espeakng 0.1.1

A safe Rust wrapper around espeakNG via espeakNG-sys.
//! A safe Rust wrapper around [espeak NG](
//! via [espeakNG-sys](
//! ## Safety
//! This library wraps the internal C calls in a singleton ([Speaker]) to keep the mutable global state safe.
//! In this future this may be changed to use the asynchronous features of `espeakNG` however I currently don't
//! trust it to be safe without a global lock.
//! The raw bindings are re-exported via the [bindings] module however usage of this is `unsafe`
//! and all safety guarantees of the [Speaker] object are considered broken if used.
//! ## Known Issues
//! - [`Speaker::synthesize`] seems to emit broken WAV audio data, no idea how to fix.
//! ## Examples
//! Generating phonemes from text:
//! ```rust
//! fn main() -> Result<(), espeakng::Error> {
//!     // Get a reference to the global Speaker singleton, using default voice path and buffer length. 
//!     let mut speaker = espeakng::initialise(None)?.lock();
//!     // Generate the phonemes in standard mode.
//!     let phonemes = speaker.text_to_phonemes("Hello World", espeakng::PhonemeGenOptions::Standard)?.unwrap();
//!     println!("Phonemes: {}", phonemes);
//!     Ok(())
//! }
//! ```

    clippy::cast_sign_loss, clippy::cast_possible_wrap, // Simple `as` conversions that will not fail.
    clippy::unused_self, // Speaker needs to take self to keep thread safe.

use std::{
    io::{Write, Read}, os::unix::prelude::{FromRawFd, AsRawFd},

use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use zstr::zstr;

pub use espeakng_sys as bindings;

mod error;
mod utils;
mod structs;

pub use error::{Error, ESpeakNgError};
pub use structs::*;

use error::handle_error;

use crate::utils::StringFromCPtr;

pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
type AudioBuffer = Mutex<Vec<i16>>;

static SPEAKER: OnceCell<Mutex<Speaker>> = OnceCell::new();

/// Initialise the internal espeak-ng library. If already initialised, that [Speaker] is returned.
/// # Errors
/// If any initialisation steps fail, such as initialising `espeakNG` and setting the default voice. 
pub fn initialise(voice_path: Option<&str>) -> Result<&'static Mutex<Speaker>> {
    SPEAKER.get_or_try_init(|| {

/// Gets the currently initialised [Speaker]. If not set, none is returned.
pub fn get() -> Option<&'static Mutex<Speaker>> {

pub struct Speaker {
    _marker: PhantomData<std::cell::Cell<()>>

impl Speaker {
    pub const DEFAULT_VOICE: &'static str = "gmw/en";

    fn initialise(voice_path: Option<&str>) -> Result<Self> {
        unsafe extern "C" fn synth_callback(wav: *mut i16, sample_count: i32, events: *mut bindings::espeak_EVENT) -> i32 {
            match std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {
                if wav.is_null() || sample_count == 0 {
                    return 0
                let mut new_ptr = events;
                // Loop through this C event until the terminate event, as this contains the pointer to the audio buffer
                let terminate_event = loop {
                    let event = unsafe {*new_ptr};
                    if event.type_ != bindings::espeak_EVENT_TYPE_espeakEVENT_LIST_TERMINATED {
                        break event
                    new_ptr = unsafe {new_ptr.add(1)};

                unsafe {
                    if let Some(audio_buffer) = *(terminate_event.user_data as *const Option<&AudioBuffer>) {
                        let wav_slice: &[i16] = std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(wav, sample_count as usize);

            }) {
                Ok(ret) => ret,
                Err(err) => {
                    eprintln!("Panic during Rust -> C -> Rust callback: {:?}", err);

        let voice_path =;
        unsafe {
            bindings::espeak_ng_InitializePath(match voice_path {
                Some(path) => path.as_ptr(),
                None => std::ptr::null()

            handle_error(bindings::espeak_ng_InitializeOutput(1, 0, std::ptr::null()))?;

        let mut self_ = Self {_marker: PhantomData};

    /// Fetch and clone the currently set voice.
    #[must_use] pub fn get_current_voice(&self) -> Voice {
        unsafe {
                .map(|ptr| Voice::from(*ptr.as_ptr()))
                .expect("Voice has somehow been unset!")

    /// Fetch the espeak voices currently installed.
    #[must_use] pub fn get_voices() -> Vec<Voice> {
        let mut array = unsafe {bindings::espeak_ListVoices(std::ptr::null_mut())};
        let mut buf = Vec::new();

        unsafe {loop {
            let next =;

            if next.is_null() {
                break buf

            array = array.add(1);

    /// Set the voice for future espeak calls.
    /// # Errors
    /// See [`Speaker::set_voice_raw`]
    pub fn set_voice(&mut self, voice: &Voice) -> Result<()> {

    /// Set the voice for future espeak calls based on the filename
    /// # Errors
    /// [`ESpeakNgError::VoiceNotFound`]
    pub fn set_voice_raw(&mut self, filename: &str) -> Result<()> {
        let mbrola_voice = filename.starts_with("mb/");

        // We have to do our own VoiceNotFound check as espeakNG seems to internally fail at that.
        if mbrola_voice {
            let mut voice_path = Self::info().1;
            voice_path.push(format!("voices/{}", filename));
            if !voice_path.exists() {
                return Err(Error::ESpeakNg(ESpeakNgError::VoiceNotFound))

        let name_null_term = utils::null_term(filename);
        if mbrola_voice {
            // Now we are sure the voice is set, we can loop until espeakNG shuts up.
            while let Err(err) = handle_error(unsafe {bindings::espeak_ng_SetVoiceByName(name_null_term.as_ptr())}) {
                if let Error::ESpeakNg(espeak_err) = err {
                    if espeak_err == ESpeakNgError::VoiceNotFound {

                return Err(err)
        } else {
            handle_error(unsafe {bindings::espeak_ng_SetVoiceByName(name_null_term.as_ptr())})?;


