evcxr 0.4.5

An Evaluation Context for Rust

Evcxr library

Latest Version

An implementation of eval() for Rust.

The main struct in this crate is EvalContext. You create one, then ask it to eval bits of code. Any defined functions, variables etc are local to that context.

let mut context = EvalContext::new();
context.eval("let s = String::new();")?;
context.eval("s.push_str(\"Hello \");")?;
context.eval("s.push_str(\" World\");")?;
context.eval("println!(\"{}\", s);")?;

I'll not go into too much detail here, since the purpose of this library is really to provide functionality to evcxr_jupyter and evcxr_repl. If you'd like to try using this crate for something else, drop me an email, or file an issue on the repository and we can figure out your use case.

How it works

See how it works

Release notes

See release notes