euclid 0.22.7

Geometry primitives
// Copyright 2014 The Servo Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! A one-dimensional length, tagged with its units.

use crate::approxeq::ApproxEq;
use crate::num::Zero;
use crate::scale::Scale;
use crate::approxord::{max, min};

use crate::num::One;
use core::cmp::Ordering;
use core::fmt;
use core::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use core::iter::Sum;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::ops::{Add, Div, Mul, Neg, Sub};
use core::ops::{AddAssign, DivAssign, MulAssign, SubAssign};
use num_traits::{NumCast, Saturating};
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer};
#[cfg(feature = "bytemuck")]
use bytemuck::{Zeroable, Pod};

/// A one-dimensional distance, with value represented by `T` and unit of measurement `Unit`.
/// `T` can be any numeric type, for example a primitive type like `u64` or `f32`.
/// `Unit` is not used in the representation of a `Length` value. It is used only at compile time
/// to ensure that a `Length` stored with one unit is converted explicitly before being used in an
/// expression that requires a different unit.  It may be a type without values, such as an empty
/// enum.
/// You can multiply a `Length` by a `scale::Scale` to convert it from one unit to
/// another. See the [`Scale`] docs for an example.
/// [`Scale`]: struct.Scale.html
pub struct Length<T, Unit>(pub T, #[doc(hidden)] pub PhantomData<Unit>);

impl<T: Clone, U> Clone for Length<T, U> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Length(self.0.clone(), PhantomData)

impl<T: Copy, U> Copy for Length<T, U> {}

#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
impl<'de, T, U> Deserialize<'de> for Length<T, U>
    T: Deserialize<'de>,
    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
        D: Deserializer<'de>,
        Ok(Length(Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?, PhantomData))

#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
impl<T, U> Serialize for Length<T, U>
    T: Serialize,
    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
        S: Serializer,

#[cfg(feature = "bytemuck")]
unsafe impl<T: Zeroable, U> Zeroable for Length<T, U> {}

#[cfg(feature = "bytemuck")]
unsafe impl<T: Pod, U: 'static> Pod for Length<T, U> {}

impl<T, U> Length<T, U> {
    /// Associate a value with a unit of measure.
    pub const fn new(x: T) -> Self {
        Length(x, PhantomData)

impl<T: Clone, U> Length<T, U> {
    /// Unpack the underlying value from the wrapper.
    pub fn get(self) -> T {

    /// Cast the unit
    pub fn cast_unit<V>(self) -> Length<T, V> {

    /// Linearly interpolate between this length and another length.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// use euclid::default::Length;
    /// let from = Length::new(0.0);
    /// let to = Length::new(8.0);
    /// assert_eq!(from.lerp(to, -1.0), Length::new(-8.0));
    /// assert_eq!(from.lerp(to,  0.0), Length::new( 0.0));
    /// assert_eq!(from.lerp(to,  0.5), Length::new( 4.0));
    /// assert_eq!(from.lerp(to,  1.0), Length::new( 8.0));
    /// assert_eq!(from.lerp(to,  2.0), Length::new(16.0));
    /// ```
    pub fn lerp(self, other: Self, t: T) -> Self
        T: One + Sub<Output = T> + Mul<Output = T> + Add<Output = T>,
        let one_t = T::one() - t.clone();
        Length::new(one_t * self.0.clone() + t * other.0)

impl<T: PartialOrd, U> Length<T, U> {
    /// Returns minimum between this length and another length.
    pub fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self {
        min(self, other)

    /// Returns maximum between this length and another length.
    pub fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self {
        max(self, other)

impl<T: NumCast + Clone, U> Length<T, U> {
    /// Cast from one numeric representation to another, preserving the units.
    pub fn cast<NewT: NumCast>(self) -> Length<NewT, U> {

    /// Fallible cast from one numeric representation to another, preserving the units.
    pub fn try_cast<NewT: NumCast>(self) -> Option<Length<NewT, U>> {

impl<T: fmt::Debug, U> fmt::Debug for Length<T, U> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

impl<T: Default, U> Default for Length<T, U> {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl<T: Hash, U> Hash for Length<T, U> {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, h: &mut H) {

// length + length
impl<T: Add, U> Add for Length<T, U> {
    type Output = Length<T::Output, U>;

    fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self::Output {
        Length::new(self.0 + other.0)

// length + &length
impl<T: Add + Copy, U> Add<&Self> for Length<T, U> {
    type Output = Length<T::Output, U>;

    fn add(self, other: &Self) -> Self::Output {
        Length::new(self.0 + other.0)

// length_iter.copied().sum()
impl<T: Add<Output = T> + Zero, U> Sum for Length<T, U> {
    fn sum<I: Iterator<Item=Self>>(iter: I) -> Self {
        iter.fold(Self::zero(), Add::add)

// length_iter.sum()
impl<'a, T: 'a + Add<Output = T> + Copy + Zero, U: 'a> Sum<&'a Self> for Length<T, U> {
    fn sum<I: Iterator<Item=&'a Self>>(iter: I) -> Self {
        iter.fold(Self::zero(), Add::add)

