esplugin 3.5.1

A free software library for reading Elder Scrolls plugin (.esp/.esm/.esl) files.
# Changelog

As of v1.0.4, version numbers are shared between esplugin and esplugin-ffi.

## [3.5.1] - 2022-03-27

### Changed

- Avoid unnecessary path copy when checking if a plugin is valid.
- Updated to nom v7.0.0.

## [3.4.0] - 2021-04-17

### Added

- `Plugin::is_light_plugin()` is the preferred alias of
  `Plugin::is_light_master_file()` as it reflects that not all plugins with the
  light flag set are masters.
- `Plugin::is_valid_as_light_plugin()` is the preferred alias of

### Changed

- Updated to nom v6.0.0.

### Deprecated

- `Plugin::is_light_master_file()`: use the alias `Plugin::is_light_plugin()`
- `Plugin::is_valid_as_light_master()`: use the alias
  `Plugin::is_valid_as_light_plugin()` instead.

## [3.3.1] - 2020-04-03

### Changed

- Removed the `std::error::Error::description()` implementation on `Error`, to
  avoid CMake build errors due to the deprecation warning for `description()`.

## [3.3.0] - 2019-12-01

### Changed

- The range of FormIDs that are recognised as valid in light masters has been
  extended for Fallout 4 plugins, from between `0x800` and `0xFFF` inclusive to
  between `0x001` and `0xFFF` inclusive, to reflect the extended range supported
  by Fallout 4 v1. The valid range for Skyrim Special Edition plugins
  is unchanged.

## [3.2.0] - 2019-09-06

### Added

- `Plugin::overlap_size()` for counting how many of the plugin's records are
  also present in the given plugins.

### Fixed

- `Plugin::overlaps_with()` could fail to detect an overlap between Morrowind

## [3.0.0] - 2019-07-21

### Changed

- The `Error::DecodeError` variant no longer has any fields.
- The `Error::ParsingError` variant is now
  `Error::ParsingError(Vec<u8>, ParsingErrorKind)` to provide more detail about
  why parsing failed.
- Replaced the encoding dependency with encoding_rs, as the former is
- Updated to nom v5.0.0.

### Removed

- The byteorder dependency, as Rust standard library additions have
  made it unnecessary.
- The unicase dependency as Unicode-aware case-insensitive string
  comparison was not strictly required.
- The memmap dependency. Its use was unsafe, but this was not exposed
  correctly. The performance gained from reading memory-mapped files was
  outweighed by the negative impact on usability that exposing the unsafety
  correctly would have. There is now no use of `unsafe` in esplugin itself.

## [2.1.2] - 2019-04-24

### Fixed

- `Plugin::overlaps_with()` now detects overlaps between Morrowind plugins. It
  would previously always return `false` for all pairs of Morrowind plugins
  because it was checking for record FormIDs present in both plugins, but
  Morrowind records don't have FormIDs. Instead, record IDs are calculated from
  record data and used for the same purpose.
- `Plugin::count_override_records()` now always returns `0` for Morrowind
  plugins, as it's impossible to tell which records a plugin contains are new
  and which are overrides without comparing against its masters. The function
  would previously return the total number of records in the plugin.

## [2.1.1] - 2018-10-22

### Fixed

- `Plugin::description()`, `Plugin::header_version()` and
  `Plugin::record_and_group_count()` could panic if the TES4 subrecords they
  read were smaller than expected. Instead, the former will now error, and the
  latter two will now return `None`.

## [2.1.0] - 2018-09-16

### Added

- `Plugin::header_version()` for getting the value of version field in the
  TES3/TES4 header record's `HEDR` subrecord.
- `Plugin::is_valid_as_light_master()` for checking if it is safe to convert the
  plugin to a light master. This is true for Skyrim SE and Fallout 4 plugins
  that only add records with FormIDs with object indices between 0x800 and 0xFFF
  inclusive, and false otherwise.

## [2.0.1] - 2018-09-10

## Changed

- Error on top-level records by failing group parsing if the group type is not
  `GRUP`. Top-level records would previously cause errors later in parsing, this
  change makes it more obvious where the issue lies.

## [2.0.0] - 2018-06-24

### Added

- `Plugin::overlaps_with()` for checking if two plugins edit the same records.

### Changed

- `Plugin::parse_file()` and `Plugin::parse_open_file()` now use memory mapping
  when fully parsing plugin files that are larger than 1 MB.
- Improved performance when parsing plugin headers and full plugin files by
  reducing allocations.

### Removed

- `FormId` and `Plugin::form_ids()`, there is now no public interface for
  representing or getting a plugin's FormIDs.
- `Plugin::parse_mmapped_file()`, use `Plugin::parse_file()` instead.

## [1.0.10] - 2018-06-02

### Changed

- Updated to nom v4.0.0.

## [1.0.8] - 2018-02-03

### Changed

- Updated byteorder, memmap and flate2 dependencies.

## [1.0.7] - 2017-11-21

### Added

- `ESP_ERROR_PANICKED` return code for indicating that a panic was caught.

### Changed

- Unwinding panics are now caught at the FFI boundary.

### Fixed


## [1.0.5] - 2017-10-09

### Added

- Support for Skyrim SE to correctly recognise ESL (light master) plugins when calling `Plugin::is_light_master_file()`.
- `GameId::SkyrimSE` to distinguish between Skyrim and Skyrim SE plugins (the only difference in handling is ESL support).

### Changed

- Updated to nom v3.2.0.

## [1.0.4] - 2017-10-02

### Added

- `Plugin::parse_open_file()` for better performance when a file handle is already open.

## [1.0.1] - 2017-09-30

### Fixed

- Fix some invalid files being parsed successfully or failing inefficiently by validating the file header's type field as soon as possible.

## [1.0.0] - 2017-09-26

Initial release