Module ethcontract_common::artifact::hardhat[][src]

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Implements artifact format generated by hardhat-deploy plugin.

There are three distinct artifact formats.

First is called “hardhat export”, it is a JSON file that contains information about a single network and all contracts deployed on it. It can be generated with hardhat export command.

Second is called “hardhat multi-export”, it contains information about multiple networks, for each network it contains information about all contracts deployed on it. It can be generated with hardhat export --export-all command.

Third is hardhat’s deployments directory. It contains more details about contracts than the previous two formats. Specifically, it has info about deployed bytecode, deployment transaction receipt, documentation for contract methods, and some other things. Given that it is a directory, there are obvious issues with loading it over network. For this reason, we don’t recommend this export format for public libraries that export contracts.

All three formats are supported by HardHatLoader, see its documentation for info and limitations.


Loads hardhat artifacts generated via --export and --export-all.


Artifact format.

Network allow-deny entry.