// length += length
impl<T: AddAssign, U> AddAssign for Length<T, U> {
    fn add_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
        self.0 += other.0;

// length - length
impl<T: Sub, U> Sub for Length<T, U> {
    type Output = Length<T::Output, U>;

    fn sub(self, other: Length<T, U>) -> Self::Output {
        Length::new(self.0 - other.0)

// length -= length
impl<T: SubAssign, U> SubAssign for Length<T, U> {
    fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
        self.0 -= other.0;

// Saturating length + length and length - length.
impl<T: Saturating, U> Saturating for Length<T, U> {
    fn saturating_add(self, other: Self) -> Self {

    fn saturating_sub(self, other: Self) -> Self {

// length / length
impl<Src, Dst, T: Div> Div<Length<T, Src>> for Length<T, Dst> {
    type Output = Scale<T::Output, Src, Dst>;

    fn div(self, other: Length<T, Src>) -> Self::Output {
        Scale::new(self.0 / other.0)

// length * scalar
impl<T: Mul, U> Mul<T> for Length<T, U> {
    type Output = Length<T::Output, U>;

    fn mul(self, scale: T) -> Self::Output {
        Length::new(self.0 * scale)

// length *= scalar
impl<T: Copy + Mul<T, Output = T>, U> MulAssign<T> for Length<T, U> {
    fn mul_assign(&mut self, scale: T) {
        *self = *self * scale

// length / scalar
impl<T: Div, U> Div<T> for Length<T, U> {
    type Output = Length<T::Output, U>;

    fn div(self, scale: T) -> Self::Output {
        Length::new(self.0 / scale)

// length /= scalar
impl<T: Copy + Div<T, Output = T>, U> DivAssign<T> for Length<T, U> {
    fn div_assign(&mut self, scale: T) {
        *self = *self / scale

// length * scaleFactor
impl<Src, Dst, T: Mul> Mul<Scale<T, Src, Dst>> for Length<T, Src> {
    type Output = Length<T::Output, Dst>;

    fn mul(self, scale: Scale<T, Src, Dst>) -> Self::Output {
        Length::new(self.0 * scale.0)

// length / scaleFactor
impl<Src, Dst, T: Div> Div<Scale<T, Src, Dst>> for Length<T, Dst> {
    type Output = Length<T::Output, Src>;

    fn div(self, scale: Scale<T, Src, Dst>) -> Self::Output {
        Length::new(self.0 / scale.0)

// -length
impl<U, T: Neg> Neg for Length<T, U> {
    type Output = Length<T::Output, U>;

    fn neg(self) -> Self::Output {

impl<T: PartialEq, U> PartialEq for Length<T, U> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {

impl<T: PartialOrd, U> PartialOrd for Length<T, U> {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

impl<T: Eq, U> Eq for Length<T, U> {}

impl<T: Ord, U> Ord for Length<T, U> {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {

impl<T: Zero, U> Zero for Length<T, U> {
    fn zero() -> Self {

impl<U, T: ApproxEq<T>> ApproxEq<T> for Length<T, U> {
    fn approx_epsilon() -> T {

    fn approx_eq_eps(&self, other: &Length<T, U>, approx_epsilon: &T) -> bool {
        self.0.approx_eq_eps(&other.0, approx_epsilon)

mod tests {
    use super::Length;
    use crate::num::Zero;

    use crate::scale::Scale;
    use core::f32::INFINITY;
    use num_traits::Saturating;

    enum Inch {}
    enum Mm {}
    enum Cm {}
    enum Second {}

    #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
    mod serde {
        use super::*;

        extern crate serde_test;
        use self::serde_test::assert_tokens;
        use self::serde_test::Token;

        fn test_length_serde() {
            let one_cm: Length<f32, Mm> = Length::new(10.0);

            assert_tokens(&one_cm, &[Token::F32(10.0)]);

    fn test_clone() {
        // A cloned Length is a separate length with the state matching the
        // original Length at the point it was cloned.
        let mut variable_length: Length<f32, Inch> = Length::new(12.0);

        let one_foot = variable_length.clone();
        variable_length.0 = 24.0;

        assert_eq!(one_foot.get(), 12.0);
        assert_eq!(variable_length.get(), 24.0);

    fn test_add() {
        let length1: Length<u8, Mm> = Length::new(250);
        let length2: Length<u8, Mm> = Length::new(5);

        assert_eq!((length1 + length2).get(), 255);
        assert_eq!((length1 + &length2).get(), 255);

    fn test_sum() {
        type L = Length<f32, Mm>;
        let lengths = [L::new(1.0), L::new(2.0), L::new(3.0)];

        assert_eq!(lengths.iter().sum::<L>(), L::new(6.0));

    fn test_addassign() {
        let one_cm: Length<f32, Mm> = Length::new(10.0);
        let mut measurement: Length<f32, Mm> = Length::new(5.0);

        measurement += one_cm;

        assert_eq!(measurement.get(), 15.0);

