etcd-client 0.6.0

An etcd v3 API client
# etcd-client

[![MIT licensed](](LICENSE)
[![Minimum rustc version](](

An [etcd]( v3 API client for Rust.
It provides asynchronous client backed by [tokio]( and [tonic](

## Features

- etcd API v3
- asynchronous

## Supported APIs

- [x] KV
- [x] Watch
- [x] Lease
- [x] Auth
- [x] Maintenance
- [x] Cluster
- [x] Lock
- [x] Election

## Usage

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

etcd-client = "0.6"
tokio = { version = "0.2", features = ["full"] }

To get started using `etcd-client`:

use etcd_client::{Client, Error};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let mut client = Client::connect(["localhost:2379"], None).await?;
    // put kv
    client.put("foo", "bar", None).await?;
    // get kv
    let resp = client.get("foo", None).await?;
    if let Some(kv) = resp.kvs().first() {
        println!("Get kv: {{{}: {}}}", kv.key_str()?, kv.value_str()?);


## Examples

Examples can be found in [`examples`](./examples).

## Feature Flags

- `tls`: Enables the `rustls`-based TLS connection. Not enabled by default.
- `tls-roots`: Adds system trust roots to `rustls`-based TLS connection using the `rustls-native-certs` crate. Not enabled by default.

## Test

We test this library with etcd 3.4.

Notes that we use a fixed `etcd` server URI (localhost:2379) to connect to etcd server.

## Rust version requirements

`etcd-client` works on rust `1.39` and above as it requires support for the `async_await`

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT license ([LICENSE](LICENSE) or

## Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in `etcd-client` by you, shall be licensed as MIT, without any additional
terms or conditions.