ethers-contract 1.0.2

Smart contract bindings for the ethers-rs crate
use crate::Contract;

pub use ethers_core::abi::AbiError;
use ethers_core::{
    abi::{Abi, Detokenize, Error, Event, Function, FunctionExt, RawLog, Token, Tokenize},
    types::{Address, Bytes, Selector, H256},
use ethers_providers::Middleware;

use std::{
    collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap},

/// A reduced form of `Contract` which just takes the `abi` and produces
/// ABI encoded data for its functions.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct BaseContract {
    pub(crate) abi: Abi,

    /// A mapping from method signature to a name-index pair for accessing
    /// functions in the contract ABI. This is used to avoid allocation when
    /// searching for matching functions by signature.
    // Adapted from: <>
    pub methods: HashMap<Selector, (String, usize)>,

impl From<Abi> for BaseContract {
    /// Creates a new `BaseContract` from the abi.
    fn from(abi: Abi) -> Self {
        let methods = create_mapping(&abi.functions, |function| function.selector());
        Self { abi, methods }

impl BaseContract {
    /// Returns the ABI encoded data for the provided function and arguments
    /// If the function exists multiple times and you want to use one of the overloaded
    /// versions, consider using `encode_with_selector`
    pub fn encode<T: Tokenize>(&self, name: &str, args: T) -> Result<Bytes, AbiError> {
        let function = self.abi.function(name)?;
        encode_function_data(function, args)

    /// Returns the ABI encoded data for the provided function selector and arguments
    pub fn encode_with_selector<T: Tokenize>(
        signature: Selector,
        args: T,
    ) -> Result<Bytes, AbiError> {
        let function = self.get_from_signature(signature)?;
        encode_function_data(function, args)

    /// Decodes the provided ABI encoded function arguments with the selected function name.
    /// If the function exists multiple times and you want to use one of the overloaded
    /// versions, consider using `decode_with_selector`
    pub fn decode<D: Detokenize, T: AsRef<[u8]>>(
        name: &str,
        bytes: T,
    ) -> Result<D, AbiError> {
        let function = self.abi.function(name)?;
        decode_function_data(function, bytes, true)

    /// Decodes the provided ABI encoded function arguments with the selected function name.
    /// If the function exists multiple times and you want to use one of the overloaded
    /// versions, consider using `decode_with_selector`
    /// Returns a [`Token`] vector, which lets you decode function arguments dynamically
    /// without knowing the return type.
    pub fn decode_raw<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(&self, name: &str, bytes: T) -> Result<Vec<Token>, AbiError> {
        let function = self.abi.function(name)?;
        decode_function_data_raw(function, bytes, true)

    /// Decodes the provided ABI encoded function output with the selected function name.
    /// If the function exists multiple times and you want to use one of the overloaded
    /// versions, consider using `decode_with_selector`
    pub fn decode_output<D: Detokenize, T: AsRef<[u8]>>(
        name: &str,
        bytes: T,
    ) -> Result<D, AbiError> {
        let function = self.abi.function(name)?;
        decode_function_data(function, bytes, false)

    /// Decodes the provided ABI encoded function output with the selected function name.
    /// If the function exists multiple times and you want to use one of the overloaded
    /// versions, consider using `decode_with_selector`
    /// Returns a [`Token`] vector, which lets you decode function arguments dynamically
    /// without knowing the return type.
    pub fn decode_output_raw<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(
        name: &str,
        bytes: T,
    ) -> Result<Vec<Token>, AbiError> {
        let function = self.abi.function(name)?;
        decode_function_data_raw(function, bytes, false)

    /// Decodes for a given event name, given the `log.topics` and
    /// `` fields from the transaction receipt
    pub fn decode_event<D: Detokenize>(
        name: &str,
        topics: Vec<H256>,
        data: Bytes,
    ) -> Result<D, AbiError> {
        let event = self.abi.event(name)?;
        decode_event(event, topics, data)

    /// Decodes for a given event name, given the `log.topics` and
    /// `` fields from the transaction receipt
    /// Returns a [`Token`] vector, which lets you decode function arguments dynamically
    /// without knowing the return type.
    pub fn decode_event_raw(
        name: &str,
        topics: Vec<H256>,
        data: Bytes,
    ) -> Result<Vec<Token>, AbiError> {
        let event = self.abi.event(name)?;
        decode_event_raw(event, topics, data)

    /// Decodes the provided ABI encoded bytes with the selected function selector
    /// Returns a [`Token`] vector, which lets you decode function arguments dynamically
    /// without knowing the return type.
    pub fn decode_with_selector_raw<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(
        signature: Selector,
        bytes: T,
    ) -> Result<Vec<Token>, AbiError> {
        let function = self.get_from_signature(signature)?;
        decode_function_data_raw(function, bytes, true)

