ethers-providers 1.0.2

Provider implementations for the ethers-rs crate
use crate::{JsonRpcClient, Middleware, Provider, TransactionStream};

use ethers_core::types::{TxHash, U256};

use futures_util::stream::Stream;
use pin_project::{pin_project, pinned_drop};
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde_json::value::RawValue;
use std::{
    task::{Context, Poll},
use tracing::error;

/// A transport implementation supporting pub sub subscriptions.
pub trait PubsubClient: JsonRpcClient {
    /// The type of stream this transport returns
    type NotificationStream: futures_core::Stream<Item = Box<RawValue>> + Send + Unpin;

    /// Add a subscription to this transport
    fn subscribe<T: Into<U256>>(&self, id: T) -> Result<Self::NotificationStream, Self::Error>;

    /// Remove a subscription from this transport
    fn unsubscribe<T: Into<U256>>(&self, id: T) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;

#[must_use = "subscriptions do nothing unless you stream them"]
/// Streams data from an installed filter via `eth_subscribe`
pub struct SubscriptionStream<'a, P: PubsubClient, R: DeserializeOwned> {
    /// The subscription's installed id on the ethereum node
    pub id: U256,

    loaded_elements: VecDeque<R>,

    provider: &'a Provider<P>,

    rx: P::NotificationStream,

    ret: PhantomData<R>,

impl<'a, P, R> SubscriptionStream<'a, P, R>
    P: PubsubClient,
    R: DeserializeOwned,
    /// Creates a new subscription stream for the provided subscription id.
    /// ### Note
    /// Most providers treat `SubscriptionStream` IDs as global singletons.
    /// Instantiating this directly with a known ID will likely cause any
    /// existing streams with that ID to end. To avoid this, start a new stream
    /// using [`Provider::subscribe`] instead of `SubscriptionStream::new`.
    pub fn new(id: U256, provider: &'a Provider<P>) -> Result<Self, P::Error> {
        // Call the underlying PubsubClient's subscribe
        let rx = provider.as_ref().subscribe(id)?;
        Ok(Self { id, provider, rx, ret: PhantomData, loaded_elements: VecDeque::new() })

    /// Unsubscribes from the subscription.
    pub async fn unsubscribe(&self) -> Result<bool, crate::ProviderError> {

    pub fn set_loaded_elements(&mut self, loaded_elements: VecDeque<R>) {
        self.loaded_elements = loaded_elements;

// Each subscription item is a serde_json::Value which must be decoded to the
// subscription's return type.
// TODO: Can this be replaced with an `` in the constructor?
impl<'a, P, R> Stream for SubscriptionStream<'a, P, R>
    P: PubsubClient,
    R: DeserializeOwned,
    type Item = R;

    fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
        if !self.loaded_elements.is_empty() {
            let next_element = self.get_mut().loaded_elements.pop_front();
            return Poll::Ready(next_element)

        let this = self.project();
        match futures_util::ready!(this.rx.poll_next(ctx)) {
            Some(item) => match serde_json::from_str(item.get()) {
                Ok(res) => Poll::Ready(Some(res)),
                Err(err) => {
                    error!("failed to deserialize item {:?}", err);
            None => Poll::Ready(None),

impl<P, R> PinnedDrop for SubscriptionStream<'_, P, R>
    P: PubsubClient,
    R: DeserializeOwned,
    fn drop(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
        // on drop it removes the handler from the websocket so that it stops
        // getting populated. We need to call `unsubscribe` explicitly to cancel
        // the subscription
        let _ = (*self.provider).as_ref().unsubscribe(;

impl<'a, P> SubscriptionStream<'a, P, TxHash>
    P: PubsubClient,
    /// Returns a stream that yields the `Transaction`s for the transaction hashes this stream
    /// yields.
    /// This internally calls `Provider::get_transaction` with every new transaction.
    /// No more than n futures will be buffered at any point in time, and less than n may also be
    /// buffered depending on the state of each future.
    pub fn transactions_unordered(self, n: usize) -> TransactionStream<'a, P, Self> {
        TransactionStream::new(self.provider, self, n)