    /// Get the value of either the currently set or default value of a settings parameter.
    pub fn get_parameter(&mut self, param: Parameter, default: bool) -> i32 {
        unsafe {bindings::espeak_GetParameter(
            param as u32,

    /// Set a settings parameter for future espeak calls.
    /// # Errors
    /// - If a value out of range of the parameter is passed.
    /// - If the internal C call fails.
    pub fn set_parameter(&mut self, param: Parameter, new_value: i32, relative: bool) -> Result<()> {
        handle_error(unsafe {
                param as u32,

    /// Get the version string and voice path of the internal C library.
    #[must_use] pub fn info() -> (String, std::path::PathBuf) {
        let mut c_voice_path: *const i8 = std::ptr::null();

        unsafe {
            let version_string = bindings::espeak_Info((&mut c_voice_path) as *mut *const i8);


    fn _synthesize(&mut self, text: &str, user_data: Option<&AudioBuffer>) -> Result<()> {
        let text_nul_term = utils::null_term(text);

        handle_error (unsafe {
                text_nul_term.len() as u64,
                (&|ud| ud as *const _) as *const _) as *mut std::ffi::c_void

        // Wait until TTS has finished being generated, could be made concurrent but global state....
        handle_error(unsafe {bindings::espeak_ng_Synchronize()})?;


    /// Processes the given text into WAV audio data.
    /// # Errors
    /// If the internal espeak synthesis fails, see [`ESpeakNgError`]
    pub fn synthesize(&mut self, text: &str) -> Result<Vec<i16>> {        
        let audio_buffer: AudioBuffer = Mutex::new(Vec::<i16>::new());
        self._synthesize(text, Some(&audio_buffer))?;

    /// Processes the given text into WAV audio data and writes it to a given file.
    /// This handles the `Vec<i16>` to `Vec<u8>` conversion internally.
    /// # Errors
    /// See [`Speaker::synthesize`] + the file writing failed.
    pub fn synthesize_to_file(&mut self, file: &mut std::fs::File, text: &str) -> Result<()> {
        let audio_data_i16 = self.synthesize(text)?;

        let audio_data: Vec<u8> = audio_data_i16.into_iter().flat_map(i16::to_le_bytes).collect();

    /// Processes the given text into phonemes, depending on which [`PhonemeGenOptions`] are passed.
    /// This will only return [None] if [`PhonemeGenOptions::MbrolaFile`] is passed.
    /// # Errors
    /// If [`PhonemeGenOptions::Mbrola`] or [`PhonemeGenOptions::MbrolaFile`] is passed, internal C calls may fail. 
    pub fn text_to_phonemes(&mut self, text: &str, option: PhonemeGenOptions) -> Result<Option<String>> {
        let file = match option {
            PhonemeGenOptions::MbrolaFile(file) => Some(file),
            _ => None

        match option {
            PhonemeGenOptions::Standard => Ok(Some(self.text_to_phonemes_standard(text))),
            PhonemeGenOptions::Mbrola | PhonemeGenOptions::MbrolaFile(_) => self.text_to_phonemes_mbrola(text, file),

    fn text_to_phonemes_standard(&mut self, text: &str) -> String {
        let text_nul_term = utils::null_term(text);

        let output = unsafe {
                &mut text_nul_term.as_ptr().cast() as *mut *const std::ffi::c_void,
                bindings::espeakCHARS_UTF8 as i32,


    fn text_to_phonemes_mbrola(&mut self, text: &str, file: Option<&dyn AsRawFd>) -> Result<Option<String>> {
        if !self.get_current_voice().filename.starts_with("mb/") {
            return Err(Error::MbrolaWithoutMbrolaVoice)  

        // If file is not passed, generate a fake FD to store the data in 
        let raw_file_fd = match file {
            Some(file) => file.as_raw_fd(),
            None => unsafe {libc::memfd_create(zstr!("").as_ptr(), 0)}

        // Generate fake C File from this FD
        let raw_file = unsafe {
            let raw_file_ptr = bindings::fdopen(raw_file_fd, zstr!("w+").as_ptr());
                .ok_or_else(|| Error::OtherC(Some(errno::errno())))?

        // Set the phoneme output to the stream
        unsafe {bindings::espeak_SetPhonemeTrace(
            bindings::espeakPHONEMES_MBROLA as i32,

        // Generate TTS, this will populate the phoneme trace
        let result = self._synthesize(text, None);

        // Reset the phoneme trace back to stdout, to avoid side effects
        unsafe {bindings::espeak_SetPhonemeTrace(0, std::ptr::null_mut())};

        if file.is_none() {
            let mut file = unsafe {
                // Seek to the start of the fake_file, now it has been written to
                bindings::fseek(raw_file.as_ptr(), 0, 0);

                // Transfer FD ownership from C to Rust
                let dup_fd = libc::dup(raw_file_fd);

                // SAFETY: ^ must have just occured

            // Now handle possible errors, as we can return without leak.

            let mut buf = Vec::new();
            file.read_to_end(&mut buf)?;
        } else {
            // Data has been written to the file passed in, close the C version of the file.
            unsafe {bindings::fclose(raw_file.as_ptr())};
            // Now handle possible errors, and if successful get rid of any return value. 
  |_| None)

impl Drop for Speaker {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {bindings::espeak_ng_Terminate()};