eth_pairings 0.1.1

EIP1962 reference implementation
# ABI interface

## Supported operations

The precompile provides multiple elliptic curve operations. The full set of operations is defined as follows:

|Operation            |Code|
|OPERATION_G1_ADD     |0x01|
|OPERATION_G1_MUL     |0x02|
|OPERATION_G2_ADD     |0x04|
|OPERATION_G2_MUL     |0x05|

`OPERATION_G1_ADD`, `OPERATION_G1_MUL` and `OPERATION_G1_MULTIEXP` are operations of additon, multiplication and multiexponentiation for G1 elements of any curve in the Weierstrass form with `b != 0`.

`OPERATION_G2_ADD`, `OPERATION_G2_MUL` and `OPERATION_G2_MULTIEXP` are operations for G2 elements for a curve defined over some extension field.

`OPERATION_PAIRING` is the pairing operation. The following curve families are supported:

- BN
- BLS12
- MNT4
- MNT6

## Precompile input (call data)

Call data must be a correctly encoded ABI data string of two elements:

|Value  |Type       |Length  |
|op_code|uint8      |1 byte  |

The first byte of the input specifies the type of the operation. The remaining data is passed to the corresponding operation handler (see details below).

All numbers are passed in **big endian** encoding.

Incorrect data input is always handled and returns an error.

## op_data for G1 operations

`op_data` for all G1 operations consists of a common prefix followed by the operands.

The common prefix must have the following form:

|Value              |Length                    |Comment                    |
|field_length       |1 byte                    |                           |
|base_field_modulus |`field_length` bytes      |Fq modulus                 |
|a                  |`field_length` bytes      |Curve's a coefficient      |
|b                  |`field_length` bytes      |Curve's b coefficient      |
|group_order_length |1 bytes                   |                           |                    
|group_order        |`group_order_length` bytes|Group order                |

The operands are described below for each operation.

### OPERATION_G1_ADD operands

|Value              |Length                    |                                  |
|lhs                |`2*field_length` bytes    |First point's X and Y coordinates |
|rhs                |`2*field_length` bytes    |Second point's X and Y coordinates|

### OPERATION_G1_MUL operands

|Value              |Length                    |                                  |
|lhs                |`2*field_length` bytes    |First point's X and Y coordinates |
|rhs                |`group_order_length` bytes|Sсalar multiplication factor      |


The multiexponentiation operation can take arbitrary number of operands. Each of the operands must be encoded in the following form:

|Value              |Length                    |                                  |
|num_pairs          |1 byte                    | number of (point, scalar) pairs for multiexponentiation  
|point              |`2*field_length` bytes    |Point's X and Y coordinates       |
|scalar             |`group_order_length` bytes|Sсalar order of exponentiation    |

## op_data for G2 operations

`op_data` for all G2 operations consists of a common prefix followed by the operands.

The common prefix must have the following form:

|Value              |Length                    |Comment                       |
|field_length       |1 byte                    |                              |
|base_field_modulus |`field_length` bytes      |Fq modulus                    |
|extension_degree   |1 bytes                   |Only values 2 or 3 are allowed|
|fp_non_residue     |`field_length` bytes      |Non-residue for Fp 2          |
|a                  |`field_length` bytes      |Curve's a coefficient         |
|b                  |`field_length` bytes      |Curve's b coefficient         |
|group_order_length |1 bytes                   |                              |                    
|group_order        |`group_order_length` bytes|Group order                   |

The operands are described below for each operation. They follow the same schema as for G1 operations, except that all points are encoded in the required extension degree.

### OPERATION_G2_ADD operands

|Value              |Length                                   |                                                          |
|lhs                |`extension_degree*field_length` bytes    |First point's coordinates in the extension field          |
|rhs                |`extension_degree*field_length` bytes    |Second point's X and Y coordinates in the extension field |

### OPERATION_G2_MUL operands

|Value              |Length                                   |                                                         |
|lhs                |`extension_degree*field_length` bytes    |First point's coordinates in the extension field         |
|rhs                |`group_order_length` bytes|Sсalar multiplication factor                                            |


The multiexponentiation operation can take arbitrary number of operands. Each of the operands must be encoded in the following form:

|Value              |Length                                   |                                                         |
|num_pairs          |1 byte                    | number of (point, scalar) pairs for multiexponentiation 
|point              |`extension_degree*field_length` bytes    |Point's coordinates in the extension field               |
|scalar             |`group_order_length` bytes|Sсalar order of exponentiation                                          |

## op_data for Pairing operations

The first byte of `op_data` for every Pairing operation is the curve type, as defined below:

|Curve | Type |
|BLS12 | 0x01 |
|BN    | 0x02 |
|MNT4  | 0x03 |
|MNT6  | 0x04 |

### ABI for pairing operations on BLS12 curves

Note that BLS12 is a family of curves that are parametrized by a single scalar `x`, twist type that is either `M` (multiplication) or `D` (division), and structure of the extension tower (non-residues). Nevertheless this ABI required caller to submit `base_field_modulus` and `main_subgroup_order` explicitly. It's also much more convenient for any observer to check validity of parameters for a given known BLS12 curve (e.g. `BLS12-381`).

|Value              |Length                    |Comment                                      |
|curve_type         |1 byte                    |See table below                              |
|field_length       |1 byte                    |                                             |
|base_field_modulus |`field_length` bytes      |Fq modulus                                   |
|a                  |`field_length` bytes      |Curve's a coefficient                        |
|b                  |`field_length` bytes      |Curve's b coefficient                        |
|group_order_length |1 bytes                   |                                             |                 
|main_subgroup_order|`group_order_length` bytes|Main subgroup order                          |
|fp2_non_residue    |`field_length` bytes      |Non-residue for Fp 2                         |
|fp6_non_residue    |`2*field_length` bytes    |Non-residue for Fp 6                         |
|twist_type         |1 bytes                   |Can be either 0x01 for M or 0x02 for D       |
|x_length           |1 bytes                   |                                             |
|x                  |`x_length` bytes          |                                             |
|sign               |1 bytes                   |0 for plus, 1 for minus                      |
|num_pairs          |1 bytes                   |Number of point pairs                        |
|pairs              |`6*field_length*num_pairs`|Point pairs encoded as `(G1_point, G2_point)`|

Return value:

If result of a pairing (element of `Fp12`) is equal to identity - return single byte `0x01`, otherwise return `0x00` following the existing ABI for BN254 precompile.