ethcontract 0.1.0

Runtime library and proc macro for interacting and generating type-safe bindings to Ethereum smart contracts.


Crate used for generating code for Ethereum smart contracts. It provides a function procedural macro that generates safe bindings for contract interaction based on the contract ABI.

Getting Started

Add a dependency to the ethcontract crate in your Cargo.toml:

# ...
ethcontract = "..."
# ...

Then generate a struct for interacting with the smart contract with a type-safe API:


This will generate a new struct ContractName with contract generated methods for interacting with contract functions in a type-safe way.

Running the Example

In order to run the example you need:

  • Rust >=1.39 for async/await support
  • NodeJS in order to compile truffle contracts and start development node
$ cd examples/truffle
$ npm run build
$ npm run develop

Then in a sepate terminal window, you can run the example:

$ cargo +beta run --example async

This example deploys a ERC20 token and interacts with the contract with various accounts.

Sample Contracts Documentation

We added some samples of generated contracts from our sample contract collection gated behind a feature. This feature is only intended to be used for document generation. In order to view the documentation for these contracts you need to first build the contracts and then generate documentation for the crate with the samples feature enabled:

$ (cd examples/truffle; npm run build)
$ cargo doc --features samples --open

This will open a browser at the documentation root. Look under the samples module for the sample contracts to get a feel for how the generated types look.