for TestEvtLog {
        type Error = TestEvtLogError;

        async fn persist<'a, E, ToBytes, ToBytesError>(
            &'a mut self,
            _id: Uuid,
            _evt: &'a E,
            _tag: Option<String>,
            _to_bytes: &'a ToBytes,
        ) -> Result<SeqNo, Self::Error>
            E: Send + Sync + 'a,
            ToBytes: Fn(&E) -> Result<Bytes, ToBytesError> + Send + Sync,
            ToBytesError: StdError + Send + Sync + 'static,

        async fn last_seq_no(&self, _entity_id: Uuid) -> Result<Option<SeqNo>, Self::Error> {

        async fn evts_by_id<'a, E, EvtFromBytes, EvtFromBytesError>(
            &'a self,
            _id: Uuid,
            from_seq_no: SeqNo,
            evt_from_bytes: EvtFromBytes,
        ) -> Result<impl Stream<Item = Result<(SeqNo, E), Self::Error>> + Send, Self::Error>
            E: Send + 'a,
            EvtFromBytes: Fn(Bytes) -> Result<E, EvtFromBytesError> + Copy + Send + Sync + 'static,
            EvtFromBytesError: StdError + Send + Sync + 'static,
            let evts = stream! {
                for n in 0..666 {
                    for evt in 1..=3 {
                        let seq_no = (n * 3 + evt).try_into().unwrap();
                        if from_seq_no <= seq_no  {
                            let mut bytes = BytesMut::new();
                            evt.encode(&mut bytes).map_err(|source| TestEvtLogError(source.into()))?;
                            let evt = evt_from_bytes(bytes.into()).map_err(|source| TestEvtLogError(source.into()))?;
                            yield Ok((seq_no, evt));


        async fn evts_by_tag<'a, E, T, EvtFromBytes, EvtFromBytesError>(
            &'a self,
            _tag: T,
            _from_seq_no: SeqNo,
            _evt_from_bytes: EvtFromBytes,
        ) -> Result<impl Stream<Item = Result<(SeqNo, E), Self::Error>> + Send, Self::Error>
            E: Send + 'a,
            EvtFromBytes: Fn(Bytes) -> Result<E, EvtFromBytesError> + Copy + Send + Sync + 'static,
            EvtFromBytesError: StdError + Send + Sync + 'static,
            T: Into<String> + Send,

    #[derive(Debug, Error)]
    struct TestEvtLogError(#[source] Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>);

    #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
    struct TestSnapshotStore;

    impl SnapshotStore for TestSnapshotStore {
        type Error = TestSnapshotStoreError;

        async fn save<'a, S, StateToBytes, StateToBytesError>(
            &'a mut self,
            _id: Uuid,
            _seq_no: SeqNo,
            _state: S,
            _state_to_bytes: &'a StateToBytes,
        ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>
            S: Send + Sync + 'a,
            StateToBytes: Fn(&S) -> Result<Bytes, StateToBytesError> + Send + Sync + 'static,
            StateToBytesError: StdError + Send + Sync + 'static,

        async fn load<'a, S, StateFromBytes, StateFromBytesError>(
            &'a self,
            _id: Uuid,
            state_from_bytes: StateFromBytes,
        ) -> Result<Option<Snapshot<S>>, Self::Error>
            S: 'a,
                Fn(Bytes) -> Result<S, StateFromBytesError> + Copy + Send + Sync + 'static,
            StateFromBytesError: StdError + Send + Sync + 'static,
            let mut bytes = BytesMut::new();
            42.encode(&mut bytes).unwrap();
            let state = state_from_bytes(bytes.into()).unwrap();
            Ok(Some(Snapshot {
                seq_no: 42.try_into().unwrap(),

    #[derive(Debug, Error)]
    struct TestSnapshotStoreError;

    async fn test_spawn_handle_cmd() -> Result<(), Box<dyn StdError>> {
        let evt_log = TestEvtLog;
        let snapshot_store = TestSnapshotStore;

        let entity = spawn(evt_log, snapshot_store).await?;


    // We go through these hoops to ensure oddities in "async fn in trait" and other unstable
    // features are handle appropriately, e.g. by asserting futures are send.
    async fn spawn<E, S>(
        evt_log: E,
        snapshot_store: S,
    ) -> Result<EntityRef<Simple>, Box<dyn StdError>>
        E: EvtLog,
        S: SnapshotStore,
        let entity = task::spawn(async move {
                    unsafe { NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(1) },

        let entity = entity.await??;