    /// Decodes the provided ABI encoded bytes with the selected function selector
    pub fn decode_with_selector<D: Detokenize, T: AsRef<[u8]>>(
        signature: Selector,
        bytes: T,
    ) -> Result<D, AbiError> {
        let function = self.get_from_signature(signature)?;
        decode_function_data(function, bytes, true)

    pub fn decode_output_with_selector<D: Detokenize, T: AsRef<[u8]>>(
        signature: Selector,
        bytes: T,
    ) -> Result<D, AbiError> {
        let function = self.get_from_signature(signature)?;
        decode_function_data(function, bytes, false)

    /// Decodes the provided ABI encoded bytes with the selected function selector
    /// Returns a [`Token`] vector, which lets you decode function arguments dynamically
    /// without knowing the return type.
    pub fn decode_output_with_selector_raw<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(
        signature: Selector,
        bytes: T,
    ) -> Result<Vec<Token>, AbiError> {
        let function = self.get_from_signature(signature)?;
        decode_function_data_raw(function, bytes, false)

    fn get_from_signature(&self, signature: Selector) -> Result<&Function, AbiError> {
            .map(|(name, index)| &self.abi.functions[name][*index])
            .ok_or_else(|| Error::InvalidName(hex::encode(signature)))?)

    /// Returns a reference to the contract's ABI
    pub fn abi(&self) -> &Abi {

    /// Upgrades a `BaseContract` into a full fledged contract with an address and middleware.
    pub fn into_contract<M: Middleware>(
        address: Address,
        client: impl Into<Arc<M>>,
    ) -> Contract<M> {
        Contract::new(address, self, client)

impl AsRef<Abi> for BaseContract {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &Abi {

pub fn decode_event_raw(
    event: &Event,
    topics: Vec<H256>,
    data: Bytes,
) -> Result<Vec<Token>, AbiError> {
        .parse_log(RawLog { topics, data: data.to_vec() })?
        .map(|param| param.value)

pub fn decode_event<D: Detokenize>(
    event: &Event,
    topics: Vec<H256>,
    data: Bytes,
) -> Result<D, AbiError> {
    let tokens = decode_event_raw(event, topics, data)?;

/// Helper for ABI encoding arguments for a specific function
pub fn encode_function_data<T: Tokenize>(function: &Function, args: T) -> Result<Bytes, AbiError> {
    let tokens = args.into_tokens();

/// Helper for ABI decoding raw data based on a function's input or output.
pub fn decode_function_data_raw<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(
    function: &Function,
    bytes: T,
    is_input: bool,
) -> Result<Vec<Token>, AbiError> {
    let bytes = bytes.as_ref();
    Ok(if is_input {
        if bytes.len() < 4 || bytes[..4] != function.selector() {
            return Err(AbiError::WrongSelector)
    } else {

/// Helper for ABI decoding raw data based on a function's input or output.
pub fn decode_function_data<D: Detokenize, T: AsRef<[u8]>>(
    function: &Function,
    bytes: T,
    is_input: bool,
) -> Result<D, AbiError> {
    let tokens = decode_function_data_raw(function, bytes, is_input)?;

/// Utility function for creating a mapping between a unique signature and a
/// name-index pair for accessing contract ABI items.
fn create_mapping<T, S, F>(
    elements: &BTreeMap<String, Vec<T>>,
    signature: F,
) -> HashMap<S, (String, usize)>
    S: Hash + Eq,
    F: Fn(&T) -> S,
    let signature = &signature;
        .flat_map(|(name, sub_elements)| {
                .map(move |(index, element)| (signature(element), (name.to_owned(), index)))

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use ethers_core::{abi::parse_abi, types::U256};

    fn can_parse_function_inputs() {
        let abi = BaseContract::from(parse_abi(&[
            "function approve(address _spender, uint256 value) external view returns (bool, bool)"

        let spender = "7a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488d".parse::<Address>().unwrap();
        let amount = U256::MAX;

        let encoded = abi.encode("approve", (spender, amount)).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(hex::encode(&encoded), "095ea7b30000000000000000000000007a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488dffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");

        let (spender2, amount2): (Address, U256) = abi.decode("approve", encoded).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(spender, spender2);
        assert_eq!(amount, amount2);

    fn can_parse_events() {
        let abi = BaseContract::from(
                "event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value)",

        let topics = vec![
        .map(|hash| hash.parse::<H256>().unwrap())
        let data = Bytes::from(

        let (owner, spender, value): (Address, Address, U256) =
            abi.decode_event("Approval", topics, data).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(value, U256::MAX);
        assert_eq!(owner, "e4e60fdf9bf188fa57b7a5022230363d5bd56d08".parse::<Address>().unwrap());
        assert_eq!(spender, "7a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488d".parse::<Address>().unwrap());