ethabi-decode 1.0.0

Decoding of ABI-encoded data and event logs


This library is a codec for ABI-encoded data and event logs. It is a fork of ethabi with a focus on providing decode functionality in environments where libstd may not be available.

For compatibility with constrained no_std environments, the design of this library differs from the the upstream ethabi in several respects, including:

  • ABI's need to be specified as code rather than being loaded from JSON (No SERDE support).
  • Use of Vec<u8> instead of std::string::String for owned strings.
  • Anything to do with human-readable error and display output was excised.


  • Build without libstd

    cargo build --no-default-features
  • Build with libstd

    cargo build


Decode an event log:

use ethabi_decode::{Event, ParamKind, Token};

fn decode_event_log(topics: Vec<H256>, data: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<Token> {

    let event = Event {
      signature: "SomeEvent(address,int256)",
      inputs: vec![
        Param { kind: ParamKind::Address, indexed: true },
        Param { kind: ParamKind::Int(256), indexed: false },
      anonymous: false,

    event.decode(topics, data).unwrap()