    fn test_sub() {
        let length1: Length<u8, Mm> = Length::new(250);
        let length2: Length<u8, Mm> = Length::new(5);

        let result = length1 - length2;

        assert_eq!(result.get(), 245);

    fn test_subassign() {
        let one_cm: Length<f32, Mm> = Length::new(10.0);
        let mut measurement: Length<f32, Mm> = Length::new(5.0);

        measurement -= one_cm;

        assert_eq!(measurement.get(), -5.0);

    fn test_saturating_add() {
        let length1: Length<u8, Mm> = Length::new(250);
        let length2: Length<u8, Mm> = Length::new(6);

        let result = length1.saturating_add(length2);

        assert_eq!(result.get(), 255);

    fn test_saturating_sub() {
        let length1: Length<u8, Mm> = Length::new(5);
        let length2: Length<u8, Mm> = Length::new(10);

        let result = length1.saturating_sub(length2);

        assert_eq!(result.get(), 0);

    fn test_division_by_length() {
        // Division results in a Scale from denominator units
        // to numerator units.
        let length: Length<f32, Cm> = Length::new(5.0);
        let duration: Length<f32, Second> = Length::new(10.0);

        let result = length / duration;

        let expected: Scale<f32, Second, Cm> = Scale::new(0.5);
        assert_eq!(result, expected);

    fn test_multiplication() {
        let length_mm: Length<f32, Mm> = Length::new(10.0);
        let cm_per_mm: Scale<f32, Mm, Cm> = Scale::new(0.1);

        let result = length_mm * cm_per_mm;

        let expected: Length<f32, Cm> = Length::new(1.0);
        assert_eq!(result, expected);

    fn test_multiplication_with_scalar() {
        let length_mm: Length<f32, Mm> = Length::new(10.0);

        let result = length_mm * 2.0;

        let expected: Length<f32, Mm> = Length::new(20.0);
        assert_eq!(result, expected);

    fn test_multiplication_assignment() {
        let mut length: Length<f32, Mm> = Length::new(10.0);

        length *= 2.0;

        let expected: Length<f32, Mm> = Length::new(20.0);
        assert_eq!(length, expected);

    fn test_division_by_scalefactor() {
        let length: Length<f32, Cm> = Length::new(5.0);
        let cm_per_second: Scale<f32, Second, Cm> = Scale::new(10.0);

        let result = length / cm_per_second;

        let expected: Length<f32, Second> = Length::new(0.5);
        assert_eq!(result, expected);

    fn test_division_by_scalar() {
        let length: Length<f32, Cm> = Length::new(5.0);

        let result = length / 2.0;

        let expected: Length<f32, Cm> = Length::new(2.5);
        assert_eq!(result, expected);

    fn test_division_assignment() {
        let mut length: Length<f32, Mm> = Length::new(10.0);

        length /= 2.0;

        let expected: Length<f32, Mm> = Length::new(5.0);
        assert_eq!(length, expected);

    fn test_negation() {
        let length: Length<f32, Cm> = Length::new(5.0);

        let result = -length;

        let expected: Length<f32, Cm> = Length::new(-5.0);
        assert_eq!(result, expected);

    fn test_cast() {
        let length_as_i32: Length<i32, Cm> = Length::new(5);

        let result: Length<f32, Cm> = length_as_i32.cast();

        let length_as_f32: Length<f32, Cm> = Length::new(5.0);
        assert_eq!(result, length_as_f32);

    fn test_equality() {
        let length_5_point_0: Length<f32, Cm> = Length::new(5.0);
        let length_5_point_1: Length<f32, Cm> = Length::new(5.1);
        let length_0_point_1: Length<f32, Cm> = Length::new(0.1);

        assert!(length_5_point_0 == length_5_point_1 - length_0_point_1);
        assert!(length_5_point_0 != length_5_point_1);

    fn test_order() {
        let length_5_point_0: Length<f32, Cm> = Length::new(5.0);
        let length_5_point_1: Length<f32, Cm> = Length::new(5.1);
        let length_0_point_1: Length<f32, Cm> = Length::new(0.1);

        assert!(length_5_point_0 < length_5_point_1);
        assert!(length_5_point_0 <= length_5_point_1);
        assert!(length_5_point_0 <= length_5_point_1 - length_0_point_1);
        assert!(length_5_point_1 > length_5_point_0);
        assert!(length_5_point_1 >= length_5_point_0);
        assert!(length_5_point_0 >= length_5_point_1 - length_0_point_1);

    fn test_zero_add() {
        type LengthCm = Length<f32, Cm>;
        let length: LengthCm = Length::new(5.0);

        let result = length - LengthCm::zero();

        assert_eq!(result, length);

    fn test_zero_division() {
        type LengthCm = Length<f32, Cm>;
        let length: LengthCm = Length::new(5.0);
        let length_zero: LengthCm = Length::zero();

        let result = length / length_zero;

        let expected: Scale<f32, Cm, Cm> = Scale::new(INFINITY);
        assert_eq!(result, expected);